Sentences with phrase «secular humanists»

Secular humanists are people who do not believe in any religion or god. They focus on using reason, ethics, and humanity to understand the world and live a fulfilling life. Full definition
somebody in the mainstream media has acknowledged there are countless numbers of secular humanists out here!!
Lately from material I have been reading online it seems I am aligned with secular humanists as well.
It is a push from secular humanists to be able to decide your own value system.
In this regard, these traditions have more in common with each other than with secular humanists who seek to justify human rights on the basis of reason alone.
Why should conservative Christian beliefs carry more weight in the United States than moderate or liberal Christian beliefs, Muslim beliefs, Buddhist beliefs, or secular humanist beliefs?
I'd LOVE to know what the true numbers really look like... I think it would shock a lot of people... and maybe get a little more respect for secular humanists...
We are not here talking about people who have died in wars caused by secular humanist states, because that would massively increase the body count.
What secular humanists don't understand is even their world view of equal human rights are built on New Testament principles.
Agnostics / secular humanists believe their is no evidence that proves the existance of God therefore at this time the most rational and logical belief system would not incorporate a God.
Those who are Buddhists will follow one set of laws, secular humanists on, Utilitarians on, Unitarian Universalists one (with a lot of variation), etc. «Atheism» in itself says nothing at all about one's ethical beliefs.
Assertions such as «The humanists have brainwashed Christians when it comes to the Biblical meaning of theocracy» or «Men will be ruled by God, or else they will be ruled by men who imitate God» (from the foreward to DeMar's Ruler of the Nations) remind one of the caricatures of the good - guy Christians versus bad - guy secular humanists found in pop - evangelical books such as Tim LaHaye's Battle for the Mind.
The real struggle in all religious communities is for spiritual reformation opening themselves to enter into dialogue with other religions and with secular humanist ideologies regarding the nature and rights of the human person and the meaning of social justice enabling to build together a new spiritually - oriented humanism and a more humane society.
Most atheists and secular humanists share a large amount of the morality taught today by mainstream Christianity.
By its own moral identity, any honest Jewish, Christian, or even secular humanist society must come to their aid.
We would argue that, like most secular humanists, he is cherry - picking whatever he finds personally comfortable from the heritage of Judaeo - Christianity while leaving aside whatever doesn't suit the tastes and fashions of the times.
No, over 180 million people have been killed by their own secular humanist governments in the 20th Century.
While atheists and other secular Humanists may rejoice, this is not good news for the nation.
In theory is actual evidence of a god was discovered we would find many agnostics / secular humanists changing their beliefs.
secular humanists always conveniently forget that more people have been murdered by evolutionists in the last century than then entire dark ages put together, i.e.: Hitler, Stalin, Mao
It seems many atheists are agnostics or secular humanists because if evidence of the existance of God was discovered than they would be open to reevaluating their beliefs and choosing accordingly.
- what gives secular humanists the right to define morality for me, or for anybody other than themselves.
When the Christian right attacked what was understood to be a recently achieved secular humanist hegemony in American politics and culture, the thrust struck deeper than they imagined.
Instead of a ghetto, the underground Czech Church found an intense and fruitful dialogue with the equally outlawed secular humanist intellectuals.
There seems to be a strong link between secular humanists, atheism and left wing slant.
Why should secular humanists just keep letting Christians get away with being as hateful and vile as they possibly can be.
As an intelligent secular humanist, I am more moral than your god, more moral than your «Jesus» and more moral than YOU.
Tarkunde is right in distinguishing between them, but he underestimates the inability of fundamentalism to embrace people of other religions or secular humanists within their theological or community circle predisposing them to theocratic politics in the interests of «true religion and virtue»; and I would add that he underestimates the role of fundamentalism in India.
By default rather than by design, many Catholics are drifting into the same mind set as the average secular humanist.
Mr. Secular humanist will continue to fund abortion Mr. Atheist will continue to rely on Christians for fund raising Mr. Agnostic could care less
I think spiritual or religious have no real differentiation when it comes to comparing to secular humanist way of living.
Consequently, secular humanists reject religious doctrine and divine revelation as the basis of public morality and decision - making.
According to Summit, a person who thinks evolution is a legitimate scientific theory, supports regulation of the free market, identifies with left - wing politics, and «seeks to empower the powerless, that is, women, minorities and homosexuals» is a postmodern secular humanist with some Marxist tendencies.
He had trouble believing that his favorite secular humanist Cicero might not be found in paradise.
Rorty, an avowed secular humanist, writes from a position at the very center of the academic establishment, yet his book, in spite of its sometimes very technical discourse, is still widely discussed outside the academy.
At the same time we hear prominent secular humanists conducting a campaign of propaganda in the media that seeks to blame the troubles of the world on «religion» in all its forms.
Fundamentalists say that a small cabal of secular humanists screens out the tradition's symbols.
Secular humanists talk of the «Shift» or of a «Copernican Revolution» in human consciousness.
And if we look at the dominant influence shaping modern Indian public life, it has been the impact of Liberal or Marxian secular humanist ideology.
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