Sentences with phrase «real language»

Read more about how even though they're not using real language, cat talk is used to manipulate unsuspecting humans!
Even if you have an agent, hire an IP lawyer to help with the contract, and to tell you in real language what you are signing and what it really means.
You want to educate them about the laws, and you want to try to talk to them about learning to have emotional relationships that involve real language and less texting.
The exhibition also presents artistic works that allow visitors to create abstract forms and structures using Apps, thereby experiencing the transformations of their own real language into a digital one.
That is why the King James version of the Bible is the only true, literal Word of God... Just like aliens all speak the one real language of the universe, and that too is English.
Translated from the medical / technical mumbo - jumbo into real language that you can understand.
The communication that takes place is through real language and actions (it is enfleshed).
If it offends anyone, me using REAL language against Walcott, then that offence is NOTHING when compared to the offence this bone idle, lazy shirker has given to Arsenals REAL fans over many years past.
«My main goal as a language teacher is to find authentic input to help them learn from real language - we have to make students feel like they're in the US even if it's still Morocco outside the school doors.»
IBM's Watson technology is now appearing in many legal technologies that allow lawyers to quickly research information with real language queries, automate repetitive tasks, and even tasks such as the anonymizing of documents to create document templates.
This contradicted previous researchers, who had noted that the pattern of word lengths and symbol combinations was similar to structures found in real languages, a match that would be difficult for a forger to replicate.
There was probably some form of verbal communication but nothing we would recognize as a real language.
They have real languages, real histories, real dreams, and memories of statehood.
I like forceful and real language that paints TRUE pictures but intensely dislike - NOT hate — hype and incorrect use of our rich and beautiful language.
I will not swear, obviously, but I am unable to write an honest anti - Wenger artyicle without forceful and real language, castigating his tenuous grip on reality.
These are real languages that people use to communicate and some of them only speak one of those languages.
It's not a real language and there are no subtitles in the movie, but you don't have to understand the language because there isn't much talking.
For more than 20 years, her research has insistently challenged the idea that humans alone are capable of real thought and real language.
Watson represents a tremendous breakthrough in computers understanding natural language, «real language» that is not specially designed or encoded just for computers, but language that humans use to naturally capture and communicate knowledge.
Our goal is to use the real language of science — the journal article — as an inroad to understanding «who does science, how, and why?»
And anchoring into a real language that describes natural human movement.
Some people claim that French is romantic, but scientists claim to have identified the real language of love for online dating profiles.
Knowing the right words to say in your dating profile — and knowing which Some people claim that French is romantic, but scientists claim to have identified the real language of love for online dating profiles.
Wakanda may be fake, but Wakandan is a real language.
In fact, the excessively - perfect English sits in stark contrast to the other - worldly tribal wailings of the cave - dwellers who seem to have no real language at all.
We're essentially bridging the gap between learning the concepts of coding and learning how to code in the same way a developer does; children learn languages quickly and easily, so why not teach them the real language of technology?
Why don't we try introducing children to the real languages of technology when they are younger, in a way that would be challenging and engaging?
I always recommend trying to travel somewhere in your home country first (so at least that way there will be no real language / culture barriers to work through) before going abroad.
Face to face discussions are very important, and we realised that we could get to Sofia within three hours, that there weren't any real language issues and that we could establish connections between people in Horsham and Sofia that were as strong as those within our Horsham teams.
Creed has developed an artistic voice that is surprisingly expansive and emotional, calling to mind the English Romantic poets of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, who sought to capture the beauty in what William Wordsworth described as «the real language of men».
I only wish one could pronounce it e-du-ca-loy, which comes off my tongue at least more pleasingly than the cal - wah ending the real language requires.
Both legal and educational material should be written in «real language» not legalese, and should be clear, consistent and accessible to a broad readership.
(A real language warning.)
But Duolingo still has a lot of real languages to work on.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z