Sentences with phrase «over the upcoming months»

I definitely plan to wear other versions of this look over the upcoming months.
It is the first of many exciting product releases scheduled over the upcoming months.
Maybe look at expenses closely over these upcoming months and defer expenses if possible.
The BlackBerry PlayBook has established itself as a high - performance tablet, and we are confident that these activities, along with the upcoming software upgrade, BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0, will help to generate an increase in demand and sell through of the BlackBerry PlayBook over the upcoming months.
Further annotation will be progressively available over the upcoming months.
What comes next: Kino Lorber has this set for niche bookings in big cities over the upcoming months.
It's important not to overload your new starters with policies and procedures all in one go, so just focus on their initial questions over their first few weeks within the company, and then tackle the rest over the upcoming months.
Customers can expect to see many discernible improvements over the upcoming months in all facets of the operation.
There's a revealing article over at the Taipei Times saying how E Ink's chairman told investors that shipments of ereader displays is going to be down over the upcoming months, so it clearly sounds like they don't expect any significant releases anytime soon.
The central bank's president, Mario Draghi, addressed the low inflation issue by saying that the measure of inflation would remain low over the upcoming months, but he would expect it to eventually rise back to the central bank's target rate of just under 2 %.
Over the upcoming months as we get up and running I'm going to share our trials and tribulations here on Lawyerist.
It seems kind of crazy that RIM would kill the PlayBook, since the QNX software is essentially the future of the company, and just the other day, RIM was telling us how «the upcoming software upgrade, BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0, will help to generate an increase in demand and sell through of the BlackBerry PlayBook over the upcoming months
If your TiVo wasn't busy in the fall, it probably will be over the upcoming months.
For the next few weeks, we will bring you a category every Friday to talk about how it might shake out over the upcoming months.
HOPE Foundation News Effective Leadership: National Forum to Accelerate Middle - Grades Reform Is Partnering with the HOPE Foundation by Deborah Kasak The National Forum to Accelerate Middle - Grades Reform is delighted to establish a relationship with The HOPE Foundation, and over the upcoming months we will collaborate to spread information about what is working in middle grades schools (grades 5 - 8) across this country.
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