Sentences with phrase «particular protein»

A blend of proteins also makes it challenging for dog owners to identify which particular protein is causing the issue.
At the time, other groups had recently discovered particular proteins that disappear at certain points in the cell cycle.
They were able to measure factors such as the size and shape of the blebs and the distribution of particular proteins using algorithms that quantified what the microscope saw.
They also utilized immunogold labeling — in which gold particles are attached to antibodies that bind to particular proteins in order to make them visible in electron microscopy — to show that filaments within the feathers were keratin.
Their experiments used cells from genetically altered mouse strains, in which genes for particular proteins are selectively removed, to discover whether the cells lacking that protein would commit suicide when infected with influenza.
He said the next step is to study how we can prevent these aberrant SNO reactions on particular proteins like PINK1.
Tuncay Baubec, professor at the Department of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease at the University of Zurich, and his team have shown that one particular protein plays an important part in this process: The DNA methyltransferase 3A (DNMT3A) enzyme is responsible for positioning the methylation to the right place on the DNA.
These fundamental questions have fascinated scientists for decades, and a large part of the answers to them has to do with the processes that determine which regions of a cell's DNA are used to make particular proteins at a particular time.
Recent advances in the understanding of cancer have led to more personalized therapies, such as drugs that target particular proteins and tests that analyze gene expression patterns in tumors to predict a patient's response to therapy.
Perhaps other biological processes are also controlled, in part, by having specific types of ribosomes build particular proteins, Barna said.
In the early stages of Alzheimer's and other so - called proteinopathies — disorders caused by a malformed protein particular proteins adopt the wrong shape and join with similar misfits to form conglomerates that pile up in the brain.
Carstens hopes that further study of Esrp1 and Esrp2, and in particular the proteins whose splice isoforms they control, will uncover useful clues about how these defects arise and how they might be remedied.
«We discovered that three particular proteins involved in the Wnt signaling pathway aren't just involved in the development of severe illnesses, but also in the qualitative refinement of highly developed tissue,» says co-first author Claudio Cantù from the molecular biologist research group lead by Prof. Konrad Basler.
How can a tiny molecule like H2O2, which is hardly any larger than a water molecule (H2O), specifically oxidize particular proteins while leaving others completely unaffected?
Previously it was unknown how this process works, but now scientists at Karolinska Institutet have discovered the importance of particular protein rings encircling the DNA and how these function as the cell's memory.
In recent years, our group alone has published 30 to 40 research papers annually not only on genomewide patterns, but also on in - depth analysis of particular protein families.
«Viruses encode particular proteins that can in some way modulate DNA methyltransferases,» Kuss - Duerkop says, meaning that viruses can cause our own proteins to over-methylate our own DNA.
The team suspects that the amount of protein produced by the promoter is more important than which particular protein gets made.
Tissues are often divided into sub-structures, based on visual appearance, or by expression of particular proteins indicating a specific function of that sub structure.
But biotechnology companies continued to work with mAbs, and in the 1980s, as scientists grew skillful at manipulating DNA to engineer particular proteins, they came up with several innovations to reduce the HAMA response.
Vegetarians must eat particular protein rich vegetables or dairy products to receive their protein requirements.
Your midwife will likely take a blood sample this week which will be checked for particular proteins that may indicate whether or not your baby is at risk of Down's Syndrome.
There's a chance your antibodies react to one particular protein in a new partner's semen that you've never been exposed to in the past, which is why you're just feeling the symptoms now.
Adding a spoonful of sugar to coffee makes it sweeter, but in plants, researchers have discovered, the addition of sugar molecules to particular proteins plays a surprising variety of roles in basic developmental processes.
An analysis of the gene encoding CXCL16 showed that five regions of the gene were hyper - expressed in germ - free mice owing to DNA methylation — the tacking on of molecules to the DNA strand which can alter the production of particular proteins.
The message in the RNA molecule is then «translated» into a particular protein (enzyme).
Intolerance to this particular protein can't be determined through blood tests, so a dairy tolerance challenge (like this) is recommended instead.
The thing that caught my eye about this particular protein powder was that it was very low in carbs, as in only 1 carbohydrate per serving.
I can only be certain that this will work with Better Batter flour as a base, as I used its particular protein and starch constitution as a guide.
Pea protein in isolated form is usually valued as a complete protein, but amino acid efficiencies do occur in this particular protein source.
I'm glad you were able to adjust them to your particular protein powder to make them work for you.
You don't have to do this but I wanted to include some of the great vitamins and nutrients that this particular protein powder, MissFits Nutrition provides.
Assuming that you do not have any major concerns over the health impacts of the particular protein powder, the other consideration would be your nutritional needs and how you hope to use the product.
People tend to assume that, just because it's whey protein, a particular protein supplement is automatically safe and healthy.
Part of the reason that the researchers involved in the above - mentioned study were so excited about pea protein had to do with something called the Protein Digestibility - Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)-- a test that rates the absorb - ability of a particular protein from 1 to 100 percent.
In addition to that, semen has a particular protein, HLA - G, which suppresses the immune reaction of a pregnant woman's body to her fetus, as a foreign body.
If the breast is full, this particular protein's presence will minimize milk production.
The study is the first to illuminate in detail how a particular protein, which is known as CIB2, allows hearing to work.
Friedman's group was able to track down the mutation in the obese mice and found that it blocked production of a particular protein hormone, which they named leptin.
The particular protein defect that the drug is designed to counteract affects about 5 percent of all CF patients.
One of his team's early findings, published in 2011, was that tumors have high levels of a particular protein known to suppress the immune system and induce a state of system - wide chronic inflammation.
Walter Fiers discovered that targeting a particular protein segment on the influenza virus might just do the trick
Based primarily at Harvard with Maniatis, tenOever developed a knockout mouse model to study a particular protein, IKKε, that's involved in the immune response to viral infection.
A biomarker could be a genetic mutation, the presence of a particular protein or an inherited genetic variation.
Instead of focusing on a particular protein or pathway, a biomedical engineering approach opens the door to multiple levels of abstraction (from genes to the entire human body) in much the same way that electrical engineers can conceptualize the design of a box displaying moving images of Britney Spears ducking a swarm of paparazzi based on their understanding of how electrons course through a copper wire.
Biological parts — actually sequences of DNA — should have known and predictable functions, so they can be inserted into cells to boost the production of a particular protein, for example, or make it sensitive to a specific toxin.
While Duman's team found several hundred differences, most striking were levels of mRNA for a particular protein, MKP - 1, which inhibits a pathway involved in neural growth and development.
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