Sentences with phrase «public consciousness»

"Public consciousness" refers to the collective thoughts, awareness, and knowledge that exist among the general public. It represents the shared understanding, beliefs, and perceptions that shape society's perspective on various subjects or issues. Full definition
He has hardly appeared on the public scene when he insists that this is not about him but about preparation for another who has not yet come into public consciousness.
This shift helped to create a world in which — not only for better but also for worse — equality rather than special preference moved to the center of public consciousness.
Get as many «skeptic» scientists into the mainstream media and thus public consciousness as possible.
«The idea here is to raise public consciousness in the first place,» he says.
If it was in the contemporary public consciousness, then it seems safe to assume that it was probably an influence, but direct inspiration may be pushing it a little.
Besides, it's fascinating to see how public consciousness puts a timeline on films.
Public consciousness today is «Oh, I'll get to that later».
Despite their rise in popularity and public consciousness recently, cryptocurrencies have yet to break into the mainstream.
This visibility introduces new kinds of practices, bringing a new crop of young artists into public consciousness.
It buys more visibility to animal concerns, which means more positive changes in public consciousness.
If this falls through the cracks of public consciousness, I'll be disappointed.
He became famous within a certain world but entered public consciousness after he raised the price more than 55-fold for Daraprim in September from $ 13.50 per pill to $ 750.
But news organisations need to be canny if they are not to see their own brands squeezed from public consciousness by the irresistible rise of social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter (at one end) and the growth of the star commentator (at the other).
Less than a year ago, augmented reality — digital effects laid on top of the real world as seen through a computer screen — burst into public consciousness with the release of the mobile game Pokémon GO, in which players see magical little monsters in the real world using their smartphones.
The disruptive effects on animals of our penchant for bright lights has rarely impinged on public consciousness.
Taglines have helped propel brands into public consciousness for decades, and they can do the same for you.
Both sexual assault and sexual harassment have been thrown into public consciousness by the recent revelations now gripping the House of Commons.
Two recent inquests, both of which had reached public consciousness through media publicity, involved some of these issues.
She's not a great rapper, but she's an amazing personality — she completely owns that she can't behave in public — she first came to public consciousness when she got famous on «Love and Hip Hop»
The Michael Vick case was another kind of flashpoint in raising public consciousness about an issue.
Shelton and her star / executive producer, Mark Duplass (Safety Not Guaranteed), have well and truly moved out of the shadow of mumblecore's limitations and into the realm of wider public consciousness.
I expect, however, that there will be three first - order effects that will be very similar to those that followed the BP spill: 1) increased public consciousness of the dangers inherent in transporting oil and oil products and more aversion to having these products moved nearby; 2) increased calls for alternatives to oil rather than alternative means of transporting oil; and 3) decreased trust in regulators» and firms» abilities to sufficiently mitigate risks from transporting oil.
As products like Bitcoin continue to permeate public consciousness, many other governments may end up taking stances along the lines of South Korea, and perhaps even China, to grapple with the risks of what is essentially little more than speculative investment.
A number of them, like Louise Lawler, the subject of a retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art in New York this spring, have re-entered public consciousness at a moment that is oddly similar to the one in which they first appeared.
With a few exceptions — the Roald Dahl adaptation The Witches (1990), or the non-Vietnam War Joseph Conrad adaptation Heart of Darkness (1993)-- the subsequent films failed to pierce public consciousness as keenly as his earlier works.
The free to play Battle Royale multiplayer shooter has been making serious waves, not only within the gaming scene but by breaking into the larger public consciousness.
Goldstein returned to California in the 1990s and virtually disappeared from public consciousness until his 2002 retrospective at Le Magasin in Grenoble.
While breastfeeding rates in the U.S. are on the rise, most women are unable to reach their breastfeeding goals, and I can't help but hypothesize that keeping nursing out of the public eye (and therefore removed from general public consciousness) has a lot to do with that.
But what does appear certain is that crime and anti-social behaviour are not dominating public consciousness as they did prior to the current economic hard times.
Sega came into the mainstream public consciousness with their hardware and to the greatest extent with Sonic, and the public perception of Sega is often judged by the quality or lack thereof of their mascot platformer.
Let me conclude by pointing out the carbon dioxide problem has begun to invade public consciousness at a critical time, when the worldwide industrial civilization is beginning to be shaken to its foundations by the disappearance of inexpensive sources of energy.
During a period of time when the phrase «climate change» took root in the U.S. public consciousness, it appears that the state's output of carbon dioxide considered by scientists the chief culprit in warming the Earth's atmosphere — increased at a rate nearly double the rest of the country's.
Extension energy specialist Lori Marsh is hoping the current public consciousness gets people excited about conserving energy.
She's just the standard - bearer of a movement that emerged into public consciousness nearly fifty years ago — a sexually progressive crusade that now boasts extraordinary public support.
Thanks largely to documentary films on the subject, the assumption of Allied culpability has moved beyond the academic arena into the broader public consciousness.
On those rare occasions when she is admitted to the Czech public consciousness, as in the Wimbledon telecast, any reference to her past is omitted.
Thus far, however, the UN's intervention has kept itself to the surface of much deeper changes happening in the country and by engaging extremely problematic figures like Abdelhakim Belhadj, it has lost much of its legitimacy in Libya public consciousness.
Gaza, therefore, has loomed large over the Israeli public consciousness as compelling proof of the futility of unilateral territorial withdrawals — or, as some would have it, of the folly of territorial concession at all.
Circadian rhythms are back in the techy public consciousness: A few months ago, GE released the C by GE lightbulb, which shifts from bluish in the morning to orangey in the evening; as of this year, iPhones automatically emit less blue light as the day wears on (and the latest iOs update brought us Bedtime, which sets recurring wake - up and go - to - bed alarms).
Monument Valley holds a place in the American public consciousness thanks to its regular and consistent portrayal in the media.
With the release of so many high profile titles this holiday season, Resistance 2 has sadly let itself slip away out of public consciousness just the teensiest bit.
Unlike the crowd imagery that became a popular theme in late nineteenth century painting, here the public is rendered passive and out of focus, suggesting that the notion of an active public consciousness is obsolete.
The transformative potential of public space has been etched into public consciousness ever since the ten - day pro-democracy uprising in May 1980, which took place in the streets and squares of Gwangju.
Famously, Serrano's work first entered the popular public consciousness in the late 80s with the politi...
Global warming first exploded into mass public consciousness in the summer of 1988, when droughts, fires in the Amazon, and heat waves in
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