Sentences with phrase «purpose of marriage»

Take, for example, the question: What is the main purpose of marriage today?
Want to help your clients who struggle with intimacy, sexuality, divorce, and the very purpose of marriage?
The greater purpose of the marriage was more of a business contract than anything else.
I will attempt to answer, as the spiritual purpose of marriage is considered from a Christian perspective in this article.
The highest purpose of marriage is to grow the two people into healthy adults who can care deeply and contribute to the world.
Despite the emotional appeal of two people of the same sex who love each other in a way that imitates a married couple, their union can not effect the true purposes of marriage and family, and this can be demonstrated abstractly with reason and concretely through nature, even to non-believers.
Know and understand the significance and purpose of marriage in Islam Know and understand Muslim teachings about marriage Assess and analyse the Muslim responses to atheistic and Humanistic attitudes towards the importance of marriage in society Complete with tasks / discussion points / exam questions / exemplar question / mark scheme.
We have to be able to state that the primary purpose of marriage as a sacrament, and of its bodily union as an act, is the blessing of offspring within a ministry of consecrated love.
The TVC also makes assertions on its website about disproportionate homosexual pedophilia and attacks the idea that people are born gay and the claim that gays want the right to marry for the same reasons that heterosexuals do — the TVC suggests the real purpose of marriage equality is to destroy the concept of marriage and ultimately replace it altogether with group sex and polygamy.
Same - sex marriage erodes the very purpose of marriage as a social institution and trivializes the intellectual, psychological, and biological distinctions between men and women.
The way he situates marriage alongside virginity is, to my modern eyes, certainly sobering; it's unromanticized, as it is made clear that the chief purpose of marriage is the begetting of children, and that is, in a certain sense, inferior to virginity.
Divine love is realized in marriage in «generous, committed, human love,» and the core purpose of marriage is to live out this sacred bond.
She locates the essential purpose of marriage not in bearing and raising children but in overcoming the natural opposition of the sexes.
Augustine wrote: That the good purpose of marriage, however, is better promoted by one husband with one wife, than by a husband with several wives, is shown plainly enough by the very first union of a married pair, which was made by the Divine Being Himself.
Over four decades in this space we have argued that the radical rejection of the intrinsically procreative purpose of the marriage act will tend to the «sex is for fun» philosophy, the destruction of the family and the abuseof children.
Harvard professor Nancy Cott told a federal court in San Francisco that child rearing was only one of several purposes of marriage, not «the central or defining purpose,» the Los Angeles Times reports.
The first purpose of marriage is established in Genesis 2:18: «It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him».
And though being happy is a very real by - product of a healthy relationship, the value we put on personal fulfillment is so inflated, it's causing us to miss one of the more beautiful purposes of marriage.
Both spouses agree that the primary purpose of their marriage now is to be good co-parents and raise healthy kids in as stable an environment as possible.
While each couple is free to create the terms of their new arrangement — who sleeps where, how financial obligations should be split, whether new romantic partners can be introduced into the family, when and if they eventually plan to divorce — they first must agree that their romantic and sexual relationship is over, and that the new purpose of their marriage is to be the best co-parents they can be.
The only avowed purpose of the site is to connect two people together for the ultimate purpose of marriage.
I love Korean food, culture, history, literature and I want to meet someone who is willing to initiate me further in Korean culture as I plan to make a life here on a permanent b. Though Korea is well - known for having hundreds of wedding information services which match people via their personal information for the specific purpose of marriage, there is not much in terms of casual online dating sites.
This service is intended for muslim men and single women to make acquaintance for the sole purpose of marriage and not for dating... Articles, news and CEO interviews from a large range of online dating Read More...
Thinking Skills - Purpose of Marriage Acrostic Poem.
From Ephesians 5 and elsewhere, we understand that the main purpose of marriage, is to put the Gospel on display.
She is able to help the couple find new ways of communicating, problem solving, discover the real purpose of their marriage and truly find the way to the deepest emotional and spiritual intimacy that a couple can experience which is the «Pearl of great price» according to Terrence Real, relationship expert.
Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the primary purpose of marriage was to procreate (legitimately) and to fulfill financial, political, or social expectations.
But saying marriage can make you holy is very different than saying that the purpose of marriage is to make you holy.
«The purpose of marriage is to make us holy.»
And both of these purposes are just as commendable as dating for the purpose of marriage.
Defining homosexual relationships as equivalent to heterosexual marriages will strengthen our belief that children are a choice because it defines that the purpose of marriage is exclusively for the pleasure of the spouses — any child they have is for the parents own benefit — a «thing» they have the right to if they want one, rather than a person that has rights the moment it is conceived.
The purpose of marriage isn't found in what two people can do for each other; it's in who they're becoming together.
These essential properties of marriage, therefore, flow from the meaning and purpose of marriage.
3) In some texts the main purpose of marriage is procreation (Genesis 1:28) or containment of sexual impulses (1 Corinthians 7:9).
The first thing to be said is that divorce when it takes place is always a frustration of the true intent and purpose of marriage.
And this worked because their was a general consensus between church and state on the meaning and purpose of marriage.
Cormac Burke shows how it is surprising that we, as a culture and even in the Church, need to be reminded of the purposes of marriage concerning procreation and mutual growth in generosity.
Here we come to the heart of the meaning and purpose of marriage and the way it flows from the covenant between Christ and the Church.
Consequently, divorce has been relatively accessible in America — at least for Protestants — on the grounds that it protects the true purpose of marriage: mutual affection.
the purpose of marriage is not to return what man lost but to ensure his salvation in jesus christ.
Be prepared to explain clearly the true purposes of marriage and sexuality (e.g. read March / April 06 version of this column).
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