Sentences with phrase «praise and rewards»

While positive reinforcement is providing students with praise and rewards for good behavior, negative reinforcement is when good behavior on the part of students helps them avoid something negative.
This breed is fairly smart and it can respond well to training if you are firm and if you offer plenty of praise and rewards for motivation.
Give lots of praise and rewards when the dog exhibits the exact behavior you are training.
Make them fun for your pup, with lots of praise and rewards when he «gets it right».
Once your puppy understands the motion he is to perform, pair the word «down» with his action, and then praise and reward him each time he does it.
You can train your dog and teach him obedience using praise and rewards and you will still be emphasizing your role as the one in charge.
This includes giving praise and rewards for good behavior and proper correction when needed.
Many discipline techniques involve positive approaches, such as praise and reward systems.
Work on obedience training on a regular basis, and always praise and reward good behavior.
When he gets something right, give lots of praise and a reward treat.
If, on the other hand, your dog takes it gently, praise and reward by releasing the treat.
Instead, upbeat interaction with plenty of praise and rewards makes training more fun.
Prepare some treats and follow common guidelines based on praise and reward.
They also use positive discipline strategies to reinforce good behavior, like praise and reward systems.
When your dog has done the half turn, offer praise and reward with the treat.
If your dog does calm down and stops reacting to the storm, respond with calm praise and rewards.
And because we're keeping the behaviors simple, she will receive praise and rewards at a very high rate.
The dog should be praised and rewarded if she ignores the cat.
Give immediate praise and reward when your dog performs his task well.
When your dog is going to the bathroom in the proper area, repeat the verbal command, giving your dog praise and a reward when they finish.
Immediately praise and reward desired behavior Dogs live in the moment, so your response should be immediate.
Also, as soon as you get home, take him out on leash to his designated potty area and immediately praise and reward him when he finishes.
Ideally, you can find a class that emphasizes praise and rewards for the dog.
You «mark» the good behaviour with praise and a reward while clicking the clicker.
Ask for the acceptable behavior and then have the person praise and reward the dog.
When house training your furry family member, pet parents are encouraged consistent praise and rewards for eliminating outside or the preferred spot.
I especially don't want him to confuse praise and rewards with love.
If the dog does it, that is a huge success, and you want to give great praise and reward.
Each time a dog gets the behavior right she gets praise and a reward.
We want our dog to want to be with us by our side — because we give her clear boundaries as well as constant praise and reward for the desired behavior.
Isn't it easier to just praise him and reward with a treat when he sits, without using the clicker at all?
Whenever he shows no interest in the feces, be sure to tell him how happy you are through praise and reward.
As a dog owner, you will want to focus, praise and reward only the good things that your German Shepherd does.
Wait for the toy to be dropped, and praise and reward once again.
Frequently praise them and reward them for commands completed and for showing good behavior.
So to get my children to do what I want, I much prefer praise and rewards.
Too much harsh, negative discipline, and not enough praise and rewards, might get children behaving well, but out of fear.
Then praise and reward him immediately each time he does it.
The meetings focused on food, physical activity education and behavioral skills such as self - monitoring and environmental control, using praise and rewards to reinforce positive eating and physical activity.
Remember when he gets something right give lots of praise and a reward treat.
Be sure to offer praise and rewards when your teen faces feared social situations.
When he did go potty, it was back to Puppy 101 - he promptly received praise and a reward.
The moment a student began working, paying attention, or sitting quietly, brought immediate praise and reward.
It's often best to do the reverse — praise and reward desired behaviour, and ignore the unwanted.
The basis for all learning is emphasizing praise and reward for their good behaviors.
When training your pet, always use positive tactics, including giving your dog plenty of praise and rewards, such as treats.
When she starts coming to you, encourage her and praise and reward when she arrives at you, then do it again.
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