Sentences with phrase «shorter life expectancy»

They have a relatively short life expectancy of 6 - 8 years.
Remember, this technology has a very short life expectancy so they're pulling in as many dollars as they can before the bubble bursts.
But 30 percent of exposed cats do develop a persistent infection; they remain contagious and have a much shorter life expectancy.
A relatively short life expectancy and relatively high incidence of several health conditions are downsides of this breed.
Having 18 drinks or more per week was linked with four to five years shorter life expectancy.
Our DNA shows that our ancestors had roughly the same life span as we do (though shorter life expectancy due to environment / medical knowledge).
It is generally well known that men have an overall shorter life expectancy compared to women.
And, since protein is palatable, cats could eat less of the low protein diets, resulting in even great reductions in lean physique mass and subsequently shorter life expectancy.
Unfortunately, most dogs have a very short life expectancy.
Larger dogs have a much shorter life expectancy, which ranges from 9 to 12 years in large breeds and 7 — 9 years old in giant breeds.
For example, having 10 or more drinks per week was linked with one to two years shorter life expectancy.
«The Turnbull Government has provided no new money to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians faced with shorter life expectancy and dramatically higher incarceration rates.
This is attributed to higher fertility rates and shorter life expectancy for Aboriginal peoples compared to the rest of the population in Canada.
[2] AIDS victims faced short life expectancies, and they often owned life insurance policies that they no longer needed.
The rider allows you to claim a specified portion of your death benefits if you become terminally ill and are expected to have a very short life expectancy such as your death occurring within one year or some other specified period.
The length of the telomeres can be described as a kind of age biomarker — short telomeres mean short life expectancy.
Thus, older individuals who naturally have shorter life expectancies tend to have more valuable policies of greater interest to investors; similarly, individuals who are younger than 65 but have a serious illness (and therefore reduced life expectancy) may also have policies that qualify for sale.
And tragically, overweight pets have a significantly shorter life expectancy than pets at a healthy weight.
All fatalities, still - births, claimants lacking mental or legal capacity and, claims where the client has a very short life expectancy as a result of negligence must be exempted.
An analysis of nearly 600,000 people has found that those drinking more than 100 grams of alcohol every week — around five pints of beer or five 175 - millilitre glasses of wine — have a slightly shorter life expectancy.
A study of ancient fossils reveals that species adapted to life post the catastrophic mass extinction, by enabling shorter life expectancies and early reproduction - «live fast, die young» strategy.
Here are a few staples we're willing to bet are in your makeup bag right now with surprisingly short life expectancies.
From this platform A Million Ways excels and there are gags about stilted old timey photography, low currency and the ridiculously short life expectancy of people at the time.
Bernese Mountain dogs also have a comparatively short life expectancy.
For instance terriers, Dachshunds (or sausage dogs), Pomeranians and Chihuahuas are all likely to have a relatively long lifespan, while the so - called giant dogs including Great Danes, Saint Bernards and Irish Wolfhounds all have a pitifully short life expectancy.
The OED Online definition isn't really adequate for a multiple marriage society (not just now either, short life expectancies made multiple marriages common long before divorce was legalized).
The scientists hypothesized that the regenerative capacity of the species with shorter life expectancies would decline as they aged.
Because of her relatively short life expectancy of about five years, Daily estimates that the gross price she can receive in a life settlement is unusually high — about $ 250,000.
Tobacco Companies — One of the best performing stocks of all time, Altria, makes a product that ultimately leads to shorter life expectancies for those who use it.
Samsung says that OLED displays are good for devices that have shorter life expectancies such as smartphones.
They live on a high fat diet, suffer from severe osteoporosis and atheloscrerosis, severe bone loss, parasites and have a much shorter life expectancy.
Other breeds, such as Boxers and King Charles Cavalier Spaniels also have shorter life expectancies due to specific breed related diseases.
During the 1980s, AIDS victims faced short life expectancies, and they often owned life insurance policies they no longer needed.
Because injured nursing home residents are generally older, in poor health, and have a relatively short life expectancy, damage elements that are common in other personal injury cases, such as lost earning capacity, future pain and suffering, and future medical expenses, will not be as significant.
So much so that Aboriginal Australians grow older at a much faster rate than white Australians and have a significantly shorter life expectancy.
Alcohol - related damage to the brain (and the body) can even be deadly: In a recent Lancet study, people who regularly had 10 or more drinks a week had one to two years shorter life expectancies than those who had fewer than five drinks a week.
The patient had a very short life expectancy and losses were solely for loss of love and companionship of the family.
This newly registered website has a short life expectancy that follows the pattern used by many other fake and fraudulent sites.
He is basically investing into her short life expectancy.
I am not at all surprised by that short life expectancy.
After a critical evaluation of both hypotheses, James Harrison of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine concludes: «The best available evidence confirms the psychosocial perspective that sex - role socialization accounts for the larger part of men's shorter life expectancy
The biological explanation attributes men's shorter life expectancy to genetic factors.
In fact, the overwhelming majority of people in the world were poor, with high infant mortality and short life expectancy.
Because of unhealthy eating and lack of exercise, statistics show that children of today's generation are said to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents and that only 1 % of children in America meet the suggested USDA food pyramid for children.
Over one - third of children in this country are overweight or obese, which will lead to health problems with long - term consequences: shorter life expectancies, decreased productivity, and a massive strain on our already troubled health care system.
Females who mated with them had a shorter life expectancy.
Previous work has shown that people with weaker grip strength in midlife and early old age are more likely to develop problems, such as loss of independence and to have shorter life expectancy.
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