Sentences with phrase «philosophy of life»

We are able to discuss many things that match our tastes and career goals, moral values and philosophy of life in an environment free of pressure.
Religious groups also provide an opportunity and resources for meeting the crucial need for a viable philosophy of life.
He can try to practice and extend these values in all that he does, and yet be aware of their limitations as a total philosophy of life.
Just look at his overall philosophy of life affirmation: Essentially that says we shouldn't let all the ideas and doctrine around us and let it drain our energy.
Every person has a fundamental need for a satisfying philosophy of life, a hierarchy of personal values, and a faith which gives meaning to life.
For many others, traditional theological symbols are blocks to the discovery of their own object of devotion and workable philosophy of life.
With this important modification, it may be easier to think of the sacred canopy, then, as something other than a purely rational or cognitive philosophy of life.
It may not give you a complete philosophy of life but it gives you some beliefs about it.
At that point one's whole philosophy of life's meaning is involved.
Whatever stance you take, the most fascinating philosophy of life is and shall remain the practical one.
Claim Settlement Ratio thus showcases the likelihood and friendly approach towards the claim settlement philosophy of the life insurance company.
An effective religious approach can help the individual to discover a purpose in living by establishing his personality on the foundation of a meaningful philosophy of life.
There is growing agreement within the mental health field on the importance of possessing a viable philosophy of life.
It is equally important to be aware of the spiritual emptiness and lack of a meaningful philosophy of life which are at the root of many neurotic problems.
But while I am not political, I am very wary of philosophies of life or technique built on straightforward narratives drawn from situations of great moral complexity and insoluble tragic dilemmas.
5:13) There are others whose main philosophy of life appears to be «to eat, and to drink, and to be merry.»
He comes from the background of a religious home; he is seriously trying to work out an intelligent philosophy of life; he is sensitive to spiritual values; and he seeks a vocation where he can make the most of his best for the sake of others.
Where religion is not independent of political alliance or control, people have no forum, no organizational base — and no fundamental philosophy of life beyond that fed to them by those in control — from which to challenge oppressors.
This parallels the objective of the present work, which is to show the destructive consequences of a desire - dominated philosophy of life and to point the way to a restoration of culture and learning through the reaffirmation of standards of excellence.
A family's basic philosophy of life, spiritual orientation and values are «caught» by young children more than they are «taught,» as they absorb the spiritual - values climate of that family.
Allport also considered these qualities characteristic of mentally healthy individuals: capacity for self - extension; capacity for warm human interactions; demonstrated emotional security and self - acceptance; realistic perceptions of one's own talents and abilities; sense of humor, and a unifying philosophy of life such as religion.
I have become more and more aware of the extent to which television not only distributes programs and sells products, but also preaches a general philosophy of life... that there are instant solutions to life's most pressing personal problems.
I had never heard of Charlie Hebdo until last week but what I have seen since indicates that it is hardly an example of sophisticated humor in the service of a better philosophy of life.
Since all of us are filled with admiration for the achievements of science and since all of us desire to practice and propagate such human virtues as friendliness, tolerance, good humor, sympathy and courage, we unconsciously assent to scientific humanism as a working philosophy of life.
Another question, in a section called «Philosophy of Life Values,» read, «Had I the ability I would most like to do the work of (choose two): (1) Schweitzer.
Virgin Mobile's Vine account embodies the brand philosophy of living «a rad life with no contract».
Hunter has a simple philosophy of life: have fun, make money — in that order.
For many it will fall short of a true theistic belief, and appear too meager to serve as a firm foundation for a religious philosophy of life.
A maturing philosophy of life and workable values to guide one's decisions are the result of internalizing the values of one's family and then changing and refining them to make them genuinely one's own.
The group is called the «Philosophy of Living Group,» and all patients currently at the Day Center are required to come, as they are to all other group meetings.
Far from being just a marketing of goods and services, consumerism promotes a comprehensive philosophy of life that has profound religious dimensions, specifically
This anxiety is a stifling, paralyzing force unless one has developed a functional philosophy of life; a life style of «generativity» (Erikson), i.e., self - investment in the ongoing human race; and relationships of trust with at least one other person and with the Ground of Being.
The need to find a worthy, non-narcissistic focus of self - commitment is compelling; only by such a self - transcending commitment rooted in a vital philosophy of life can one cope creatively with existential anxiety.
But when civilization culminates, the absence of a coordinating philosophy of life, spread throughout the community, spells decadence, boredom, and the slackening of effort (AI 98).
Even minus its God - talk, TM offers a total philosophy of life renewal and a plan of salvation for the world («world plan»).
I have already mentioned the proposal of the Freudian, Herbert Marcuse, for a panerotic philosophy of life in which eros, agape, and thanatos (death) will all be integrated in the one self - expression of the human spirit.
This modern assumption that the world view of modern science is absolute is, we think, the reason for Bultmann's repeated retreat from revelation as an historical event into an abstract philosophy of life.
In the atmosphere of competitiveness and defensiveness which accompanies a success - oriented philosophy of life, the several components of education have become separated into specialized disciplines.

Phrases with «philosophy of life»

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