Sentences with phrase «one's time on earth»

I was faced with a hard truth: we were not promised any amount of time on this earth.
However, this family is no longer able to earn and has a statistically shorter time on this earth.
And by the time their birthday comes around, they will have finally spent more time on earth than they have in the womb.
It's our vehicle to experiencing the best time on earth and feeling awesome.
There is no shame is declining; we all have to pick our own intellectual engagements since we all have a very short finite time on earth.
As a practical proposition, that means, if I enjoy normal life expectancy, this case will consume the bulk of my remaining time on earth.
In which case all of that praying and believing will have done you no good; indeed, you will have wasted much of your precious time on earth.
And that kind of freedom is the best way I know to spend your one breathtaking time on this earth.
But that was done physically at a particular time on earth.
This is still the greatest time on earth to be a writer.
The people who you ask for money likely spent their finite time on this earth earning what you are asking for.
If sinners are doomed to an eternity in hell, why does it matter what punishment they receive in their brief period of time on earth?
It is a longing never mentioned, I might add, by the generation of aspiring scientists and not at all the same as a desire simply for more time on earth.
Many folks, including your humble correspondent, feel that this is by far the best time on earth to be a writer.
We would do anything for their sake, from comforting them after they suffered an «attack» from the vicious vacuum to taking on hefty vet bills if it means they get to spend more time on this earth with us.
He added: «Many would prefer to live it up for a short time on earth in hope that there is no hell to suffer in the afterlife.
If we all realized that we have limited time on Earth then we would not spend our time hating each other.
If there's a 1 % chance that it is 100 % true, even the most fervent rationalizing atheist would have to use logic to say «Well, if it is true and my short time on this earth ends... I'm screwed».
Whatever we believe about a continued existence metaphysically, when we die, our body's time on Earth comes to an end.
The first film I saw by Refn was Valhalla Rising, an expressionistic telling of the Odin myth — the part where he spent time on Earth (went missing, basically) before returning — that touches on the scourge of Christianity and how that relates to feeling lost, or losing what you believe in.
In him, for the first time on earth, consciousness has coiled back upon itself to become thought.
We humans have descended from organisms that adapted to living in a prokaryotic world, and we humans retain (conserved in evolutionary terms) in our Eukaraotic mitochondria the cellular machinery to power our cells that we inherited (i.e., Endosymbiosis) from the prokaryotes of deep time on earth.
During Jesus time on the earth, there were wicked individuals, such as King Herod who had John the Baptist beheaded.
Jesus, the whole time on this earth, tried to instill patience, tolerance, and love.
Don't save your raisins and nuts for Sunday because Saturday night is your last time on earth... (that's metaphorically speaking... I'm not saying Sat.
There, clocks are set one hour ahead of their physical time zone: that is an advanced clock, not an uncommon option for local time on Earth.
Three years in the studio, three years of the physical body moving through time on earth, three years of hearing news posturing global environmental, social, and political gloom.
And when Jews of Jesus» time on earth tried to exorcise without authority, the demons beat them to a pulp.
Howland and Baker Islands are technically have the latest times on earth, but are both uninhabited.
I learned how the scientific method worked, and read the enormous amount of data that confirmed by scientific methodology that evolution is how life came to be and changed over time on Earth.
And guess what, there are more people who are Christians right now than at any previous time on earth!
Why are you wasting your precious time on earth posting on a forum to those who don't believe you no matter what you spew?
Asceticism means, in essence, to live at the same time on earth and in heaven.
But since we both have such a short amount of time on this Earth how about we live it based upon the truth.
Religion not only allows people to waste their precious time on this earth waiting for happiness in an «afterlife» that doesn't exist, but it inspires people to commit acts of atrocity upon each other while justifying their actions with bible quotes.
I don't think God wants us spending one minute of our fleeting time on this Earth focusing on «the End.»
Hell will not be as hot for them since they will have less time on Earth to indulge their wicked topless and Islamic ways.
«If life is easy to make and is widespread, then it should have happened many times on Earth,» Davies says.
My own time on this Earth is short, so I was blunt with Marsden.
This enables us to look deeply into ancient times on Earth.
These new findings will help to better identify microfossils in the rock record, especially at a critical time on Earth when oxygen started to be an important component of the atmosphere.
I find this history of wild times on Earth fascinating.
From my relatively short time on the earth thus far, I can say that those are the things that leave me feeling at peace and fulfilled... the times and relationships where love is not just an emotion but a self - giving choice.
If we were to use our energy too fast, we would dwindle away and spend our short time on Earth searching, in panic, for food.
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