Sentences with phrase «revealed religion»

I will not reveal my religion as it isn't important.
I do not have any problem with revealed religion.
Every comment you make reveals your religion as delusional and empty.
The poor could be protected only on the basis of revealed religion.
The Greek thinkers were far from the idea of the Godhead as explained in revealed religions.
It is understandable that pro-lifers are sensitive to the (false) claim that opposition to abortion is based on revealed religion.
The reason for this success, according to Barr, and numerous other Catholics, is the «contempt many thinkers of the Enlightenment had for revealed religion» and «anti-Catholic prejudice».
... [Revealed religion] is in no sense the bond of society.»
It is difficult to avoid the implication that what is authentic in Christianity is its «soul,» that is, the ways it agrees with other revealed religions, and that Christianity's «body»» all the ways it is distinct and particular» serve more to obscure than reveal the truth.
Revealed religion never spoke more obscurely, or with greater implausibility.
God's terminal illness — which Harrington believes is not being stayed by the so - called evangelical movement or other manifestations of a renewed religiosity — has given rise to other liturgies which are not as well developed as that of what Hegel called revealed religion.
The more ardent Deists labeled revealed religion the product of self - interested priests.
«These gentlemen,» he said on the stand, «came here to try revealed religion.
To begin with, the popular media often refer to adherents of traditional revealed religions as «people of faith,» a term that initially seems respectful but, on closer look, can be seen to carry condescending overtones.
The general teachings of revealed religion influenced their political habits to an unprecedented extent, while church and state remained separated in law.
As Pope Benedict continually points out, if we neglect the priority of Wisdom in revealed religion we risk divorcing faith from reason and religion from science, which does harm to both.
We don't rely on revealed religion, which has never revealed anything testable that was actually correct.
This admixture appears based upon the conjunction of revealed religion with the natural law as set in creation by its Creator, at the head of which is the mind of man — law which defines nature's constitution from the physical to the structure of human society, including the general moral precepts by which it must be governed.
Polls show that a sizable proportion of the American population agrees with Morris that scientific theories on natural origins are in conflict with revealed religion and should not be taught unless they can be supplemented by a theological corrective.
In 1802, when Chateaubriand published The Genius of Christianity, revealed religion had been widely discredited by the philosophes for decades and actively persecuted for a decade.
But the notion that God is some passive source of power is totally alien to all revealed religion as well as most natural religion.
Christianity is a revealed religion so of its essence there is a given, a revealed something or someone that can not be replaced or superseded.
In his book Jerusalem, published in 1783, he explained how Judaism constituted not a revealed religion but a system of divinely revealed legislation aimed at strengthening the Jews» grip on the universally accessible principles of natural religion as well as the rest of the world's awareness of them.
... The abiding and immutable truth of metaphysics and revealed religion must be reclad in new garments woven by a scientific and historical knowledge incomparably vaster than was ever before possessed by man.»
He draws on a naturalistic morality, not entirely unlike natural law, rather than invoking doctrines of revealed religion.
Yet he came also — and this was the unique gift of Revealed religion — to redeem men and the world which was their home....
It readily adopts the language and trappings of revealed religion, yet reformulates doctrine as metaphor, and abolishes moral absolutes in favour of flexible aspirations.
Additionally, Baha'is who regard Islam as a revealed religion have a keen interest in reducing Islamophobia in the west as our own beliefs are not valid if Islam is not from God, and do not accept donations from non-Baha «is, thus are clearly not «funded» for anti-Islamic purposes.
Against this, the Bible offers a revealed religion which shows us that we are made in God's image and that this image is redeemed by him when corrupted by us.
If we believe in the wisdom of God as one wisdom shared with us both in creation and revelation, then the call to the common search for truth is a brilliant solution to the problem of tolerance and dialogue when faced with the claims of revealed religion.
Christ, as normative man, belongs to both natural and revealed religion.
Islam is thus the generic term applicable to every revealed religion so long as that religion is not altered by men.
Cultural specificity is relevant even concerning the teachings of revealed religions.
What they have in common is that they are both monistic: they can not tolerate a pluralism that involves a complex interaction of reason, conscience, public discourse, and moral judgment drawn from, among other sources, revealed religion.
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