Sentences with word «philology»

Philology is the study of language and literature, particularly the history, structure, and evolution of languages. It involves investigating written texts, understanding their meanings, and examining how languages change over time. Full definition
It may be pertinent to say that Bultmann, when he is speaking of myth, appears to be speaking solely within the context of classical philology and of the historical study of religions that has rested upon its research.
It turns out, however, that these presumptions fit nicely with a wide array of different and perhaps even contradictory metaphysical schemes, and I doubt the arguments in the area of Hebrew philology change much if one is an ancient Platonist, a medieval Aristotelian, or a modern - day logical positivist.
(Their Hebrew philology on the whole is excellent, with only an occasional construal that strikes me as dubious.
The contrary evidence marshaled by Konstan begins with philology.
Among his teachers were the great physiologist Blumenbach and the father of modern philology, Heyne, whose successor, F. A. Wolff, the Homeric critic, was to be one of Humboldt's (and incidentally Goethe's) friends and confidants.
In so doing I am behaving very much as an historian would, except that the historian is concerned specifically with causation, including philology, psychology and the most rigorous logical deduction.
But most scholars have approached the history of ancient mathematical sciences through close examinations of texts and writings, an area of study called philology.
Kokugaku (Kyūjitai: 國學 / Shinjitai: 国学; literally National study) was an academic movement, a school of Japanese philology and philosophy Japanese girls are some of the most sought out and fantasized about women in Asia... and for good reason.
And frankly, that's how the film feels when committing its attention to philology lectures run by real - life University of Barcelona poetry professor Raffaele Pinto.
Professor Wendy Ayres - Bennett, professor of French philology and linguistics at the university, said: «It is vital that we communicate clearly and simply the value of languages for the health of the nation.
English literary history bears exclusions that people don't like, philology asks for competences that people just don't have, and criticism seems beyond the level of high school students.
Through sheer grit and tireless effort, I'd managed to stretch a five - year philology degree into its tenth annum.
Soon, he found his way back to school and received his M.A. and Ph.D. in Germany, writing his thesis in German on the subject of Chinese philology.
Justin Cannon and Chris Varehorst were far from philology in the Institute of Technology, realizing how hard it was to learn foreign language.
Heaven and Earth Magic includes references to the Kabbalah, 19th - century philology, and the writings of Dr. Wilder Penfield on open - brain surgery and the concept of the Homunculus, evincing Smith's nearly encyclopedic knowledge of esoterica and mysticism.
Rahn studied aesthetics and art history at the Gesamthochschule / University of Kassel, with French and English philology as her subsidiary subjects.
It is nourished by those scholars, who have had competence in philology, historical criticism, literary criticism, Philosophy, Sociology and History of Religions.
Those who do not believe that Paul can have written the Pastoral Epistles must remember (1) the difficulty of proving non-authenticity by statistics, (2) the genuine gaps in the knowledge we possess about early Christianity in the first century, and (3) the warning possibly provided by a parallel case in classical philology:
The foundations of Hebrew philology and biblical exegesis were laid by Jewish scholars in the early Middle Ages, and carried forward by Christian scholars from the Renaissance to the present.
Originally founded as a theological institute for lay education, the university now boasts ten faculties: theology, missions, history, philology, religious education, church arts, sacred music, sociology, information technology, and applied mathematics.
Called «Etz Hayim» («Tree of Life» in Hebrew), it offers an interpretation that incorporates the latest findings from archaeology, philology, anthropology and the study of ancient cultures.
Called Tree of Life'it offers an interpretation that incorporates the latest findings from archaeology, philology, anthropology and the study of ancient cultures.
Thankfully for the religious, they also have certain aspects of history, archaeology and philology that lends credence to their beliefs.
Earlier contributions were made by students in widely different fields: theology, philosophy, philology, jurisprudence and the social sciences, and later archeology and anthropology.
One becomes a member of this class by completing a long course of study in grammar, philology, history and logic, as well as in interpretation of the Qur» an and the hadith.
In Sheehan's account, Enlightenment is not a philosophy or a secular mood, but a «new constellation of practices and institutions» — philology, text criticism, and new theories of translation, as well as coffee houses, scientific societies, and journals — one that dislodged the Bible from its central place in the Western imagination.
Parents, without the benefits of philology, psychology, sociology and the other «ologies» of education, manage successfully to teach their children a reasonable command of their native language by the age of five, often younger.
The study of Gnosticism entails two dogmas: that the official story of Jesus is a ruse; and that we modern scholars, with our toolkit of archaeology, philology, and hermeneutical suspicion, can uncover the true story buried underneath the sands of Nag Hammadi and the bodies of outcast Christians.
The third root of the hermeneutic problem in Christianity was not fully recognized and understood until the moderns — until the critical methods borrowed from the secular sciences of history and philology had been applied to the Bible as a whole.
This discovery is a product of our modernity in the sense that it expresses the backlash of the critical disciplines — philology and history — on the sacred texts.
Luther explained the mistake Cajetan had made and continued: «I was excited and interrupted (I am sure quite irreverently): «Most Reverend Father, you should not believe that we Germans are ignorant even in philology...» That crushed his self - confidence, although he still shouted for revocation.
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