Sentences with word «plantarflexion»

They report that the medial gastrocnemius displayed superior muscle activity when performing plantarflexion with an extended knee position, while the soleus displayed superior muscle activity with the leg bent.
They report that when performing plantarflexion with the knee fully extended, the medial and lateral gastrocnemius displayed superior peak muscle activity with increasing angular velocity, while the soleus displayed decreasing peak muscle activity with increasing velocity.
Therefore, it appears that performing ankle plantarflexion exercises including the bottom range (dorsiflexion) is beneficial for the calf muscles.
As the ankle was moved from -15 degrees to + 15 degrees of plantarflexion (toes pointing downwards) the moment arm increased in a linear fashion.
Performing plantarflexion exercises with an extended knee position, including dorsiflexed positions, and using faster speeds all enhance gastrocnemius muscle activation.
Exploring the effect of knee flexion angle, Cresswell et al. (1995) assessed the gastrocnemius and soleus muscle activity during isometric plantarflexion with varying degrees of knee flexion ranging between a fully extended and 130 degrees (flexed) position.
Therefore, it appears that the calf muscles are not uniformly activated (greater medial gastrocnemius muscle activity) during straight - legged plantarflexion and it is unclear whether muscle activity is preferentially higher in different regions of the muscles.
Additionally, Segal et al. (2005) reported that the medial gastrocnemius displayed superior muscle activity compared to the lateral gastrocnemius during standing plantarflexion.
Moreover, Signorile et al. (2002) compared dynamic plantarflexion with the knee extended, bent (90 degrees) or semi-bent (45 degrees).
In certain trials of older men and women, training with whole body vibration significantly improved muscle torque and power, and were proportionately greatest in plantarflexion and to a lesser extent knee extension, while hip flexion and extension, and knee flexion and dorsiflexion measures were unaltered.
This will allow you to practice full plantarflexion and dorsiflexion.
The therapist squeezes the calf muscles observing for movement at the ankle into plantarflexion (pointing the toes away).
Calf strains usually present with pain and weakness on active plantarflexion.
Start with resistance band plantarflexion and progress to calf raises and then single leg calf raises.
In this condition the length of the calf MTU is reduced by the ankle plantarflexion caused by the heel lift imposed by the HH.
Assessing exercise technique, Mulaney et al. (2011) compared a number of exercises including the supine elastic - resisted plantarflexion exercise, unloaded seated toe - raise, standing single leg heel raise, lateral step ups, single - leg stance on wobble board and single leg hopping.
Further, with increasing plantarflexion the soleus and gastrocnemius displayed decreasing muscle activity.
Press your hands into the wall straightening your extended leg for a great calf and dorsiflexion stretch), and lastly partner plantarflexion stretch (in a seated position on the ground, extend your leg straight in front of you and have your partner push down the tops of your feet pressure to your feet increasing your plantar range of motion.)
«Remember that most people tend to cheat in the step - up by pushing off with plantarflexion from the foot that is on the floor.
The minimum moment arm length occurred at -15 degrees of plantarflexion (toes pointing upwards).
Assessing the effect of ankle flexion, Miyamoto et al. (2003) compared isometric plantarflexion performed with MVIC at ankle flexion angles between 80 degrees (toes pointing slightly up) to 120 degrees (toes pointing down) while measuring medial and lateral gastrocnemius and soleus muscle activity.
Therefore, it appears that during dynamic plantarflexion with an extended knee position preferentially targets the gastrocnemius, while performing plantar flexion with a flexed knee preferentially targets the soleus muscle.
It shares the role of prime mover in ankle plantarflexion with the soleus, but only when the knee is straight.
In practice, performing plantarflexion with faster speeds may be beneficial for training the gastrocnemius while utilising slower speeds may be more beneficial for the soleus.
During isometric plantarflexion with the knee joint fully extended the gastrocnemius and soleus muscle activity displayed their maximum activity and torque production.
All of these muscles (with the exception of the popliteus) help to point the toes (plantarflexion) and raise you onto your tip toes.
I also encourage active dorsiflexion and plantarflexion (pointing the foot up and down) while compressing these regions.
Additionally, Price et al. (2003) compared gastrocnemius and soleus muscle activity using EMG and MRI during plantarflexion with loads equal to 25 % of MVIC.
Comparing single leg plantarflexion, Kinugasa et al. (2005) assessed the muscle activity and its regional distribution within the medial and lateral gastrocnemius and soleus muscle during a single leg standing plantarflexion (heel raise) exercise.
Performing plantarflexion with a bent knee position, and slower speeds appears beneficial for the soleus.
During ankle plantarflexion, relative load, knee joint angle, ankle joint angle and repetition speed all affect calf muscle activity.
These group of muscles serves as the plantarflexion (extension of the toes when pointing) at the ankle.
Typically, as you may know, with Achilles tendinitis, if you have it, it hurts more when you walk or run up hill because of the plantarflexion aspect of using your calves while you're doing that activity.
In this case, do the exact opposite — flex the foot of the non-working leg downwards (i.e., ankle plantarflexion).
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