Sentences with phrase «past observations»

Evidence of continued global warming is based on past observations of climate change and our knowledge of the climate system's response to heat - trapping gases.
Based on past observations, dating back to the 19th century, this is unlikely to last.
A pair of narrow jets is the one that was found in past observations.
Second, the way the world operates might change so that past observations offer little guidance for the future.
Compared to past observation results (blue squares), galaxies approximately ten times as dark were detected.
Whether you used past observations and / or calculations using angular momentum?
Speculation regarding past or future changes in solar radiation is based on what we can infer, indirectly, from past observations of solar activity — particularly bright faculae — since direct measurements of radiation exist for only the last fifteen years.
So, believe in a system where some one tells you whats true and you must believe blindly or a system were you observe and discover for yourself what is true with past observations as your guide.
When that trend reverses, as past observations suggest it will, we'll experience an acceleration of warming at the Earth's surface.
Laboratory studies suggest that explosive development of ice crystals can occur in these conditions, at temperatures between -4 and -8 degrees Celsius, and this «rime - splintering» mechanism is often invoked to explain past observations of the rapid development of large numbers of ice crystals in cumuli.
Past observations showed the total power of signals emitted from the universe with the millimeter / submillimeter wavebands.
In other words, past observation data will become available to everyone who wish to conduct research with it, and the same observation data can be utilized for multiple research themes with different approaches.
Vivek Kamath, the managing director at Berkery Noyes who specializes in the education market, adds further fuel to some of our own past observations when he is quoted in the article as saying that companies that offer integrated services will likely thrive, whereas those that are offering limited niche solutions will struggle.
And, to judge from some e-mail I've received knee - jerking past observations I've written about the device, some of my «fellow» fans of the Kindle also prefer I shut - the - praise up.
using a more sophisticated NWP system, which is based on the operational system as of December 2009, and newly prepared past observations.
Now researchers need to amass more computing power, more past observations to test the method better, and more future observations to feed the models, he says.
In past observations, gigantic galaxies deeply covered in dust, where several hundreds to thousands of stars are actively forming per year, have been detected with millimeter / submillimeter waves.
Building on past observations of the white dwarf called SDSSJ1043 +0855 (the dead core of a star that originally was a few times the mass of the Sun), which has been known to be gobbling up rocky material in its orbit for almost a decade, the team used Keck Observatory's HIRES instrument fitted to the 10 - meter Keck I telescope as well as data from the Hubble Space Telescope to measure and characterize the material being accreted by the star.
Past observations of such unusual auroras can therefore allow us to determine the frequency and severity of magnetic storms.
The extra data spanning many thousands of years that this study uncovers will go a long way to matching model projections with past observations, helping scientists identify the most accurate models for making predictions of future climate change.
Both findings suggest that the penguins are less stable with all the added weight — teetering more dramatically, like a person carrying a heavy box — and may explain past observations that heavier birds are more likely to take a tumble on their trek to the breeding colony, the team reports today in PLOS ONE.
Furthermore, past observation results indicates the presence of a maser source (* 2) emitting extremely strong radio waves on the extended line of the CO outflow.
trend values calculated here using past observations should not be used to imply future rates of change»
(formerly known as anonymous) Coby, thanks for the prompt answer on the other thread re higher confidence for future predictions than for past observations (I haven't expressed that well, but I got your gist).
Past observations suggest that EV Lacertae could have an unseen companion (more below).
Someone of faith can make a prediction, which is not based on God speaking to them in a little voice inside their head, then they are making scientific predictions based on past observations, but then they are making a scientific prediction — not using their faith.
The entomological value of faith is zero since faith is not based on evidence from past observations and past results, which is the scientific method.
-LSB-...] like these, along with my past observation that even «improved» competitive food standards can let a whole lot of junk food into -LSB-...]
Past observation has shown that because lower - income people often live paycheck to paycheck, they are more likely than the wealthy to spend.
Based on past observations, Held, who was not involved with the study, said the climate sensitivity of 5 °C or more shown by the new research may be implausible.
Data - quality issues, including the reanalysis and reprocessing of past observations, have become a topic in its own right in climate research, says Adrian Simmons, a senior scientist at the European Centre for Medium - Range Weather Forecasts in Reading, UK, and chairman of the GCOS steering committee.
Past observations have shown that TW Hydrae is surrounded by a disk made of tiny dust particles.
I am excited about our results because they open a new window on very fundamental processes in brown dwarfs (atmospheric circulation, heat exchanges, and cloud formation) and, at the same time, they also explain a number of past observations that puzzled brown dwarf experts.
Theories and models will be created from the past observations and the fundamental physical laws and principles.
This recent shift towards more intense and frequent El Niños is related to the recent increase in dry areas around the world.5 However, past observations and reconstructions of El Niño events from non-instrumental records such as corals show that El Niño events naturally fluctuate in magnitude and frequency over time, and this has been demonstrated in long climate model simulations of past and future climate as well.6
«Past observations of hot Jupiters indicate that the temperature difference between the day and night sides of the planet increases with hotter day sides,» he added.
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