Sentences with phrase «to sit down with someone»

The beautiful Ukrainian actress recently sat down with us to discuss her latest role, as well as how being a Bond girl prepared her for it.
People expect a different kind of reading experience when web browsing than they do when sitting down with a book or literary magazine.
As with most things, the days of sitting down with someone to purchase anything are going away fast.
If we can give students voice and choice as well as sitting down with their teacher and talking about their goals and how their teachers can help.
Spend an extra bit of time sitting down with them on their first few projects to point out what is and is not acceptable.
Especially if you are a recent graduate, make an appointment to sit down with someone at your school's financial aid department.
I get up, get a shower, run a load of dishes and then sit down with my laptop and a latte all before the kids are even awake.
So sit down with a lawyer and accountant to weigh the options in light of your individual tax situation.
I might not remember everyday of my 20's but I definitely remember the times where I just sat down with friends eating.
Talk through these experiences with a close friend or therapist before sitting down with students.
Conversely, I've also sat down with people on a number of occasions and offered the same life - changing gift to them.
A parent doesn't sit down with their 2 - year - old and give them all the answers to life's questions.
When I first sat down with my wealth manager in 2012, I told him I was bullish on the economy and wanted to invest heavily in stocks with my severance check.
Today, the executive team sat down with Good e-Reader to explain their role in the industry and how they see it growing in the next few years.
Five global education experts sat down with Teacher to give a snapshot of the developments and challenges in mathematics in their respective countries.
I love sitting down with people from different backgrounds and talking about some common themes.
And there were a great number of tax collectors and others who sat down with them.
He would hang out and watch older people come into the bar, (I should hope so he was only 12) sit down with friends, and start drinking.
We begin the client survey project by sitting down with firm stakeholders to determine the approach and complexity that will best benefit the firm's objectives.
I expect that, after sitting down with this novel, they starting feeling rather ill.
If you want to get to the root of why you're being ignored, try to sit down with members of your team in individual, one - on - one meetings.
I recently had the opportunity to sit down with several members of the craft team to discuss their work.
One of the best opportunities that this job provides me with is the ability to sit down with professionals in the pet industry and talk with them about their field.
-- but when you actually sit down with customers, you can sometimes get a more holistic review and learn where you can improve.
Think about sitting down with a certified financial planner to figure out the financial implications ahead of you.
They may not have even sat down with a student of color.
In fact, immigration lawyers will sit down with clients and will consider which immigration category would be best for them.
As you know, I love sitting down with young, successful millionaires and discussing how they did it, and trying to take away lessons that we can all learn.
So, I finally sat down with these questions yesterday... and you know what?
If you can imagine, reading the course material is a lot like sitting down with a friend over a cup of coffee.
This may mean sitting down with everyone who will be attending the demo, so you can work on the list together and make sure you are covering all your bases.
Even older kids still enjoy sitting down with a parent to read at night.
Finally, teachers should sit down with students as they work to question them about their thinking.
Try setting up coffee times where the boss sits down with employees on a rotating basis.
Our construction staff sits down with trade contractors to discuss how designs can be modified to reduce waste and how to schedule each job in the building process for maximum efficiency.
She recommends sitting down with anyone you really don't want to lose and finding out what their career goals are, with an eye toward helping them get there without having to quit.
She really doesn't care what I'm reading, she just loves sitting down with me, listening to me read, and pointing to words on the page.
I remember sitting down with a stack of paperwork, some number 2 pencils, and a lousy attitude.
I can imagine sitting down with my kids making these.
Even if you don't consider yourself a crafty dad, you can still sit down with your daughter and make something fun together.
Maybe you could start a «family conference» time to sit down with everyone and talk about things that each person would like to discuss.
A neutral third party sits down with both partners and offers opinions and suggestions as both sides make compromises.
In divorce mediation, a couple sits down with a divorce mediator.
Given the choice, would you rather sit down with your laptop in an office, or at your favourite restaurant?
She says nobody ever sat down with her before to tell her what she had within her to offer her son.
Don't just sit down with parents and open a massive folder bursting with student work.
Now's the time to sit down with all the contributing family members and your child and create a withdrawal plan that's ready to set in motion.
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