Sentences with phrase «out of blood vessels»

This leads to a «back - up» of blood in the lungs, which can result in fluid leaking out of blood vessels and accumulating in lung tissue, resulting in cough.
Ferumoxytol leaks out of blood vessels in areas of inflammation and is taken up by immune cells called macrophages, which congregate at sites of inflammation.
Chelation supports arterial function by binding calcium and toxic metals out of blood vessel walls in order to treat atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), a condition leading to obstructions to blood flow and an increase in risk of stroke, blood clots and heart disease.
The mechanism presents a potential new target to treat acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), an often fatal condition in which fluid leaks out of blood vessels into the lungs.
Compared with unheated mice, the animals with the faux fever had twice as many white blood cells migrating out of the blood vessels and into the lymph tissue that lines the skin and gut, which is where they need to be to attack incoming pathogens.
When veins are not able to carry enough blood between feet and heart your feet and ankles become swollen as blood accumulates in legs, forcing water out of blood vessels and into the surrounding tissue.
«If you laid out all of the blood vessels in your brain end - to - end, they would stretch halfway to the moon (about 120,000 miles).»
They designed an experiment to examine permeability, and found that the presence of saliva allowed markers to leak out of the blood vessels at the injection site and into the surrounding tissue in the ear.
White blood cell squeezing through endothelial cells (grey) on its way out of the blood vessel walls.
To test this idea, the researchers performed another round of scans on two subjects after first injecting them with a second dye made up of larger molecules that leak much less out of blood vessels.
When the body wards off an infection, it is initially various types of scavenger cells, so - called phagocytes, which migrate successively out of the blood vessels and into the tissue, to the inflammation centre.
Parish's team has found that the movement of leucocyctes out of the blood vessel is also disrupted by castanospermine, an alkaloid found in the seeds of the native Australian legume Castanospermine australe.
Dr. Ley and team focused on how neutrophils attach to the blood vessel wall, rather than their migration out of the blood vessel.
HDL - high density lipoprotein, which is cardio - protective for men and women because it helps transfer cholesterol out of blood vessel walls back to the liver for other uses.
-- Deficiency of albumin (protein that is made by the liver) in your blood as water leaks out of blood vessels more easily when there isn't enough of this protein.
This overloads the atrium and causes fluid to leak out of the blood vessels into the lungs (known as pulmonary oedema).
By masking JAM - C, H225 was able to prevent the cells from migrating out of the blood vessels.
The dye molecules are small enough to leak out of blood vessels in the dura but too big to pass through the blood - brain barrier and enter other parts of the brain.
The clinical signs occur when the pressure in the enlarged heart chambers cause fluid to leak out of the blood vessels into the lungs (called pulmonary edema or «water on the lungs») and sometimes the belly (ascites).
The results suggested that the dye leaked out of the blood vessels, flowed through the dura and into neighboring lymphatic vessels.
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