Sentences with phrase «one's test subjects»

Some studies are conducted with just a handful of test subjects of the same breed.
Children are used as test subjects in this story.
Thus, we find ourselves acting as test subjects for a new generation of speakers that listen as well as they sound.
The volunteers could recognize sad faces and angry ones with the same accuracy as test subjects who did not have pens in their mouths.
First, they provided test subjects with a questionnaire in the form of an online quiz.
[A] In the figure below the B curve represents the creatine concentration in the blood of test subjects who only took creatine.
The human test subjects took creatine for three months and their kidney functions did not decline.
Researchers knew that when test subjects are exposed to social stress, their bodies respond with increases in inflammation.
A recent report evaluated the potential long - term health effects in these former test subjects from their exposures.
The first test subject in the table gained three kilograms of muscle and lost five kilograms of fat in just under six months.
Get to the heart of the matter by A / B testing your subject lines to figure out what's playing well with your recipient list.
With other test subjects, the psychologists used concrete and abstract concepts instead of positive and negative ones — and the effect was not observed in this case.
These five members of the leadership team then divided up the core tested subject area teachers and established coaching relationships with them.
Japanese researchers found that after viewing images of cute animals, test subjects performed at a higher level when given a specific task to complete.
Further tests showed similarly impressive results, including in healthy test subjects.
Work with employees regularly to ensure things will run smooth in the case of an emergency, and have a loyal customer and vendor you can use as test subjects during those drills.
Test subjects wear 3D glasses similar to those worn in the cinema.
Because the rules aren't always rational, researchers thought they would be exposed in situations where test subjects were led to make mistakes.
Test subject number three gained more than five kilograms of lean body mass in ten weeks and gained a small amount of fat.
A human test subject suffers a series of unfortunate accidents while trying to live his life.
Teaching a core tested subject like middle school math in the challenging environment of urban public schools is a high - stakes game.
This has been backed up by a recent study, which found test subjects low on sleep wanted 600 calories more food than those who had a full night's sleep!
As such, mice carrying human tumors can help identify drivers of tumor growth and serve as excellent test subjects for investigating new drugs.
Monitor test subjects and experiments, evaluate all findings, develop conclusions and perform follow - up experiments.
Though former test subjects can be challenging pets (at least at first), they welcome the chance to share their love in a new home.
This legislation would ensure that dog and cat testing subjects be afforded the opportunity to live out their lives in loving homes.
An interactive virtual classroom experience that delivers engaging online live instruction on ACT test subjects.
I wanted to try it, but had a very suspicious test subject - my husband.
The most important experiment is the one you do on your own test subject: your baby.
In other labs, some intriguing differences between male and female mice test subjects have already begun to emerge.
Their statement is based on the results of a comparative study of different types of therapy carried out with adult test subjects.
It's true: In the science community, rodents are definitely the most common test subject.
In one study, obese test subjects were given a low - carb ketogenic diet and a low - fat diet.
The second section is on mice which, while decent test subjects, are obviously not identical to humans.
In one research project scientist found that a hot bath 90 minutes before bed helped test subjects to enjoy greater amounts of deep, restorative sleep.
When researchers put test subjects in environments without clocks or windows and ask them to sleep any time they feel tired, 95 percent sleep between seven and eight hours out of every 24.
This person would pose as the student, and the true test subject would be the teacher.
A third group of test subjects got access to a fitness center, but then had to figure out for themselves what to do there.
I'm sure that at some point I'll be forced to use test subjects for my research, but until then I will burn this body of mine until I can not stand.
In some studies, test subjects with the highest cortisol (and stress) levels lost the most weight.
When I listen to some charter network leaders talk about their models, they often openly state that they spend disproportionate amounts of the school day on tested subjects (English and math).
Email analytics involves looking at the performance of the email campaigns, split - testing subject lines, designs, offers, and looking at open rates, click through rates.
Human test subjects asked to evaluate authentic and automated appraisals were unable to distinguish between the two.
People answer «free to good home» ads for all kinds of illicit reasons: free snake food, dog fighting bait, for sale to laboratory as test subjects.
An interactive classroom experience with live, online instruction on ACT test subjects, at an accessible price.
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