Sentences with phrase «part of the human body»

3D printing and tissue engineering has the potential to replace lots of different parts of the human body.
Each individual piece can be viewed as a pattern sourced from the landscape, or as part of the human body.
There is no doubt brain is the most important part of human body.
Players will travel through veins, bones, lungs, and every other part of the human body to eradicate the enemies.
A beauty consultant provides useful advice for beauty treatments of various parts of human body like skin, hair, nails and so on.
At present, only the Female anatomy only for discovering the in - depth parts of the human bodies.
He has noticed my embarrassment and has said that it is just part of the human body.
Explain that fat is a normal part of the human body, just like bones and skin, and that we need fat on our bodies in order to survive.
It may be due to the fact that naturally the front part of the human body is more developed than the back.
I think that the shoulder is one of the most aesthetic parts of the human body and I think everyone should show em off!
As a doctor, you're familiar with how the many parts of the human body come together into a working whole.
Besides a very important part of the human body and ARM is a mortgage acronym that stands for Adjustable Rate Mortgage.
One of the most incredible and complex parts of the human body is the immune system.
Produce x-ray films of parts of the human body for use in diagnosing non life threatening medical concerns.
Free World Trust held patents for [para. 4] «an apparatus that bombards different parts of the human body with low frequency electro - magnetic waves.»
NIH sponsored project to study microorganisms present in or on five different parts of the human body using live volunteers.
A new non-toxic method for delivering anti-cancer drugs to specific parts of the human body could mean the end of the severe and nasty side effects associated with many cancer therapies.
Pancreatic enzymes are a natural part of the human body, which are limited in cancer patients.
I would let my finger linger there — it still is my favorite part of the human body.
Potential exchange items may include: clothes, curtains, blankets, artworks, photographs, paintings, frames, nondescript items of undetermined function, objects that resemble parts of the human body such as wigs or mannequins, costume jewelry and accessories, mirrors and reflective items, potted plants, colorful items and / or those with interesting shapes and forms, transparent materials such as shower curtains, lingerie, or X-rays, books, and trinkets.
She tackles the big questions surrounding: identity in a time of mass, overpowering consumerism; privacy in an era of surveillance; the interfacing of humans and machines; the relationship between real and virtual worlds; and new bio-ethics surrounding practices such as growing parts of the human body from DNA samples.
She tackles the big questions surrounding: identity in a time of consumerism; privacy in a era of surveillance; the interfacing of humans and machines; the relationship between real and virtual worlds; and growing parts of the human body from DNA samples.
We declare that healthy genital and reproductive organs are natural, normal, functional parts of the human body.
Many research teams are developing genetically modified bacteria that could one day travel around parts of the human body, diagnosing and even treating infection...
These substances, often referred to as messengers in the body, are produced by a number of glands that form part of the human body's endocrine system.
Curtains, which protect most valuable part of human body were not available at all.
-- Mr. Jiabao, I urge you not to dip in the Ganga, unless you want your mouth full of feces, straw, soggy parts of human bodies, buffalo carrion, and seven different kinds of industrial acids.
«I wanted to sculpt what is considered the hardest and most technically challenging part of the human body.
Drawing inspiration from artists like Agnes Pelton, Georgia O'Keeffe and Judy Chicago, Hollowell's works abstract the most intimate and sexually explicit parts of the human body into primal shapes that reoccur frequently throughout art history, such as the mandorla and the lingam.
Much of Gröting's work attempts to illustrate not only the invisible parts of the human body, but also the ways in which the invisible connects with the visible.
The neck is a vital part of the human body and serves as a central point for many of the bodily functions a person needs to swallow, turn their head, breathe, speak, and more.
I would argue that the court respected this stance, by finding that the DNA in question was no longer part of the human body.
Thanks to a series of sophisticated sensors it is possibile to evaluate the protection offered to the different parts of the human body in a crash.
Unlike other parts of the human body, the spinal cord doesn't have the ability to repair itself after it has been damaged, making SCIs particularly debilitating for victims.
The idea of using the dimensions of various parts of a human body as a means of identification, a technique known as bio-metrics, was explored even before finger - printing came into common use, says Tom Banchoff, a geometry expert at Brown University in Rhode Island.
A new non-toxic method for delivering anti-cancer drugs to specific parts of the human body could mean the end of the severe and nasty side effects associated with many cancer therapies, according to researchers at Cardiff...
The exposure of what is meant to be hidden can cause a certain discomfort; the most vulnerable parts of the human body are brought out into the light, along with the process of art - making, the path between the creator and the product, the performance.
Your favorite part of the human body to eat was the fleshy part of the inner thigh.
This app lets gives an interactive 3D model of human anatomy, letting us to slide through skin, muscle, bone, organs, veins and different in - depth parts of the human body.
These sculptures are composed of geometric forms, made from stainless steel, which are welded together and roughly resemble parts of the human body.
Signs Your Hip Implants Are Hurting You by Bethany Johansson Our hips are an important part of the human body.
«These improvements should enable easy control and make the exoskeleton act as part of the human body
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