Sentences with phrase «one's tropes»

When designing a kids room, it is easy to slip into the old tropes of blue, pink, and yellow.
There are plenty of tropes in independent cinema that can make any film festival a trying experience from time to time.
The story follows these small tropes as they, for various reasons, oppose to the expansion of the evil atheist empire.
Can The Host successfully combine teen tropes with science fiction conventions?
It is a refreshing twist on classic horror tropes, and one that consistently pays dividends.
Both films try to make something fresh out of familiar tropes, but only one of them is more successful at doing so than the other.
It's interesting to ponder, but it never evolves into anything meaningful and it's buried under a lot of heavy exposition, robotic dialogue, and horror movie tropes.
The gameplay features a mesh of tropes from some of this generation's most popular franchises, and is entertaining, but repetitive towards the final few hours.
There's a lot of genre tropes in there.
Is your story idea unique enough to stand out in the marketplace while still delivering on tropes readers of your genre expect?
Some of it is a matter of old tropes given new emotional depth: the old, old story of the monster and the girl.
Being the sole savior of the world is one of the most common tropes in video games.
This information, plus knowing the associated tropes for your genre, can save you months, and even years of revision time.
In ways that are subtle and unexpected, Raw Solutions makes tired tropes feel fresh and exciting.
Most of the first minister's statement consisted of the usual tropes about «rebalancing» the Scottish economy, strengthening democracy, achieving social justice, and so on.
Not only is it a scary bloody game, it catches so many classic horror game tropes, it definitely deserves to be counted as a genuine survival horror game.
They are combinations of images from my imagination, 1970's publications and print media, and visual tropes from art history.
It creates a solid premise with a new twist, characters you enjoy spending time with and borrows all the standard tropes in a loving way.
The indie studio that you run goes through the usual tropes of trying to kick off a successful television show.
Romance editors, quite rightly, seek books that will appeal to a broad segment of readers and these often draw on popular tropes.
Nothing groundbreaking or new, but it was a nice Card - based / RPG blend with all your usual fantasy tropes.
This body of work evolved to incorporate animals, domestic objects, and narrative tropes from classical mythology and folk tales.
Within her practice, transformations serve to disrupt dominant historical tropes and invite audiences to question narratives framed around objects.
Each of the character's personalities may be unique, but they're all traditional anime tropes.
I thought it was a genius approach to the typical western tropes.
The cumulative elements in the film also come across as a quilt, or collage of film tropes.
Not only does the game feature building mechanics, but it also features a lot of action RPG tropes.
It's actually a pretty entertaining story, and it has a lot of fun with long - standing conspiracy theories and old sci - fi tropes.
As for the characters, they are your standard fantasy character tropes and are rendered in that way.
This may simply be another set of cultural tropes that only feel fresh because I'm not as used to them.
They can be movies, or action tropes, or settings etc..
It's interesting that all of these books — both indie and traditionally published — hit the same tropes very hard.
The game introduces new game play elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city whilst expanding on some well - established tropes of the city building experience.
That being said, it isn't without its superhero tropes and issues.
It has some of my all - time favorite tropes and just does it for me every time.
The film is predictable and falls into certain tropes, but manages to remain utterly charming and heartfelt throughout.
And I do like the idea of a campaign based around the gameplay tropes of multiplayer.
The film falls frequently into common thriller tropes, but never feels stagnant and too familiar.
Short and sweet: This is a piece of video game history that touches on storytelling tropes that everyone interested in fiction should know.
Most romance tropes are pretty self - explanatory, but there are a couple worth explaining.
And all of it's told via generic comic book tropes, making the first hour a hike.
All of these are familiar story tropes in video games and beyond.
She challenges the strict formal tropes of miniature painting as well as its medium - based restrictions by experimenting with scale and media.
The benefit of following tropes is the reader gets a sense of the story immediately, but it's very easy to be overlooked as a new author.
When it comes to horror, it does not really matter as long as it does not fall into typical tropes, which this one does not.
Broken up into twenty - three micro exhibits or «chapters» the exhibition identifies and shows tropes from abstraction to video art.
While it offers familiar tropes when compared to other dungeon crawling rogue - likes, its unique style and interesting mechanics do just enough to make it stand out of the pack.
What kind of common gender tropes are in your favorite games?
The campaign has been given a shot in the arm too, although still follows similar tropes to previous games.
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