Sentences with phrase «score composer»

A score composer is a person who creates the music that accompanies movies, TV shows, video games, or other forms of media. They write the music that helps set the mood and enhances the story being told. Full definition
I phoned a friend and film score composer in L.A. and talked with him about a book trailer.
It's a tougher climb for Sarah Greenwood and her production design team, as it is for Original Score composer Dario Marianelli, regardless of the Golden Globe nod he managed to score (his was Anna Karenina's sole citation from the Hollywood Foreign Press).
Larry Groupé, the Emmy Award - winning film score composer for the short film Residue and composer for feature films including Straw Dogs and The Contender, will discuss the role of music in film production.
Film - score composer Barry DeVorzon built a «natural» pool in his yard, and it was such a hit in the Santa Barbara music community that there is now a virtual subdivision thereof painstakingly planned, multimillion - dollar improvisations on Eden.
It's always a treasure when a filmmaker and score composer collaborate on a number of projects, and the latest team up between director Denis Villeneuve and Icelandic composer Jóhann Jóhannsson has been delivering stunning result after stunning result (also see: Sicario).
We found out a lot about how character and music development happens while the story is being crafted by talking with the some of the filmmakers, animator Alonso Martinez, and score composers Mychael Danna and Jeff Danna.
And speaking of which, additional folks who may well have an Oscar shot here are Cinematographer Grieg Fraser, Original Score composer Alexandre Desplat, and longshot Supporting Actress hopeful Jennifer Ehle, who, nomination or not, turns in some of the best work in her category this year.
Picking up the slack is score composer Jerry Goldsmith, who gives Mulan an appropriate epic sweep, most memorably in the haunting cue that accompanies Mulan's fateful decision early in the film.
One aspect of the Star Wars films that every fan finds memorable is the incredible scores composer John Williams comes up with for each instalment.
«Music by Waddy, Lyrics by Danny» (4:19) is a promotional interview in which score composer Waddy Wachtel and score producer Danny Bramson
A video teaser (which includes theme music by film - score composers Rolfe Kent and Meredith Meyer) is online here.
In fact, the music that Hans Zimmer has composed for all of his collaborations with Christopher Nolan have been rather influential on other film score composers, prompting plenty of imitation.
Though there are innumerous talents involved with this remake, from cinematography to score composer, Roger Murray and Jane O'Kane deserve special mention for their amazing work on prosthetics and makeup design.
Got something you'd like to ask the Oscar - nominated film - score composer and Radiohead musician?
Carter Burwell is one of America's leading film score composers, known mostly for unusual, dark films.
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