Sentences with phrase «precautionary principle»

The phrase "precautionary principle" means being cautious before taking action in situations where there is uncertainty or potential harm. It suggests that it's better to be safe and prevent possible harm, even if there is no clear evidence or consensus about the specific risks involved. Full definition
PFIs must apply precautionary principles in assessing the climate and development impacts of their policies and projects avoiding harm to people, nature and economy;
Wouldn't it be better to use precautionary principles and use adaptive management techniques when it comes to issues surrounding climate change?
comment 13: Comment 18: «This is a beautiful example of the silly precautionary principle taken to its logical limit.»
When it comes to pollution, toxic chemicals, genetically modified organisms, endangered species and climate change, the so called precautionary principle has become the guiding doctrine for timorous souls everywhere.
This is a beautiful example of the silly precautionary principle taken to its logical limit.
See, I don't know that the girl from The Ring (which wasn't half as good as Ringu but I digress) isn't going to pop out and get me, so, using the good ol' precautionary principle, I choose not to watch it.
The Paris agreement to cut anthropogenic CO2 emissions is based on the same precautionary principle declarated in the Rio conference — agreeing even with the the unworking CO2 cuts made in accordance with the Kyoto protocol.
For one, the Rosia Montana initiative breaches the Lisbon precautionary principle, which states that policy can not harm the public or environment.
Dennis and Kemp further warn that evidence of Allee effects has been found in many other species, and the prospect that minimum critical population sizes exist argues for adopting more stringent precautionary principles in environmental management.
Designating the Chagos Archipelago a no - take marine protected area (MPA) was based on the best available science.The precautionary principle was...
The cumulative impact and precautionary principle recommendations are politically controversial.
In his recent work, University of Warwick's Steve Fuller has borrowed a 40 - year - old distinction between «up - wingers» and «down - wingers» to advocate a proactionary principle, a deliberate contrast to environmentalism's hallowed precautionary principle.
Precautionary principle much??? I agree with monitoring and removing stuff from drinking water that may harm us, especially the vulnerable populations (for the children, right?)
Ice throw, blade failure, component liberation, structural failure due to load stressors are a recipe for serious risk of harm and fails precautionary principles Engineers are to apply to any structural design.
Jobs, spouses,... Are you making the ridiculous absolutist precautionary principle arguement, or do you have something along the nuanced lines of probable, plausible, possible, impossible wrt CO2 induced AGW?
We have better proxies for anything we think is problematic than «total lifetime contributions»; if you're dealing with someone who's got form for making tricksy deals and is a selfish arsehole, and they make an offer the full implications and justification of which you're pretty sure you don't understand, it's I think a reasonable precautionary principle to reject it.]
It makes sense, in a way, to err on the side of caution (the so - called precautionary principle) but it is also easy to misapply this principle and cause more harm than good.
It therefore applies a «constitutional precautionary principle» that leads it to the conclusion that all retained direct EU law should be regarded as primary legislation.
Mr. Pruitt's indulgence in this dodge raises the fundamental question of whether he agrees with the precautionary principle reflected in our nation's environmental statutes.

Phrases with «precautionary principle»

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