Sentences with phrase «particular diet»

When adhering to particular diet plans with strict food restrictions many wonder if they are getting enough of the right nutrition and whether or not supplementation is necessary.
Others fit particular diets or are designed to be prepared in minutes.
With their small size, high energy levels and long life spans, it's important to feed these pups a very particular diet.
And they're completely vegan, paleo, gluten loose, and appropriate for many different particular diets.
The reason is simple, that particular diet regimen becomes difficult to maintain and whenever you step on that scale it doesn't show the number you expect.
• Able to provide residents with perfect diet plans • Substantial knowledge of particular diets and safe food handling principles • Outstanding organizational abilities demonstrated through food service positions with diverse employers
The right diet can contribute to lowering your risk of cognitive decline — in particular a diet called the MIND diet, short for «Mediterranean - DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay»
The new findings bolster evidence that it matters less what particular diet composition people follow and more whether a person sticks with that diet, said Linda Van Horn, a professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, who wrote an editorial about the new study.
Although the results suggest that the animal - based diet may shape gut microbes for the worse, it's too soon to say which particular diets are optimal for health, says Turnbaugh.
Diabetics have some of the most particular diets, as they are in constant watch of their blood sugar.
It's certainly not the result of vets being evasive or unhelpful; it's just that the reality is that there are so many breeds and sizes of dogs — many with their own particular diet - related health concerns — that blanket statements are tough to make.
Truweight's weight loss program doesn't follow one particular diet plan.
When the goal is to optimize performance with «biohacking», then in particular diet should include probiotic preparation.
• Devised a system that takes available patient data and provides an automated response to particular diet needs.
Rabbits are herbivores with unique, fragile digestive systems that are indicative of a very particular diet — unlike people, dogs, and even other herbivores, bunnies have evolved to eat large quantities of high - fiber, low - sugar foods such as grass and hay.
Combined with a particular diet and support network of friends or «moai,» ikigai is helping people live longer on Okinawa as it gives them purpose, he says, who provides a karate master, fisherman and great - great - great - grandmother, all of whom are more than 100 years old, as examples.
Hi Ella, I'm very fortunate not to be restricted to any particular diet but I still love your recipes.
It is also good that way for different diets because people can pick and choose which ingredients are good on their particular diet.
I'm not sure about you - but I don't subscribe to one particular diet and don't believe in one size fits all.
I'm really big on making educated decisions about our bodies, free of labels and the rules of a particular diet — including Paleo.
I can't say I'm seeing amazing benefits yet and still don't feel like singing the praise of this particular diet, but at least, I'm sort of back to my good old normal self.
I try to eat reasonably healthy without following any particular diet.
First, I'll give you a little background on my food philosophy... I don't prescribe to a particular diet.
When you're following a particular diet, it's easy to feel limited in terms of meal options.
«For a particular diet to suggest that potatoes are «bad» and should be avoided, to us, is unfortunate and short - sighted.
My doctor advised me to not go all crazy with any particular diet, to just eat a good, healthy balanced diet.
To help consumers determine what is an appropriate amount of sugar sweetened soft drink is for their particular diet, the industry is committed to providing accurate nutrition information on packaging, as well as additional information like front - of - pack labelling with % Daily Intake so consumers remain informed about their choices.
Although I must admit this particular diet is more complicated than usual.
The wholefoods way of life is not a prescription to a particular diet.
Other than my emphasis on sustainable, local, organic whole foods, I don't follow any particular diet or have a lot of food rules.
I love cereal, but I do not buy it because of all the «stuff» that is typically added to most cereals, and it is also very difficult to find a low carb product that fits my particular diet.
Think about it, cheese is primarily made up of fat and protein — elements that play a major role in this particular diet or lifestyle!
Consult a doctor before you start a particular diet and ask for help if you need advice.
# 1: Do you have to follow a particular diet to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle?
A special diet is often a healthy diet — in fact, you may maintain a particular diet for health reasons — but it still may not provide all the nutrients you and your baby need while breastfeeding.
Those in the calorie restriction group lost an average of almost 9 kg, although they did not follow a particular diet and weight loss was not the study's goal.
Emphasizing the findings that the degree of adherence to a particular diet can affect the risk for PC, co-author Adela Castelló.
He runs his hands over the skin of an iced locally caught king salmon that will be dinner tonight for family and friends in nearby Palo Alto.Wild salmon has an aroma all its own that appears to arise from a particular diet, notes McGee.
With such observations they could then trace which mitochondrial genes moderate which nuclear genes in response to a particular diet.
This study opens up new avenues for the role of purified resveratrol in preventing cancer, but suggests that it may only be effective for people with a specific genetic make - up, particular diets and lifestyles.
But genes alone can't explain the sharp rise in IBD incidence, and scientists have looked at the environment — in particular diet and antibiotic use — for answers.
The animals were fed their particular diet from early adulthood for the rest of their lives.
Walker and the authors note that a well - tested «next - generation probiotic» consisting of known beneficial microbes delivered as a pill or other therapy could take the place of fresh feces, and this mouse system provides a way to identify the most effective bacteria, the diseases those bacteria can treat, and whether a particular diet is necessary.
The results can be used to predict whether a particular diet will work for you.
The authors of the study can not recommend a particular diet based on the study findings.
What's more is a 2014 study published in the journal Stroke found this particular diet controls blood pressure, thus lowers risk of first - time stroke, while additional research shows sourcing more of the Mediterranean's extra-virgin olive oil and nuts lowers risk of developing peripheral artery disease.
Wondering why only some people on a particular diet become obese, Churchill crossbred several hundred pairs of Adonises and ottomans to produce offspring with a mixed bag of body types and cholesterol profiles.

Phrases with «particular diet»

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