Sentences with phrase «sex schools»

Girls who attend single sex schools face being at a «huge disadvantage», according to the head teacher of a leading independent school.
The research studied the reading test scores of more than 200,000 15 - year - olds from over 8,000 mixed - sex schools around the world.
Over one third of girls in mixed sex schools said that they had personally experienced some form of sexual harassment at school.
Teachers in single - sex schools tended to be older, better paid and taking significantly less sick leave than their counterparts in mixed schools.
Is a single - sex school right for you?
The proposal calls for two single - sex schools geared toward low - income, minority students in grades six through 12.
Girls who had attended single - sex schools also had slightly higher wages than their co-ed peers in mid-life.»
Districts may operate a single - sex school as long as they provide equal services either in a coed school or a school for the opposite gender.
Analysis of Year 3, 5 and 7 test data across almost 3000 Australian schools show «single - sex schools on average provide no better value - add over time than coeducational schools».
One interesting thing they did find was that girls do not lag behind boys in countries with same - sex schooling at the secondary school level, such as Bahrain, though they did not investigate whether the relationship is causal.
The judges were told that if the appeal was allowed, Ofsted would re-inspect all mixed - sex schools with segregation policies which might be breaching equality laws.
She argued:» People often make claims about the consequences of single - sex schooling for relationships between the sexes without referring to any evidence.»
Beginning in the 1930s, poultry breeders from around the world traveled to the Zen - Nippon Chick Sexing School in Japan to learn the technique.
My mission was to help a network of private single - sex schools initiate a reasoned debate in a country where the approach is viewed as socially outdated.
Figures show 55 per cent of pupils in mixed schools achieved five good GCSEs including English and maths, while single - sex schools maintained a higher proportion with 75 per cent of pupils getting the same results.
Increasingly, the single - sex school movement is seen, as Martin Luther King III told an Albany audience celebrating Brighter Choice, as a means of «liberation — liberation from prejudice, liberation from socially imposed limitations, and liberation of the dignity, capabilities, and potential for excellence that dwells in the heart of every human being.»
Part of what single - sex schools do is redress historic and historical inequities; another part is minimizing the distractions that come from mixing the sexes; and a final ingredient is addressing gender differences in learning.
He found that single - sex schooling helps to improve academic achievement, with benefits greater for girls than boys, and that underprivileged children derived the most benefit.
Minority students in single - sex schools often show dramatic improvements in attitudes toward school, greater interest among girls in math and science, and dramatically fewer behavior problems.»
The private - school sector supplies the financially and the intellectually well endowed with an array of single - sex schooling options.
James Coleman, who died in 1995, probably would have appreciated the cultural shifts that have made the single - sex school take on new meaning, since he was one of the first modern academics to propose that coed schools offered a false promise of equality.
Roxbury Latin — Sociologist Cornelius Riordan didn't hesitate when asked which single - sex schools represented the best of the breed, «You have to see Roxbury Latin.
Girls who attend single sex schools face being at a «huge disadvantage» in the world of employment because they may be unable to communicate with boys, according to the headteacher of a leading independent school.
«Single - sex schooling seemed to be dying a slow but certain death,» writes Salomone.
What's more, critics say, single - sex schools such as the 49ers Academy and the Philadelphia High School for Girls might owe their success to any number of factors: smaller class sizes, specialized teachers, and a higher public profile, which often brings extra revenue.
In the United States, decades of federal regulations forbid the use of federal education funds for single - sex schools unless school districts provided comparable educational opportunities for students of both sexes.
Many Roman Catholic schools have their own unique approaches to single - sex schooling by offering co-institutional or blended schooling.
Coeducational classes have boys and girls, while single - sex schools only have either boys or girls.
Career aspirations of high - achieving adolescent girls: Effects of achievement level, grade, and single - sex school environment.
Girls from poorer families in single - sex schools got better GCSEs than their counterparts in mixed schools.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) does important work on civil rights, and the single - sex school debate continues... Continue reading →
At - risk and not at - risk adolescent girls in single - sex and mixed - sex school settings: An examination of their goals and reputations
Single - sex schooling also hasn't been shown to offer a bump in girls» attitudes toward math and science or change how they think about themselves.
The study described a «halo» of single - sex schools around the edge of London, including those in the independent sector and grammars.
The review found that roughly one - third of studies favored single - sex schools on measures of short - term academic accomplishment.
Ms Fraser said gender stereotyping was less prevalent in single - sex schools with 59 % of GDST A-level students taking at least one science or maths subject last year.
New research from the National Education Union and UK Feminista shows that the sexual harassment of girls in schools is widespread, with over a third of girls at mixed - sex schools saying they have been sexually harassed.
Cairns» comments have drawn criticism from those involved in single sex schools, with Caroline Jordan, the president of the Girls» Schools Association (GSA), describing his views as «old - fashioned».
Writing in Research Developments (rd), Dr Katherine Dix says there is an ongoing debate about the benefits of single - sex schools in terms of student achievement.
«People often make claims about the consequences of single - sex schooling for relationships between the sexes without referring to any evidence,» she said.
President Bush noted recently that he thought the idea of separate elementary schools for African - American boys was a worthwhile one (even if it meant changing civil - rights laws, he added later), since his experiences in a single - sex school as a boy had helped him.
Both coed and single sex schools have pros and cons.
Public Preparatory Network, a network of three single - sex schools, launched a «Life Knowledge» course for eighth - graders, to help them envision futures where they won't have babies before they can support them.
Single - sex schools have long been popular with some educationalists (and parents) because both sexes seem to achieve higher academic standards in a monastic environment.
Sweden does not have any single sex schools, due to its strict laws on gender equality.

Phrases with «sex schools»

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