Sentences with phrase «public responsibility»

Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content.
They think of corporations in general as public institutions, with public responsibilities beyond just keeping their noses clean.
It is simply the passing of the buck away from public responsibility.
There is a tremendous public responsibility that goes with creating a truly open and just society.
It does not replace public responsibility but reinforces and complements it.
This law addresses circumstances where a private business, family relationship or friendship, or other private interests interfere with public responsibilities.
A common set of actions made by these high schools involved a core group of leaders, who took public responsibility for leading the charge to raise achievement with other stakeholders by:
Instead of operating schools as public responsibilities, CMOs operate charter schools as moneymaking arrangements, almost like fast - food franchises.
Lancman said he plans to continue to «zealously» do his job in the Assembly, adding: «There will be other opportunities to assume greater public responsibilities in the near future.»
This is all too evident in our own society, where public responsibility is on the wane and the most privileged desperately work to improve their private estate.
- providing modes of public communication to offset the diluted sense of public responsibility which may be found in for - profit telecommunication entities
I talked with him by phone, and asked him about the context of this remark, as well as the content of his sermon and the Christian's public responsibility toward Presidents with whom we disagree on crucial issues.
From «Alcoholism: A Major Health Problem, A Major Public Responsibility,» report of the National Committee on Alcoholism presented to the Annual Meeting on March 18, 1955.
Although Wallis says that sects tend not to concede the possibility of a non-member having any valid view on their structure or behavior (1979:211), the new public responsibilities of Brazilian Pentecostals (perhaps unequalled in the history of Christian sects) may lead them to discover that they can learn from sympathetic non-members about the world and about their own role in it.
Then one day, unexpectedly, I received an invitation to speak at a conference entitled «Promoting Responsible Conduct of Research: Policies, Challenges, and Opportunities,» sponsored by Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R) and Tufts University School of Medicine.
Exhibits are a prime public responsibility of our museum.
Published in 2001, Curating Now: Imaginative Practice / Public Responsibility documents a symposium that addressed the state of curatorial practice.
But he also was an opportunist — an inveterate land speculator whose public responsibilities often were complicated by management of his highly leveraged holdings.
Only by this means can awards of an adequate amount be made against those who bear public responsibility for the conduct of the officers concerned.»
«There will be other opportunities to assume greater public responsibilities in the near future.»
What the NC should do is enable students, for a moment at last as artists, to take public responsibility for what that have made — absolutely... This is not an exhibition of protest, but could become the opportunity for commitment.
So, while I support a return to local control and deeply appreciated all the context Mayor Kenney brought to bear in his speech, I was just as excited to hear someone take public responsibility for the education of Black and Brown children — irrespective of the type of public school they attend.
The commercial, for - profit basis of much communication technology, which may dilute a focus on public responsibility, and the fact that many nations are recycling to commercialized systems rather than staying with the model of public communications.
For modern ethical thinkers, indeed, the tension is resolved only through death, when at last that which I alone can responsibly take on — my own death — is also recognizable as fulfilling the law of public responsibility.
His statement today even said he «would be seeking opportunities to assume greater public responsibilities in the near future.»
But to say this — and it is critical that blacks hear it — is not to say that there is no public responsibility.
As Richard Neuhaus wrote in The Naked Public Square, unless our «engagement moves toward dialogue, we will continue to collaborate, knowingly or not, in discrediting the public responsibility of religion....
Yet to the extent that blacks place too much emphasis on the public responsibility, we place in danger the attainment of true equality for black Americans.
Is there any separation for her, as there was for Kennedy, between her private religious doctrines (in this case, that wives should be submissive to their husbands) and her public responsibilities (to act as «the decider»)?
Only in the consciousness of their public responsibility can faith and Church take seriously their task of criticizing society.
As Silk suggests, the - Unitarian heritage helped form the basis for the modern social responsibility creed that David Rockefeller articulated in the 1970s as business being a «public mission» with public responsibilities.
Welfare has served as a proxy for fundamental questions about the quality of life in society and about how to allocate personal and public responsibilities.
Public responsibility is that limit on my activity I am willing to negotiate with others in society in return for a mutual nonaggression pact among ourselves called the social contract.
One reason is that people began to think of retirement funding as a right and primarily a public responsibility, and so — not surprisingly — started saving less.
This view has several implications, like our influence on each other, the value of support and intercessory prayer, the public responsibility we have for our most private actions, the interdependence of each other's fulfillment, etc..
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