Sentences with phrase «shock to many»

Again, not that interesting, but I was sort of shocked to see how much he'd aged in just eight years.
I was kind of shocked to find out some that I had were pretty much invisible at night!
I was also quite shocked to learn about a condition called diesel engine runaway.
This may come as shock to you if this is the first time you are hearing this, but it's true.
For me it's not so shocking to discover that there may be an economic price to pay for looking after your children properly.
I was kind of shocked to hear what is required in the realm of social behavior.
And to apply the concepts to a day in the life of a professional real estate agent might come as a real shock to many.
I wasn't opposed to seeing a horror comedy, but was just kind of shocked to see one playing so I decided to take a chance and go see it.
I'm not shocked to see so many individuals so certain that they can predict the future and dismissing your concerns.
Now in it's fifth year, I'm quite shocked to find that I haven't participated since 2012.
The news won't come as a complete shock to anyone who has been following the electronic medical records company for the last couple of years.
They asked subjects to make a series of decisions about how many moderately painful electric shocks to deliver to themselves or to others.
It is a real pain having to remember passwords and such for all the different sites I visit and was a little bit shocked to come across your open forums.
Are you as shocked to realize Civil War is now barely one month away as I am?
Early retirement is a big shock to most workers, since 73 % don't plan to retire until age 65 or later.
It's still shocking to know that these legendary authors only brought one book into this world.
After such personal attention, our immediate departure no doubt comes as a very big shock to the dog, and leaves them feeling worried and anxious.
But I'm really shocked to hear that I am actually costing you money just by signing up to your mailing list.
But I was still shocked to discover just how deep it goes.
In another experiment he applied a mild shock to people's skin and had them gesture as soon as they felt it.
Even more shocking to them was the fact that I was not offended that I was being «forced» to celebrate other people's holidays.
Well that's a little shocking to say the least!
For a team that was building toward a sturdy future, it's a little shocking to see them take out a mortgage like this.
Authors and publishers are often shocked to find out that their titles have global viability.
The guests search for appropriate responses, which vary from shock to envy, depending upon their gender.
So when I finally got home, I was shocked to get a bill for over $ 20,000.
For example, he doesn't seem too shocked to learn that his daughter is alive, even though he thought she was dead for years.
A — I'm sure this will be a huge shock to everyone.
We were even shocked to find the tumor is non-existent!
For that reason, I am always shocked to hear about a lawyer doing something that most lawyers consider bad manners or bad business.
In either case, it's a real shock to have a crowdfunding success - especially for a device already released elsewhere - blow up in just a week.
You swipe your card, too shocked to think about what just happened.
Her request for a divorce was a complete shock to me, and she wouldn't consider marriage counseling or any alternative.
I was very shocked to see five armed men in my compound.
The existence of this place, at the end of the Soviet era, was a great shock to me.
That, as you might imagine, was also shocking to many conference attendees.
Even though we know that teens are supposed to pull away from us and seek independence, the reality can be a major shock to parents.
Their breakup was a huge shock to fans, who had been anticipating an imminent Interested in finding a dating service?
The cooler weather today was a total shock to the system and this would have been fabulous to warm up with coming home for dinner.
It's impossible to completely know a person, but it can be rather shocking to learn how little we truly know about the people we've known our entire lives.
I thought that was a cheap shot, too, and was almost shocked to see it.
However I was surprised and a bit shocked to receive your email, since I do not consider myself a consumer of information.
The second is the Asian crisis where there was a major negative shock to external demand and a large depreciation of the exchange rate.
With shocks to keep child from feeling all the bumps.
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