Sentences with phrase «reflective mood»

Somehow that experience got me connected to how important the dark and quiet reflective mood of winter is for me.
The end - of - decade reflective mood is obviously catching.
Alastair Reynolds is in reflective mood.
The nearby Krishnamurti Library also has gorgeous grounds and a comprehensive collection of the teachings of the philosopher and sage, for anyone in a seriously reflective mood.
And yet, given his cynical view of organized religion and holiday cheer, this book finds Black in a surprisingly reflective mood.
I also find myself in a more reflective mood after Labor Day because of the Jewish New Year.
Milestones give someone a lot to think about, so when Conservation International celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2007, it put me in a reflective mood.
Statistics Canada was in a reflective mood this week.
Zuckerberg may not have cared much about Oculus's video - game ambitions, but his company's recent billion - user milestone had put him in a reflective mood.
Instead, they encountered a president in a reflective mood, almost contrite.
He's once again in a reflective mood switching between time periods and aspect ratios with his usual precision.
Evidently in a reflective mood, Anderson and Bolt express a lot of regret that they pulled out so many of the unpleasant sequences in the picture, from a quiet intro ghost - written by Andrew Kevin Walker to the death - orgy covered lavishly, I remember, in an issue of FANGORIA.
My firstborn will be leaving home for college in a couple of weeks and it's put me in a reflective mood.
But this whole thing has me in a reflective mood as I realised Uncharted games have had such a positive influence on my gaming in the previous generation, and so have Naughty Dog with their astounding ability to create action adventure games that, for me, are the best you can play.
This month, in many ways, found ArtThrob in a self - reflective mood.
A number of recent archival explorations of its past exhibitions in the ICA's Fox Reading Room and plans to follow the Whitechapel and Tate Britain in putting its archive at the centre of its redeveloped site suggest that the Institute is in a reflective mood.
For this exhibition in the gallery, the immense works of inkjet print on archival paper were directly adhered to the gallery walls to give viewers an unobstructed line of vision but at the same time facilitates a reflective mood.
Her works can be related to poems or music covering a wide range of sounds from «subtle, loud and disturbing dissonances to reflective moods and daytime light situations.»
Yet the exhibition also manages to be, in many ways, very subtle — powerfully quiet and nuanced, and the omnipresent jazz and blues playing in the background create a reflective mood in which to experience the work.
And don't get me wrong, it's not a depressed mood; just a more pensive, reflective mood.
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