Sentences with phrase «ownership of the process»

We take a much more in - depth approach by taking ownership of the process.
It is critical that Australian people not only actively participate but feel a sense of ownership of the process.
Ultimately, the states have full ownership of this process and the final product that emerges.
So what exactly did you do to give a baby that young more ownership of the process?
In the end, the teacher had transferred ownership of the process and the content, empowering her students and transforming her class.
The rights and autonomy of Indigenous partners be respected to ensure effective participation, and for Indigenous ownership of processes and structures be involved in modelling.
Do you want to retain ownership of the process and avoid having to «roll the dice» with a judge in court?
Because I let my students determine the direction of the discussion, they are empowered to become the meaning makers and to take ownership of the process.
This technique improves upper management's grasp of operations and, more importantly, is an important motivator for workers who begin to feel like they have control and ownership of the process in which they participate.
Constituents will not feel ownership of the process if they are not confident that their voices are heard.
Empower your partner Give your construction management firm the right tools and ample confidence to take equal ownership of the process and the outcome.
This fostered ownership of the process across the entire school.
Through aligning feedback protocols, the district believes that students will gain a deeper understanding of their work, have greater ownership of the process of progress toward mastery, and grow in 21st century skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.
On the basis of the foregoing, «PACJA will continue to strengthen African CSOs and our allies from the south and north in the effort to ensure a broadened ownership of this process.
High - profile ambassadors can play a role in keeping the constitutional reform process in the public spotlight, to educate the wider community, and to promote popular ownership of the process.
As for teachers taking ownership of the process, Willingham makes an excellent point.
The most successful of them took full ownership of the process, maximized their resources, and never gave up.
Either way, there is no assurance that the decisions will be wise, but the strengthening of community that follows from a sense of ownership of the process is an intrinsic value.
Publicly praise employees when they take ownership of the process.
This way, she says, you empower them to take ownership of the process, and they will be more motivated to change.
Days later, as performance day nears, we are consistently amazed at the ways that groups have taken ownership of the process, challenging themselves to push their work to higher levels.
And yet, by providing students with multiple formats and empowering them to take ownership of the process, the teacher supports not only their mastery of the content, but also their growth as independent learners — changing the way the group goes about doing its work.
He relied on an expert in CFL, who described CFL as a process in which the role of the lawyers is to develop the process, and the role of the parties is to take ownership of the process, gather their own information, and actively and fully participate in assessing the quality of that information.
I encourage clients to do homework assignments in between therapy sessions, in an effort to help clients take ownership of their process, and learn coping skills that will last beyond treatment.»
The consultations highlighted important issues for any type of agreement making, including: effective community decision making; community engagement and ownership of the process and agreement; and adequate time and resources for capacity development and good decision making structures.
Nicole has enjoyed helping couples going through divorce take ownership of the process and make decisions that work for their situation.
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