Sentences with phrase «past changes in climate»

In essence, their reconstruction appears to tell us about past changes in climate with a resolution of about 400 years.
In the video, he explains how scientists look to various forcings and responses in past changes in climate.
Society's knowledge of current and future climate change has been established through decades of scientific research into the natural causes of past changes in climate, the buildup of anthropogenic greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and the linked behavior of the oceans, atmosphere, ice, land, and biosphere.
The period 1901 - 1960 is used for graphs that illustrate past changes in climate conditions, whether in observations or in model simulations.
Reconstructing this spatial variability will help develop a more precise view of how past changes in climate have affected the planet, Briner says, providing a guide for how the current global warming trend may unfold.
Non-polar glacial ice holds a wealth of information about past changes in climate, the environment and especially atmospheric composition, such as variations in temperature, atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and emissions of natural aerosols or human - made pollutants... The glaciers therefore hold the memory of former climates and help to predict future environmental changes.
More sober scientists distanced themselves from the idea of planetary engineering, but were intrigued by the possibility that natural changes in the supply of iron to the ocean might have been linked to past changes in climate.
Fluctuations in solar activity, including magnetic field - powered sunspots and solar flares, have been linked to past changes in climate, including, controversially, the Little Ice Age.
Some past changes in the climate were driven by the sun burning brighter, or by an increase in volcanic activity.
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