Sentences with phrase «radiation output»

This pattern might be, could be, possibly, somewhat or maybe not be influenced by the earth's orbit, tilt, solar radiation output (maybe not), etc. 3.
The team's 2013 Astrophysical Journal study is the current gold standard in determining how a star's total radiation output relates to the location of its habitable zone.
The study argued that changes in the sun's radiation output played a major role in influencing shifts in Arctic air temperatures — a view at odds with mainstream climate science, which fingered atmospheric carbon dioxide as a bigger player.
Ture, the sun's radiation output at the sun's surface, with a temperature of 5780K, is higher at any frequency than the earth's output at the earth's surface, at a temperature of 287 or 288 K, but we don't receive the sun's radiation at the sun's surface.
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