Sentences with phrase «scientific ethics»

Provided regular reports to scientific ethics committee, participated in two ethics oversight cases at the research facility.
Will scientific ethics classes become mandatory for all trainees?
Should the government force institutions to implement scientific ethics instruction?
That statement is an attack on science, it is a denial of scientific ethics, and its mere assertion undermines public confidence in science.
(He undertook this deception even as he was heading a task force on scientific ethics for the American Geophysical Union.)
So you've perused our past ethics mini-features, but you want to know even more about scientific ethics.
I know from personal experience at the 1976 AGU meeting [1] and from my research mentor's experience at the 1956 AGU meeting [2] that AGU has long had a problem with scientific ethics, or lack of the same.
In a twist on the typical scientific ethics discussion, the IOM report and companion meeting shifted the spotlight from a negative perspective — preventing scientific misconduct — to the more positive one of encouraging ethical research practices.
Find out what an Institute of Medicine committee had to say about teaching and learning scientific ethics in our story, Getting Scientists to «Do the Right Thing».
Keynote Presentation: (Dis) Honesty Presenter: Dan Ariely, Duke University, USA Research integrity: A Romanian story Presenter: Daniel Funeriu, Department of Education and Research, Romania The consideration of scientific ethics issues and exploration in practice: Scientists» code of research conduct associated with emerging technologies Presenter: Zhihong Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
We realise that the final wording — «the transplant procedure was approved by the local scientific ethics committee» — was imprecise and did not convey the full extent of the ethical coverage.
Nonetheless, the real - world ramifications of his actions are already playing out in his withdrawal from the board of the National Center for Science Education and his withdrawal last week from the chairmanship of the the American Geophysical Union task force on scientific ethics.
That this fact was corruptly kept out of the literature is a shame and a violation of scientific ethics and rather close to «fraud» in my opinion even though I would not be the first to use that word myself.
Never Misrepresent: While the «Survival Skills and Ethics Training» seminar describes this habit as a key ingredient in scientific ethics, it applies to job seekers just as well.
The couple ran the journal as co-editors-in-chief for many years and made a name for themselves by campaigning for scientific ethics and against corruption and plagiarism.
The Societal Dimensions of Engineering, Science, and Technology Program at the National Science Foundation (NSF) funds studies on scientific ethics.
Serageldin hopes to make the library an international center of expertise on scientific ethics.
They have taken a similar route this time, and this may lead to some discussion of the scientific ethics of reporting this kind of breakthrough via a Stock Market announcement rather than through a peer - reviewed journal.»
It makes practical applications possible, spreads all the general requirements, including requirements of scientific ethics, novelty, validity of the findings, methodical adequacy, results reproducibility, etc..
Sexual politics, medical and scientific ethics, anthropology, archaeology, economics, astronomy, astrology, quantum physics and molecular biology were all regular topics of conversation.»
Many thanks to Emanuel for the outstanding demonstration of scientific ethics.
Especially being the chairman of the AGU's taskforce on scientific ethics.
But the scientific ethic is not the only ethical principle at work.
In doing so, she is, at least arguably, expressing the scientific ethic: the role of the pure scientist is to speak very carefully and precisely and in measured fashion.
He subsequently resigned as chairman of the scientific ethics task force for the American Geophysical Union and was suspended from his Pacific Institute post for five months.
Such is scientific ethics and I insist on sticking to it.
Next up, Peter Gleick, the American Geophysical Union's «scientific ethics» chairman whose scientific ethics include using a false name to acquire confidential documents from the Heartland Institute.
Short version: Gleick — a noted environmentalist, writer, and campaigner who had chaired an American Geophysical Union task force on «scientific ethics and integrity» [no really]-- was revealed as the guy who had used identity theft to trick documents out of the Heartland Institute in order to generate a #fakenews story about a conservative conspiracy to hide the truth about global warming.
In 2011 he led a new task force on «scientific ethics and integrity» for the American Geophysical Union.
This is both a four - credit course in scientific ethics and in cyber-conduct (criminal, civil, cultural, etc).
As David hasn't answered, I'd sure be interested to know what teaching (if any) students of climate science get in the scientific method and scientific ethics... and how these lessons are reinforced in their lectures and practical and essay work.
Sexual politics, medical and scientific ethics, anthropology, archaeology, economics, astronomy, astrology, quantum physics and molecular biology were all regular topics of conversation.»
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