Sentences with phrase «risk clients»

We have over a decade of experience finding incredible rates for high risk clients from all walks of life.
But, if you are a renter without many valuables then you will be considered a low risk client by the insuring company and your will be able to get a very affordable plan.
Other products available for impaired risk clients are whole life and universal life.
However, a lack of trust in current exchange service providers led many to believe they couldn't risk their clients money.
High - risk clients file more claims and ultimately cost an insurance company more money.
Managed daily operation of community based group exercise program for diverse, high risk client population.
They keep themselves asking for all of these years because of their competitive life insurance rates for high - risk clients as well as their competitive life insurance rates for seniors.
Should a midwife risk a client out for that condition as well?
We find that many lenders across the nation have stopped lending to high risk clients simply based on credit.
He has represented insurance and corporate risk clients for more than 25 years, handling complex and high value cases.
Our experienced independent insurance agents have years of experience working with all types of high - risk clients across the nation and we know which companies are going to give you the best rates.
If you are a low risk client then you will be able to get a lower premium.
So why do they keep taking high risk clients?
The reasoning behind this is simple; if you are a low risk client, insurance providers do not expect you to file claims anytime soon.
There are dozens of companies that work with high - risk clients with various conditions to give them affordable life insurance.
With ABRs, one benefit helps address the financial risks a client faces when chronically ill or in need of long - term care, and the other provides a death benefit in the event that a chronic illness condition or the need for long - term care does not arise,» said Summerlee.
Designed by determining the amount of downside risk a client is willing to tolerate, WealthGuard ™ is added to client accounts to help protect from downside risk.
With ABRs, one benefit helps address the financial risks a client faces when chronically ill or in need of long - term care, and the other provides a death benefit in the event that a chronic illness condition or the need for long - term care does not arise,» said
For recasting the $ 49 billion payday loan business as an opportunity to turn high - risk clients into near - prime borrowers.
The order requires the bank to end dollar clearing through its New York branch for high - risk clients at its Hong Kong - based subsidiary.
Standard Chartered Bank will pay a $ 300 million fine and end its relationship with high - risk clients over failures to enhance money laundering compliance as part of a 2012 settlement, the Department of Financial Services on Tuesday announced.
We have found that by carefully defining and measuring risk, we can have 100 % equity portfolios for moderate risk clients and 80 % equity portfolios for conservative clients — and still remain within their risk tolerance.
FinaMetrica's Risk Tolerance Toolkit ™ lets you identify how much risk your client is willing to take.
Traditionally, higher risk clients often consume inordinate amounts of attorney and / or non-attorney time that may be much better spent with other, more profitable, clients or developing other types of business from existing and / or potential clients and referral sources.
We have assisted many law firms develop high risk client profiles, and establish due diligence procedures that attorneys must follow before agreeing to represent «high risk» clients who may pose a potential financial problem.
He called attention to the fact that public attorneys who represent the liberty interests and rights of the Commonwealth's indigent do not make nearly as much as Executive Branch attorneys who do important work, but who do not face the same burdens and complications as public defenders, especially risking a client's freedom.
Associates are forced to use unsecure web browsers, risking client confidentiality and increasing their firm's risk of legal liability.
Advisers have to do a better job of keeping their KYC information up to date, and explaining all of the investment risks clients face, or face disciplinary penalties and the possibility of civil litigation.
Another pro is that they offer favorable underwriting for high - risk clients so if you suffer from any medical condition this company may be the way to go depending on your condition of course.
The main reason is Banner is an excellent company for sub-standard risk clients, offering some of the most competitive life insurance rates for seniors.
Committed to ensuring the wellness and safety of high - risk clients by meeting them where they're at and slowly encouraging them to a better place.
They stand to lose a goodly sum of money if a high risk client drives his car up a tree every so often.
Assessed client and delivered comprehensive case management services in hope of reducing the unnecessary risk of institutional care by treating high - risk clients living in the community.
Now, with Rocket Mortgage, the agent doesn't have to risk the client going to a local bank or credit union that might have a referral relationship with another organization that might steer the client away.»
He felt that there was «nothing intrinsically wrong with a private banker using persuasive techniques to induce a client to take risks the client would not take but for the banker's powers of persuasion, provided the client can afford to take the risks and shows himself willing to take them».
Policyholders are often considered high risk clients based on different aspects.
Designed by determining the amount of downside risk a client is willing to tolerate, WealthGuardTM is added to client accounts to help protect from downside risk.
Working in the commercial world, I would not like to risk my client money if a decision were to be based on such records, unless there was good reason to dismiss one or other of the subsets.
The insurance industry, as a whole, is all about risk — companies want low risk clients, clients want low risk insurance policies, but risk plays a huge part in determining how much you pay.
It appears that the birth center in Cary did not take on clients with prior cesareans, if that is to be believed, then they truly took low - risk clients into their service.
The lower your credit score, the higher your perceived risk to an insurance company and, just like a high - risk driver, a high - financial risk client will often pay a higher rate.
A professional insurance agent who works with high risk clients is the best option when you need to look at several health variables to obtain an affordable insurance premium.
According to Schenck, the only arm of Deutsche Bank that is slightly down is the transaction banking business after the German lender exited a number of countries and high - risk clients.
Because banks and other lenders shy away from borrowers with less than a 25 % down payment as higher - risk clients, mortgage insurance gives people with smaller down payments a better risk profile.

Phrases with «risk clients»

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