Sentences with word «ptyalin»

He explained the process of digestion of beans like this: It needs to be thoroughly chewed and mixed with salivary enzyme ptyalin, the first phase of digestion of starches.
When you eat a starchy vegetable, grains or beans, an enzyme called ptyalin is secreted, which develops an alkaline condition ready for starchy foods to be digested.
It also helps break down carbohydrates (with salivary amylase, formerly known as ptyalin) and lubricates the passage of food down from the oro - pharynx to the esophagus to the stomach.
Saliva acts as a lubricant and contains ptyalin, an enzyme which helps break down starch in the diet.
This is because the enzyme, ptyalin, acts only in an alkaline medium; it is destroyed even by a mild acid.
Saliva contains, among other things, ptyalin, a form of amylase.
When sugar is taken, the mouth quickly fills with saliva, but no ptyalin is present.
He explained that our stomach glands will «wait» for a while for the salivary action in digesting the starch of the beans to take place, «knowing» that the ptyalin will be destroyed in a highly acid environment, and after a while, excretes the highly acid juice in order to digest the bean protein content.
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