Sentences with phrase «one's violent actions»

Images of the letter, which contain a list of violent actions alongside points for performing them, have been shared widely online.
2 depends too heavily on violent action in its storyline and has lost some of the sincere charm of the first outing.
Nor is it possible to prevent occasions from arising which will provide plausible opportunities for violent action on the part of a state or a people that feels itself the victim of injustice.
He'd establish his ability to mix in quality acting, over-the-top violent action sequences and a wonderful soundtrack to create a new vibrant form to an old genre.
A high - intensity, uber violent action game with popping bright colours and a sweet soundtrack.
He set out to make a brutally violent action movie, and he succeeds.
And there are many more families who have lost loved ones in other violent actions seeking truth.
And the very, very violent action is top - notch.
Studies, meanwhile, have shown violent games can increase aggression, but have found no causal link between violent action and video game use.
For thousands of years, humanity has been prone to violent action without the suggestive content of video games.
Where this game thrives is its perfect mix of fast - paced violent action and movie - like cut scenes that are as much fun to watch as the game is to play.
The naked male and the naked female body performed violent actions questioning relevant issues of the era.
Anyway, joining a criminal organisation and conspiracy are crimes even before any actual violent action.
It's about thirty minutes of dark, comic - book style story padded with ninety minutes of recycled imagery and extended, violent action sequences.
Interesting that the BJP has done badly after a year in which it has spoken out and even been involved in violent action against women, particularly in trying to apply pressure on Indian women to wear certain types of clothing or acting independently.
FACT claimed that the Indianapolis ordinance perpetuated gender stereotypes by implying that women are helpless victims who don't enjoy sex and that men can not control their sexual urges and can be incited to violent action by the mere sight of pornography.
The director, McG, tries to juggle violent action scenes with sentimental father - daughter bonding scenes and they don't mix well.
He was earlier confronted with a more violent actions which led to an attack on his vehicle after he brought to the notice of persons present at the party's steering committee meeting, an application for interlocutory injunction.
The murder of 28 people in the 2012 shooting at a Newton, Conn. elementary school also prompted multiple movie studios to cancel premiere screenings of violent action films.
After all, he said, «Americans have stated their choice,» citing the poor, post-Newtown performance of such violent action flicks as Gangster Squad, Parker, Broken City, and Bullet to the Head.
While few would consider the drowning of Pharaoh's army one of the more violent actions of God in the Bible — for didn't Pharaoh bring this destruction upon himself?
Brain injuries may also be caused by near - drowning events in which the brain receives inadequate oxygen (hypoxia), or by carelessly violent actions such as shaking an infant (shaken baby syndrome).
I noticed some buzz for this film (which is part of the Directors Fortnight) over at Twitch and the trailer promised a slick, violent action thriller which would be a welcome change to the more ponderous offerings from the festival.
Before they know what happened, they're caged in an isolated church, where the activist pastor (Parks) explains why he's decided to take violent action against immoral society, which he blames on homosexuality.
Playing violent action adventure games for prolonged periods does not make adults more aggressive say researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and the University Clinic Hamburg - Eppendorf in Germany.
«Robin Hood» is a high - tech and well made violent action picture using the name of Robin Hood for no better reason than that it's an established brand not protected by copyright.
Worse, he and screenwriter Joe Carnahan seem to have gotten it in their heads that they were making a Shane Black film, given how Paul's increasingly violent actions become more slapstick.
Its existence provoked strange thoughts in our heads — just what are the most violent action films of all time?
Saying that Islam breeds backwards cultures and violent actions does not insult individual Muslims, it insults the religion of Islam, and frankly there is nothing wrong with doing so.
Violent actions involving cartoon - like situations and characters.
We will continue to support these spiritual rides for outreach and education in the upcoming year, and to aggregate resources to support Indigenous organizers like Owe Aku, who continue to organize Moccasins on the Ground non violent action trainings in Lakota country.
I have been asked some great questions regarding sneezing and coughing and the pressure these sometimes violent actions can put on our pelvic floor.
«Use this Web form to report content posted by or in support of a terrorist organization that depicts graphic violence, encourages violent action, endorses a terrorist organization or its acts, or encourages people to join such groups,» the instructions read.
We use God's name to justify our own violent actions toward people we perceive as enemies.
This is an embarrassment to the people of America and they should demand the President come down hard on individuals in future violent actions when the «mob rules».
Playing violent action adventure games for prolonged periods does not make adults more aggressive say researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and the University Clinic Hamburg - Eppendorf in Germany.
The film often feels at war with its PG - 13 rating, especially with so much violent action that's been tamped down and minimized.
From Tomonobu Itagaki, creator of Ninja Gaiden and Jiggly Ninja Girls Galore — I mean — Dead or Alive, and his studio, Valhalla Game Studios, the apparently hyper - violent action shooter has had a rocky time getting made.
Blast through enemies and destroy the evil clown in this deliciously violent action platformer Move with the arrows, jump with S, and shoot with A.
By focusing on the effects of one man's violent actions on his psyche as much as the actions themselves, Ramsay gives us a laser - focused thriller closer to Herman Melville than the usual Hollywood fare, where the character takes centre stage.
«A police presence would likely discourage tendencies toward violent action at any and all of our polling places.»
A.D. 570 Images of the letter, which contain a list of violent actions alongside points for performing them, have been shared widely online.
It doesn't kill the film, because by this point we have already been entertained enough to allow for the formula indulgences of the genre, and also Badham's skill at directing violent action.
Two days after the May report, the Pentagon told Congress, in a report required by law, that the «appeal and motivation for continued violent action will begin to wane in early 2007.»
Jesus expresses anger and moral resistance to wrongdoing, forbidding only violent actions.
It also declares that «several violent actions motivated by religious intolerance against non-Catholics have been committed» in Bolivia» giving as its only example a stoning incident from 1949 that was, according to «some witnesses» left unnamed in a local newspaper account, instigated by a Catholic priest.
When it comes to the violence of God in the Old Testament, one of the primary areas of concern is not only with God's apparent violent actions in Scripture, but what God commands Israel to violently do in His name.
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