Sentences with phrase «one's torso»

Babies need to develop head control and a reasonable amount of torso control before they can safely (and comfortably) use these play centers.
Side air bags, a relatively new technology designed to protect the head and / or torso in side - impact collisions, are becoming increasingly common in automobiles.
Whenever I wear a dress, I tend to wear platform heels to balance out my height, since I have a long torso with short legs.
I think alot of it is to do with torso length.
Beginning with 2014 models, the side curtain and side torso airbags as well as the front seat structure were modified to improve occupant protection in side impact crashes.
Sit back, leading with your glutes and maintaining an upright torso as if you were about to sit down on a bench.
Slowly curl the weight upwards, bringing your upper torso forward to a vertical position and activating the belly of your biceps.
From this starting position, simultaneously jump the bent forward leg back and the back leg forward, and continue jumping legs back and forth while keeping torso of body as straight as possible.
I actually have long legs and a very short torso so I try to balance the cropped leg with a longer top and heels.
Turn your pelvis slightly to the right (so the left hip point comes forward of the right), but turn your upper torso back to the left.
The side curtain and side torso airbags on both sides of the vehicle deployed during the crash.
Twist torso to left, lifting left hand toward ceiling.
Allow your knees to drop loosely, taking your hips and lower torso with them into a simple spinal twist.
He has the upper torso of nobody special, of any 34 - year - old man.
I have a really long torso so it key riding down & was very uncomfortable.
Side - impact airbags for torso protection are optional for the backseat.
I definitely miss our chats too — and I will always keep an eye out for amazing dresses I can't squeeze my long torso into!
-- Raise up your whole torso until you are in a sitting position.
Seat - mounted torso airbags for front seat occupants became standard beginning with 2014 models (they had been optional in earlier models).
It works on the lower belly, thighs, and upper torso at the same time.
From the full pose, lean forward and lay the front torso down on the inner top thigh.
Bring your body to a «V» shape by lifting your legs and torso toward each other, keeping both your legs straight and your arms extended.
Making sure «the girls» are supported as much possible, can really make for a longer and leaner torso.
Start the dips in top position by grabbing the bars and supporting yourself above the floor with your arms straight and torso slightly bent forward.
The pack's torso length adjusts easily, with a handy embroidered size label to use as an approximate guide.
As with all standing balancing poses, you can use a wall to brace and support your back torso while you're learning to balance.
Standing up with torso straight and very small inclination forward, bring your arms up to 90 degrees.
The included support pillow lifts baby's upper torso off the ground a bit for tummy time.
Because there is so much fabric, you can spread the weight of the baby over nearly your entire torso by spreading out the fabric once he's in it.
Keep your back relaxed, keep your hips on the floor and push your upper torso up as far as you can comfortably with your hips staying comfortably on the floor.
In that test the safety belt let the dummy's torso move too far forward, allowing the dummy's head to strike the steering wheel hard through the airbag.
If you feel stiffness of the leg, waist or torso muscles while doing this, then perform this posture very slowly with slow and deep breathing.
Get into high plank position with hands on floor, arms straight, and lower your upper torso down to the ground and then push yourself back up to start position.
Continue to lift by curling the pelvis and then the back torso away from the floor, so that your knees come toward your face.
Now stand and rotate the entire torso as far as possible to the left, swinging the weight to the outside of the left shoulder.
Keeping your chest up, back straight and torso stationary, row the weight up and concentrate on squeezing the back muscles.
Although my legs appear 20 % better now from when I began that routine, my upper torso looks much too thin (visible rib cage).
Now the right hand being on the right thigh, sit keeping your upper torso tall and the lower abs should support the lower back.
When not feeding, hold baby with his bare torso against your skin, and stay that way as much as possible.
Then, if you have the flexibility, bring the front torso closer to the top of the thigh, but don't round forward from the waist to do this.
Slowly, let the ball roll back until you are now lying back on the ball with your thighs and torso parallel with the floor.
If you have a longer torso like I do, avoid the shorter version of the tunic.
The creatures are as thick as a human torso and can grow up to a length of 56 feet.
As the bar hits the knees, use your glutes to lock into a straight torso position.
In these cases, it is the lower torso area.
The sleeves are loose fitting down to the wide cuffs which is in stark contrast to the more form fitting torso.
It covers your whole torso which helps to smooth out your pregnant or postpartum body — making you feel confident and beautiful.

Phrases with «one's torso»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z