Sentences with phrase «quantitative studies»

Here I present a review and analysis of recent quantitative studies on past increases in weather disaster losses and the role of anthropogenic climate change.
In the review, the researchers noted the mixed results of a total of thirteen quantitative studies investigating whether and how depression is associated with substance - related outcomes.
In contrast, researchers working from quantitative studies treat contextual variables as factors to be controlled in inquiries about leadership effects.
This article presents the results of the first quantitative study of Canadian defamation actions.
It's perhaps the most comprehensive, quantitative study of bike share that's ever been conducted, providing us with clear information on barriers and incentives to bike share use.
A second source of research evidence about leadership effects is large - scale quantitative studies.
Although interest in extended periods beyond the traditional 50 - minute period has existed since 1963, quantitative studies on the effects of longer class periods are still relatively scant.
A blind quantitative study with at least 1,000 general counsel in the United States, will cost a small fortune.
The Bureau's Quantitative Study shows that the Closing Disclosure is more understandable for consumers than the current TILA disclosure and RESPA settlement statement.
With his Pioneer Award, Ismagilov will develop droplet - based microfluidic technologies for quantitative studies of protein aggregation diseases and aging at the molecular level and in entire organisms.
This perspective is outlined in a first - of - its - kind, quantitative study by FindLaw, which you can read here.
Largest quantitative study of howling, and first to use machine learning, defines different howl types and finds that wolves use these types more or less depending on their species, resembling a howling dialect.
Although some interpret these turnover patterns as evidence of teachers» discontent with their students, recent large - scale quantitative studies provide evidence that teachers choose to leave schools with poor work environments and that these conditions are most common in schools that minority and low - income students typically attend.
PCIC is a regional climate service centre at the University of Victoria that conducts quantitative studies on the impacts of climate change and climate variability in the Pacific and Yukon region.
The Seed Accelerator Rankings Project is the only quantitative study of Accelerators performance.
And an amazingly quantitative study performed by Cornell University directly correlates room temperature to the amount of errors in a given task.
I make this statement not on the basis of a scientific quantitative study but on the basis of qualitatively interviewing a few hundred buyers in the last few years.
The few existing quantitative studies of legislative amendments generally include only a few pieces of legislation (e.g. Hood and Dixon 2015 (29 UK bills); Kreppel 1999 (24 EU legislative proposals)-RRB-.
A large - scale quantitative study coordinated at KU Leuven, Belgium, now shows that some symptoms play a much bigger role than others in driving depression, and that the symptoms listed in DSM may not be the most useful ones.
«We need quantitative studies on the bacterial presence in the brain,» says Allen.
While landslides triggered by earthquakes have caused damage and casualties worldwide, they have not often been the subject of extensive quantitative study or fully incorporated into seismic hazard assessments, say authors of this study that looks at just one scenario among potentially hundreds for a major earthquake in the Seattle area.
«Genetic analysis supports prediction that spontaneous rare mutations cause half of autism: Quantitative study identifies 239 genes whose «vulnerability» to devastating de novo mutation makes them priority research targets.»
Broecker's articulation of likely effects of freshwater outbursts in the North Atlantic on ocean circulation and global climate (Broecker, 1990; Broecker et al., 1990) spurred quantitative studies with idealized ocean models (Stocker and Wright, 1991) and global atmosphere — ocean models (Manabe and Stouffer, 1995; Rahmstorf 1995, 1996).
Drawing from archaeology, criminology, economics, geography, history, political science, and psychology, we assemble and analyze the 60 most rigorous quantitative studies and document, for the first time, a striking convergence of results.
So he retreats from his blanket condemnation of «best practices» study methods to exempt quantitative studies.
BIO'SAT Quantitative Study: Dermatological products for cats and dogs among 250 U.S. Veterinary Practices.
And while quantitative studies can be useful, a qualitative study would have yielded more accurate results
But a forthcoming quantitative study of his published opinions concludes that he «does exceedingly well according to the standards of good writing that legal writing authorities espouse.»
Decision Makers and Decision Recipients: Understanding Disparities in the Meaning of Fairness Diane Sivasubramaniam and Larry Heuer, Court Review 44 (2007) This article reviews the results of several quantitative studies that look at whether decision makers such as judges are impacted by procedural fairness in the same way that decision recipients are.
He's currently working on experimental quantitative studies of anti-trans prejudice.
Firstly, analysing (by statistical methods) the findings of a three year - prospective quantitative study of postnatal depression, and secondly, the concluding years of my psychoanalytical psychotherapy training — because in each case the importance of attachment and of postnatal disruption by maternal depression emerged.
Research can consist of qualitative or quantitative studies although literature reviews alone will not be considered.
Types of studies Quantitative studies: randomized control trials (RCTs).
The GUS sample of families with a non-biological father figure is too small to permit a detailed quantitative study of factors promoting more supportive father figure - child relations within families of this type.
Brief reports include preliminary findings, replications (or failure of replication in a powerful enough sample) of previous empirical findings in the literature as well as psychometric properties of existing measures, or empirical findings that are not substantial enough to warrant a full report including studies that have substantial design limitations (e.g. cross-sectional single method quantitative studies).
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