Sentences with phrase «size of one's cookies»

Makes about 5 dozen, depending on size of cookies.
Spoon tablespoon sizes of cookie dough onto the baking pan + bake for 12 - 15 minutes.
Yeah, I usually can't justify spending $ 5 on a single serving size of cookies (come on, we all know the box is for one person!!)
Bake until golden around the edges, about 8 - 15 mins depending on the size of the cookies.
The amount of dulce de leche depends entirely on the size of your cookie.
The original recipe says that it will make two dozen cookies, but I think this is very dependent on the size of your cookie cutter.
We make them smaller than the recipe dictates so they're more the size of cookies than buns.
If you want equally - sized cookies, measure the entire ball of dough and then divide by 36 to determine the size of each cookie dough ball.
-LCB- Bake time will depend on the size of your cookies, I made small to medium sized cookies and got 30, if your cookies are larger you will need to bake for additional time. -RCB-
A lot would depend on the size of cookie I guess.
You can put 9 to 12 cookies depending on the size of your cookie sheet.
I reduced the flour, added more butter and changed the size of the cookie.
The baking time will vary depending on the size of the cookies, taking less time for smaller cookies.
This recipe makes about 3 - 4 dozen cookies, depending on the size of the cookie cutters you use.
Swedish Pepparkakor / Vegan Gingerbread Cookies Makes around 30 depending on the size of the cookie cutters
Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roughly make 12 - 15 balls depending on the size of cookies desired.
The size of the cookie is great - perfect on the go snack.
Do you mean teaspoon for the size of the cookies?
Either place batter in a mini muffin tin lined with parchment paper to form cookie shape or form by hand by place drops of batter on parchment paper and pressing down by hand to form the size of cookie you would like
Step # 5: Either place batter in a mini muffin tin lined with parchment paper to form cookie shape or form by hand by place drops of batter on parchment paper and pressing down by hand to form the size of cookie you would like
Bake the cookies for about 10 - 14 minutes depending on the size of the cookies.
Using a tablespoon, scoop out as much cookie dough as necessary to make the size of cookies you desire.
I have to tell you though I made the oatmeal NY cookies and my husband was like — what is up with the size of that cookie???? we all had a good laugh because they are huge.
However, be sure to use something like a cookie scoop to help create some consistency in the size of your cookies.
The size of these cookies is where the trouble begins.
In fact, the easiest way to assemble the sandwich cookies is to smear a bit of honey on the bottom of each cookie, shape the filling into a ball roughly the size of the cookies (yes, we're going all out, yes, this is an awesome recipe), and make the cookie sandwich.
I could see how cornbread might be easy to mess up, especially if you made one larger loaf instead of multiplying the number of loaves, which could result in uneven baking.Things like muffins are cookies should be easier to make in large batches, as the size of each cookie or muffin stays the same when you increase the batch size.
Depending on the size of your cookie cutters, this recipe should yield 8 — 10 pieces.
depending on the size of cookie)
The recipe makes dozens of tiny cookies, the yield really depends on the size of your cookie cutter.
Seemed odd to increase the size of the cookie and decrease the baking time, but they did turn out great.
Cut a piece of parchment paper the size of a cookie sheet, then spread the seeds and the wheat germ over it.
The yield really depends on the size of your cookie cutter.
The size of the cookie never mattered — two was the limit.
I used a cookie scoop to ensure the sizes of the cookies wouldn't vary too much, then rolled the dough into balls and gave each one a spin in a the cinnamon - almost - maple sugar.
About 7 - 9 minutes, depending on the size of your cookies.
Cut two pieces of parchment paper the size of the cookie sheet.
Kepler is a spacecraft housing a 1 - meter telescope that illuminates a 95 megapixel digital camera the size of a cookie sheet, according to an article published by Steffen.
Mix all ingredients together until you get a dough ball Cut two pieces of parchment paper the size of a cookie sheet.
Press down the dough to the size of the cookie you want.
Baking time depends on the size of the cookie.
You may need to adjust the bake time, though, depending on the size of your cookies.
Yield - Depends on the size of your cookie cutter.
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