Sentences with phrase «psychological experience»

There is a very different psychological experience when using credit cards than using cash, which not only have I experienced personally, but others have as well.
And it's an open, deeply psychological experience that's completely up for interpretation.
Furthermore, to make psychological experience identical with independent reality is to convert psychological operations into causal categories — a move of dubious logic at best.
A better approach would be to help patients understand that their painful psychological experiences are created not by different personalities but by different aspects of one troubled personality.
It's a well written and slow paced psychological experience that explores loneliness and the fundamental human fear of the ocean.
While Sherman fashions her identity through self - representations of a panoply of characters drawn from American history, Prager stages hundreds of costumed actors to create complex narrative that explores psychological experiences of individuals within a large group.
As documents of a lived landscape, they call to mind Freud's analogy of the aggregation of psychological experience with the architecture of the Eternal City.
Religious belief may seem to be a unique psychological experience, but a growing body of research shows that thinking about religion is no different from thinking about secular things — at least from the standpoint of the brain.
The show includes powerful images evoking and informing psychological experiences of both the artists and viewers.
Red A 1960, 1960, the artists» use of red can be interpreted as an expression of their individual psychological experiences, whereas Franz Kline and Rothko's monumental abstractions speak to a more universal «scale of human feeling, the human drama.»
5 - 15) is the product of a supranormal psychological experience, the articulation of ecstatic reception.
They have the same psychological experiences you do, thinking, «How can people not believe in my God (s)?».
When men analyze their own psychological experience of wrongdoing they must arrive at this conclusion.
Where do they get the nerve to assume that their personal psychological experience somehow invalidates all others?
The Editor welcomes original papers on the psychological aspects of very early parenting, pregnancy, prenatal bonding and communication, childbirth, psychological factors in birth complications, birth losses and grief, adoption, the primal origins of health, birth and violence, the healing of birth trauma, and contrasting psychological experiences of birth in other cultures.
«Far from the traditional risk - focused assumptions, extreme sports participation facilitates more positive psychological experiences and express human values such as humility, harmony, creativity, spirituality and a vital sense of self that enriches everyday life,» Professor Schweitzer said.
$ 1,117: estimated median value (mid-range) of the economic value per hectare per year of nature's non-material contributions to people, including physical and psychological experiences linked to tourism and recreation (2017)
According to Weinstein, recurring dreams may be more sensitive to distressing psychological experiences that a person still needs to process.
An active Ajna and mindfulness meditation can result in some truly brilliant psychological experiences with some able to achieve out of body experiences, visions and a sense of deep clarity.
That mean that the gospel was not about an event of divine salvation but about a human psychological experience of trust and freedom from anxiety, guilt and boredom
[6] Her most recent work explores the physical and psychological experiences associated with aging, while continuing to be self - referential and engaging in her paintings.
The show includes powerful images evoking and informing psychological experiences -LSB-...]
It is in this painted space of «intimate immensity,» where dueling weather systems, terrain and sky, and the flooding light and growing shadows collide, that «Gornik's landscape opens out onto psychological experience broadly defined — the modern experience of loss without a lost object.
«My work critiques the social, political, and economic forces affecting our everyday psychological experience within a city by looking at the physical spaces we occupy.
Fascinated with architecture's power to shape psychological experience, Sosnowska has created a body of work that blurs the line between art and architecture in a direct and visceral way.
Through large - scale installations and lyrical sculptures, she maximizes viewers» physical, sensory, and psychological experiences so that they may be momentarily unhooked from the normative experience of their environment.»
For artists in NO MAN»S LAND, the physical process of making is key to developing meaning, exploring intellectual conundrums, and conjuring psychological experiences.
Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association between psychological distress and resilience, and also to investigate the influence of cancer - related psychological experiences on relationship between psychological distress and resilience among partners of cancer patients receiving outpatient chemotherapy.
The essential features of the child's psychological experience surrounding parental alienation that are key to the child's therapy and a restoration of the child's affectional bond with the currently targeted - rejected parent
The discriminant validity was demonstrated as loneliness was showed to be a distinct psychological experience from social desirability, social risk taking, negative emotional rates, and affiliative motivation (Russell et al., 1980).
The ongoing process of body - based, implicit, nonverbal behavior, and the complex interplay between psychological experience, procedural learning, and sensory processing, are illuminated through an exploration of movement patterns, gestures, stance, postures, prosody, and other non-verbal cues.
Still, I do recommend trying this unusual, unique psychological experience, if only to see what it's all about and to try and figure out what I means to you — even if it is accompanied by overly frustrating, cumbersome controls.
Silent Hill has always been a deeply psychological experience that didn't require intimate physical displays of violence to progress its confusing agendas.
Rose's glitchy, hypnotic videos and sound works burrow deep into the layered histories embedded in places, also exploring the visceral and psychological experiences of space.
The «total self - giving» in this way of thinking lies in the meaning of the psychological experience, whether or not it is fertile.
In teaching all this, in making the distinction of order and element, of true and untrue concerning love as a psychological experience, we have to talk clearly and objectively.
For example, let us begin with this one: «If you start from the immediate facts of our psychological experience, as surely an empiricist should begin, you are at once led to the organic conception of nature (SMW 107).
3 Whitehead observes that» [the] strength of the theory of materialistic mechanism has been the demand, that no arbitrary breaks be introduced into nature, to eke out the collapse of an explanation... But if you start from the immediate facts of our psychological experience, as surely an empiricist should begin, you are at once led to the organic conception of nature...» Science and the Modern World (New York: The Free Press, 1967), p. 73.
Psychological experience of self - transcendence can not legitimately be converted into an objective ontological transcendent.
I deal with it as a claim reflective of psychological experiences, whether they be brought on by internal states or external occurrences.
Otherwise God would be a universal natural substance, something non-rational; psychological experiences, excitement and ecstasy, devotion and joy, would be interpreted as communion with God.
Allowing for all the natural forcefulness of Luther's style and for the customary emphasis of contemporary language, this remains a witness to a psychological experience of a devastating kind.
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