Sentences with word «pinnipeds»

Domoic acid poisoning has impacted a range of pinniped species, including elephant seals, harbor seals, and northern fur seals (pictured).
photo Kristin Wilkinson / NOAA Weather in Focus Photo Contest 2015Domoic acid poisoning has impacted a range of pinniped species, including elephant seals, harbor seals, and northern fur seals (pictured).
Casoli, M., Galimberti, F., and Sanvito, S. Killer whale predation on pinnipeds at Sea Lion Island (Falkland Islands).
Instead, retaining the claws probably helps northern true seals catch a larger meal than they could with the stiff, slippery fins of other pinnipeds such as sea lions and fur seals, Hocking and his colleagues report April 18 in Royal Society Open Science.
Peter Cook, a psychologist at New College of Florida who has studied pinniped cognition and was not involved in Hanke's work, was most impressed by how easily Luca learned the testing task.
Findings in pinnipeds stranded along the central and northern California coast, 1984 - 1990.
Steller sea lions are the largest of the 5 species of sea lion and are the fourth largest pinniped in the world behind the northern elephant seal, southern elephant seal, and walrus.
These flexible joints are also seen on early pinnipeds such as Enaliarctos mealsi, a seal that lived 23 million years ago, Hocking and his colleagues found.
Health assessment of pinnipeds populations found in the Galapàgos Islands.
The researchers estimate that from 1975 to 2015, the yearly biomass of chinook salmon consumed by pinnipeds (sea lions and harbor seals) and killer whales increased from 6,100 to 15,200 metric tons, and from five to 31.5 million individual salmon.
The island also hosts scientists who study pinnipeds and manage the island fox captive breeding program that is conducted on the island.
«Due to Halftime's repeat - strandings, it will be necessary to consider placing this young pinniped in an approved facility for permanent housing.
Pinnipeds range in size from the 1 m (3 ft 3 in) and 45 kg (99 lb) Baikal seal to the 5 m (16 ft) and 3,200 kg (7,100 lb) southern elephant seal.
Human - related injuries observed in live stranded pinnipeds along the central California coast 1986 - 1998.
Poxvirus infections in North American pinnipeds.
A total of 481 species of California marine fish, 195 species of birds, and 7 species of pinnipeds inhabit the Southern California Bight.
Millions of years ago, the ancestors of pinnipeds lived on land.
however, the most famous and diverse pinniped viewing location on San Miguel Island is Point Bennett.
But this fully aquatic feeding style might have been a challenge for the earliest pinnipeds, who probably used their clawed paws to hunt more like today's true seals, the researchers say.
It is unclear exactly how this will affect pinnipeds on the West Coast, but veterinarians at the Marine Mammal Center are bracing for the worst.
California sea lion adenovirus 1 (CSLAdV - 1) has been associated with hepatitis and enteritis in several wild and captive populations of diverse pinniped species.
These two factors are common in land breeding pinnipeds and result in an high level of polygyny.
For example pinniped carcasses, particularly those of non-surviving pups, provide food for seabirds and bald eagles on the islands.
United States About Blog Paddling exploration by Michael Daugherty, Sea kayaking guide and instructor at Pinniped Kayak & Old Quarry Ocean Adventures.
No new pinnipeds have been discovered since 1953.
The Veterinary Intern's responsibilities include providing medical management and care of a large number of stranded marine mammals (mostly pinnipeds), performing post-mortem examinations, sample collection for various research projects, and record keeping.
Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) Harbor seals are the smallest of California pinnipeds, with spotted fur and colorization that varies from white to dark brown.
Five species of pinniped come to shore on the islands, and in some cases breed.
A drive a bit farther north and you will find the Elephant Seal Rookery with docents and information about these gigantic pinnipeds who inhabit this stretch of beach.
Our patients include include pinnipeds like California sea lions, northern elephant seals and harbor seals, as well as sea otters, whales, dolphins, porpoises, and even sea turtles.
The work is «a huge step forward in pinniped foraging behavior and ecology,» says Markus Horning of Texas A&M University in Galveston.
The Oregon State pinniped specialist acknowledges that the evidence for sleeper sharks is indirect and not definitive, thus he is planning to study them more closely beginning in 2015.
He points to the return of the Guadalupe fur seal, a Mexican pinniped that was hunted nearly to extinction in the 19th century, as proof that imperiled marine mammals can rebound without captive breeding.
Pacific walrus: A large, ice - loving, tusk - bearing pinniped, the Pacific walrus plays a major role in the culture and religion of many northern peoples.
Specific focus areas include: behavioral response studies, laboratory research on hearing and noise impacts; field research on pinniped vocal communication; noise exposure criteria and research recommendations; work with both conventional and alternative energy industries to understand and minimize environmental impacts of resource acquisition.
The prevalence of humpbacks so close to the Golden Gate and Bay could indicate an abundance of fish — a welcome change to the prevailing conditions of 2015, when ailing pinniped populations suffered from food shortages (among other environmental factors).
Trainers will interact with this notably social species of pinniped while educating guests on the dangers they face in their natural environment and key environmental factors that impact them.
Point Bennet, San Miguel Island: One of the greatest concentrations of wildlife in the world occurs on San Miguel with over 100,000 pinnipeds gathering to breed, pup, and rest.
Or that it has the most diverse and one of the largest pinniped rookeries in the world and the darkest night sky on the southern California coast?
It's been a while since we've updated you on this little pinniped, but we have great news - she has a new home at the Bronx Zoo and her caretakers say that she is doing wonderfully!
San Francisco patrol officers, moved after discovering a baby sea lion shivering on a stairwell at Ocean Beach in the middle of the night, kept the frightened pinniped warm until rescue workers arrived in the morning to save it, authorities said Tuesday.
Pinnipeds whose eyes are affected by oil contamination and other hazards are benefitting from an antibiotic gel commonly used in human medicine and domestic animals, according to a study by veterinary experts at the Marine Mammal Center.
The word pinniped means fin or flipper - footed and refers to the marine mammals that have front and rear flippers.
The 82 lb pinniped was suffering from malnourishment and was lethargic - a big indicator for our team that this animal needed help, fast.
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