Sentences with phrase «role of fathers»

The findings also suggest the crucial role of fathers in helping children utilize their behavioral regulation skills to acquire early mathematics skills and reduce behavior problems.
• To change supports to family life so that the caring role of fathers and father - figures is recognised and strongly supported.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17, 689 - 701 Flouri, E. & Buchanan, A. (2002) «Life satisfaction in teenage boys: The moderating role of father involvement and bullying».
He mixes these with an intimate, highly personal chronicle of his experience battling cancer while raising young children, along with vivid portraits of his father, his two grandfathers, and various father figures in his life that explore the changing role of fathers in America.
Adolescent problem behavior: The effect of peers and the moderating role of father absence and the mother - child relationship.
Likewise, more research needs to be conducted on the specific role of fathers» cognitions and child - rearing attitudes in children's development.
In the final concluding section, we summarize and discuss the findings on the mutual relations between coparenting and anxiety, paying special attention to the potentially different roles of fathers and mothers in these relations.
The New Millennial Dad: Understanding the Paradox of Today's Fathers, represents the seventh report on the changing role of fathers by the Center, and focuses on the youngest group of fathers in the workplace.
We used a high - risk design involving children of mothers with and without histories of depression to test the unique mediating role of father — child conflict in the relations between fathers» depressive symptoms and child externalizing and internalizing symptoms.
Parent growth groups which also emphasize the crucial role of fathers and stress the enrichment of marriage (which ours did not) are, in the long run, more helpful to both children and parents.
Abraham, called by God to be the father of a new nation that will carry God's righteous ways to the rest of the world, is educated by God Himself in the proper roles of father and founder, and proves his readiness in his final test.
In contrast to this view, we believe that the Christian tradition, common sense and the recent social - science evidence summarized by Whitehead, Wilson and others make a strong case for the importance of the educative and moral role of fathers with children, in addition to their procreative and financial contributions.
An outstanding policy briefing paper Understanding Fatherhood in the 21st Century A Policy Briefing Paper for Northern Ireland written by Colin Shaw and Maria Lohan summarises the research evidence to support father involvement and makes a series of recommendations for changes in public policy and practice in Northern Ireland to facilitate the changing role of fathers today.
is an excellent overview of the variable role of fathers and includes an extended discussion of the physiological effects of child care on men.
This assessment of the changing role of fathers delivers an in - depth portrait of America's working fathers, revealing that today's dads associate being a good father just as much with the role of effective caregiver as the traditional role of «breadwinner.»
Brad Pitt is especially good in the multi-layered role of the father; there's a quiet intensity to his performance, and the young actors are also good.
Owen devotes himself to the horror - flick role of a father battling his daughter's monsters with the same trademark efficiency and intensity he brings to every project, whether pulpy like «Killer Elite» or pure like «Shadow Dancer.»
Lee Daniels» The Butler (PG - 13 for violence, sexuality, smoking, profanity, ethnic slurs, mature themes and disturbing images) Forest Whitaker stars in the title role of this father - son saga, set against the backdrop of the African - American struggle for Civil Rights, recounting the real - life story of a butler who served in the White House under eight presidents.
Sponsored by ReachUp, Inc., the federal Healthy Start initiative serving central Hillsborough County, Fathers Hall of Fame is designed to demonstrate the valuable role of fathers and fatherhood to present and future generations.
He does not, however, minimize the mother's role; Pruett believes that fathers bring different assets to childrearing than mothers and feels that the mother's relationship with her children is improved by the active role of the father.
Implications (including economic implications) of monotropy theory: eg role of fathers, mothers returning to employment, use of daycare etc..
While the bulk of literature on parenting focuses on mothers» role and care, research increasingly examines the highly significant and overlooked role of fathers (Burgess, 2008).
Americans just recently celebrated the important role of fathers in the upbringing of children.
The organizational expansion includes the Dads and Kids Initiative, focusing on the important role of a father in the lives of children, and Raising Kids TwoGether, an innovative program developed by HRC that combines the benefits of Relationship Education with Parent Education.
Fatherhood is Forever discusses the important parenting role of fathers, including learning about being a positive role model for children and some of the different approaches they can take to deal with different situations.
The present paper aims to longitudinally assess the emotional functioning of children of mothers with depression, anxiety, or eating disorders and of mothers with no psychological disorders and to evaluate the possible mediating role of fathers» psychological profiles on children's internalizing / externalizing functioning using SCID I, SCL - 90 / R and CBCL / 1 1/2 -5.
Father - Child Transmission of Antisocial Behavior: The Moderating Role of Father's Presence in the Home.
Likewise, more research needs to be conducted on the specific role of fathers» cognitions and child - rearing attitudes in children's development.
A study focusing on the complex and changing role of fathers in the modern American family was released by the Boston College Center for Work & Family on June 18, 2010.
Part of our «Looking Forward» series, this policy memo makes the case for building on this accumulating evidence to create new and innovative approaches to support children's earliest years and the unique role of fathers.
His unconscious sexism caused him to exaggerate the role of fathers and underestimate the role of mothers in the growth of children.
The role of fathers in the nurture of their children is unique and can not be replaced by other so - called «male role - models» or, indeed, an extra «mother».
This is P, and priestly tradition understandably magnifies the role of the father of priests.
It's most definitely wrong, but hey, he's a religious guy who takes masculinity and the role of a father very seriously.
The inquiry, held by the All - Party Parliamentary Groups on Parents & Families, and Social Mobility, found that «female domination of the early years workforce, combined with ingrained gender stereotypes, has created an environment of family support services which are aimed almost exclusively at women, and which, inadvertently, do not appear to sufficiently value the role of fathers
The role of fathers in risk for physical child abuse and neglect: possible pathways and unanswered questions.
Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 25, 245 - 254 Flouri, E. (2004) Subjective well - being in midlife: The role of involvement of and closeness to parents in childhood Journal of Happiness Studies, 5, 335 - 358 Flouri, E. & Buchanan, A. (2003)» The role of father involvement and mother involvement in adolescents» psychological well - being.»
British Journal of Social Work 33, 399 - 406 Flouri, E. & Buchanan, A. (2003) «The role of father involvement in children's later mental health.»
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