Sentences with phrase «other leadership»

In most other leadership positions we recognize the value of direct experience working in the position you will lead but the president can just jump in and start breaking stuff.
My career has included management and other leadership roles in engineering and manufacturing environments.
Overall, taking a fresh look at your executive resume — and comparing it to documents used by other leadership candidates — can be a valuable exercise.
Strong, sustainable district - program partnerships allow districts to take an active role in defining their leadership needs, setting expectations for the program, and aligning preparation with other leadership initiatives.
Published regular market and economic commentary and conducting periodic training sessions - presenting research results to executive leadership and other leadership groups.
Get involved in farm and science clubs as well as other leadership activities.
Other leadership responsibilities included positions on several committees and teams.
Do you have an up - to - date, executive - level resume that addresses all aspects of your supervisory or other leadership experience?
A great place to start is your local chamber of commerce and other leadership organizations.
And other leadership threats seem to be fading too.
It's key that broker - owners hold office managers and other leadership accountable for communicating the corporate culture and living the organization's values, he adds.
Minimum qualifications are six months of work experience as an aide, assistant or other leadership position with youth in a recognized program.
Are you a senior executive seeking an appointment or other leadership opportunities?
Since that time, she has served two terms as CPBR president and in a variety of other leadership roles.
That includes other leadership contenders Theresa May and Boris Johnson who, so far, are keeping their cards very close to their chests.
Charter school principals should ensure they have succession plans in place and take time to mentor their future replacements and other leadership team members.
Ahern Background: Ahern held other leadership positions before he was elected president.
Brian has served in other leadership positions in the firm and in the community.
In each case, the senators served as vice chairs, while the actual chairpeople — all of whom are Republicans — received larger stipends for other leadership roles.
She's a national officer for trade union Prospect and voted for Ed Balls in the leadership election, but quoted support from other leadership candidates (not including Dianne Abbott).
We also host visiting scholars, infuse technology leadership into other leadership programs, and work with other universities to build their courses and programs.
Longevity can mean ensuring highly effective staff advance to other leadership posts within the district guaranteeing that the district work continues to strengthen.
Among other leadership roles, she is Arizona's Core Advocate State Captain for Student Achievement Partners and a Teacher Champion Fellow for the Collaborative for Student Success.
Immelt, who served in various other leadership roles at GE before CEO, led the company for 16 years until the latter half of 2017.
This workshop is aimed at direct service staff interested in learning how to best work with other leadership styles to co-facilitate activities and curriculum.
Your SES application package's content will articulate that you are an executive with the ability to lead, direct, administer, create, innovate, negotiate, set policy, and initiate new programs, as well as that you possess other leadership skills required at the SES level.
Your content will articulate that you are an executive with the ability to lead, direct, create, innovate, negotiate, set policy, and initiative new programs, and possess other leadership skills that are required at the SES level.
Executive services for resume format dwells more on strategic, partnership, relationship, and other leadership qualities.
So what other leadership lessons can be drawn from that 30 - second moment of catharsis on television?
One that's also recommended by Mark Zuckerberg, Sir Richard Branson and tons of other leadership icons — simply reading a lot.
More bracing still, other leadership surveys over the past dozen years have consistently concluded the same.
Nov. 8's other leadership race quitter also happened to be a centrist woman from Calgary, but Donna Kennedy - Glans has strived to distance herself from Jansen's experience.
Where other cities, under other leadership, might have collapsed after a 9 — 11 - type attack — and the economic downturn that followed it — New York is strong because of Mike Bloomberg.
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the South - South, said it would partner other leadership of the party in other zones to produce credible candidate for 2019...
Unlike other leadership posts, which are selected by secret ballot in the respective caucuses, the entire House must vote for the speaker in early January.
The Parthenon Group market research study found that few other leadership development models provided comprehensive in - field support through mentoring, assessment, community support, job placement, and professional development.
Other leadership actions that nurture school turnarounds include (1) sending a clear signal that dramatic change is urgently needed, (2) maintaining a consistent focus on improving instruction, (3) making visible improvements quickly, and (4) building a staff that is committed to the school's improvement goals.
In Buffalo we helped design the curriculum for an Assistant Principal Academy and provided strategic consulting about other leadership development initiatives.
Lao Tzu provided this simple wisdom, along with other leadership tips, over 500 years before the birth of Christ.
K - 12 teachers also need to become the chairpersons of committees and play other leadership roles here and at the affiliate level.
This ensures that GCPS has the talent pipeline needed to fill assistant principal, principal, and other leadership vacancies with well - prepared and effective school leaders.
She has taught K - 12 English online, coordinated Title I after - school tutoring programs, served as a reading intervention teacher, helped plan & facilitate advisory programs, developed curriculum, supported teachers as an instructional coach, and served in several other leadership capacities.
Amid a flurry of other leadership shuffles that were formalized during the board meeting, members also approved the appointment of Alison Perkins - Cohen, as Santelises» second - in - command.
Other leadership efforts supported by Title II, Part A funds in Tennessee include the following:

Phrases with «other leadership»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z