Sentences with phrase «organic varieties»

You can reduce pesticides in your diet by either avoiding these so called «dirty dozen» fruits and vegetables or by prioritizing the purchase of organic varieties of these 12 over others.
Don't limit your organic products to food alone — look for organic varieties of body care products and clothing as well.
Buy organic varieties of these crops if you want to avoid genetically modified produce.
Be specifically vigilant about only choosing organic varieties of popcorn and corn.
In our assortment, you'll find unique potato seeds, including organic varieties.
We strive to offer as many organic varieties as possible, and hope to one day offer only organic seeds.
To avoid contamination issues, I recommend looking for fair traded organic varieties.
You can find organic varieties of condensed tomato soup, if you prefer that option.
When buying nut and seed butters try to seek out the raw, organic variety with no added oils or sugar.
I love, too, that they offer a fully - vegan organic variety of their peanut butter, which tastes just as wonderful.
If you go the tofu route, it's really important that you eat organic varieties only, otherwise you have a whole other set of problems on your hands.
Serve organic varieties to reduce her exposure to dangerous chemicals.
Conventional herbs and spices are generally very highly sprayed, so always seek out and buy organic varieties.
Naturally, it would be best to choose organic varieties to avoid unwanted exposure to toxic chemicals — used in the growing process of most commercial brands.
To avoid contamination issues, I recommend looking for fair traded organic varieties.
Try to find organic varieties of each ingredient - and of course raw!
More and more wineries offer organic varieties to lower their eco-footprints.
Extra Grainy is similar to a couple organic varieties in their texture and use of seeds.»
Even if you can't afford to shop and eat organic exclusively, you might consider splurging on organic varieties of certain key fruits and vegetables.
When using pre-cooked items like this, I prefer using organic varieties without salt so I have more control over my flavors.»
I just use the puréed organic variety of plain pumpkin in Tetra - paks or cans by Farmer's Market.
He uses only organic varieties, including cherry and several heirloom varieties.
The Cokato facility also produces canned soups, including several organic varieties.
But they are looking for the taste experience you can find in a number of organic varieties currently on the market.»
B.B.U. organic - style bread In introducing its new line of Extra Grainy bread, Bimbo Bakeries USA is targeting consumers attracted to richly textured, super premium bread but deterred by prices charged for popular organic varieties, said Jim Morris, director, premium bread, Bimbo Bakeries USA.
There are five certified organic varieties in this line (update: as of 2011, after being acquired by Smuckers, there are only three in the line, neither is Rainforest Alliance certified).
In a study testing the levels of lycopene in different - colored ketchups, it was inadvertently found that organic varieties deliver up to three times as much of the cancer - fighting carotenoid as non-organic brands!
Choose ORGANIC varieties grown in a dry regions where aflatoxin have not been reported as a problem, such as New Mexico.
Grown in the United States, these new organic varieties offer families a healthy complement to meals, in addition to providing value when it comes to size, price and versatility.
Some of my goals on my return to Australia will be to set up an organic research farm where growers and researchers can test ideas that will be beneficial to the greater industry, and to work with seed breeders and researchers to develop organic varieties of fruits and vegetables specific to the Australian climate and conditions.
When considering any chocolate, a dark, organic variety at higher than 70 % -85 % cocoa is really the only option on the table.
At least that's what a recent study out of the U.K. suggests, claiming that organic varieties leave our little ones at a deficit, even well before they begin drinking the stuff.
After ripping up plots of genetically altered corn, wheat, or potatoes, they sometimes planted organic varieties, calling it a «corn exchange program.»
(of course, we're talking about organic varieties only — without the chemicals)
Make sure it is organic as it may have less flouride, than it's non organic varieties.
Antioxidants are found in abundance in fruits and vegetables, particularly organic varieties.
I particularly like to shop at farmer's markets where I can choose from heirloom organic varieties and learn from the vendors about their products.
Look to buy organic varieties without preservatives.
I have recently become quite enamored with kale lately as I have a wide selection of organic varieties available locally.
I just use the puréed organic variety of plain pumpkin in Tetra - paks or cans by Farmer's Market.
Those ancestors didn't have livestock or crops to call their own, so Cordain advises to go with grass - fed and organic varieties whenever possible to limit exposure to pesticides, antibiotics, and other chemicals that didn't exist back then.
We make a weekly trip to Coscto for organic varieties of salad greens, frozen and fresh berries, salsa, tomato sauce, lemon juice, frozen broccoli, frozen green beans, apples and carrots as well other organic non-produce items.
While there are many healthy pre-made options on the market today, including organic varieties, I wanted to know exactly what was going into my son's body.
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