Sentences with phrase «smoking ban»

A smoking ban refers to a rule or law that prohibits people from smoking or using tobacco products in a certain area or establishment. Full definition
However, the effectiveness of smoking bans in reducing heart problems has continued to be a source of debate.
Likewise, advocates for smoking bans should be more candid about the limits of the arguments when interventions depend on weak evidence.
I mean, what a fraud I am: I was one of the principal proponents of the no - smoking ban as mayor and supervisor.
As numerous countries have introduced smoking bans in public places, the home has become the main source of passive smoking exposure.
But even six months later, toxic tobacco smoke residue remained above levels found in hotels or private homes with smoking bans.
Next we have a piece which looked at how a prison smoking ban would impact prisoners.
However, the court did not find that he was entitled to a complete smoking ban.
Studies on previous indoor smoking bans have consistently shown a major decrease in hospital admissions for heart attacks after smoke - free laws went into effect.
Evidence from those places which have already introduced smoking bans is contradictory in terms of the effect of the ban on the hospitality sector.
For this study, the first to examine the health impact of smoking bans in casinos, researchers focused on the number of ambulance calls in Gilpin County, Colorado, a tourist destination with 26 casinos — the largest concentration in the state.
«STEMI incidence falls in southern Switzerland after smoking ban implemented.»
Other projects include an analysis of regional variations of cancer treatment in Texas, a study of the effect of smoking bans on hospitalization rates, and a study of whether shared savings programs for physicians can reduce overall patient health care expenditures.
Former Suffolk Legislator Michael D'Andre, a horticulturist and nursery owner who sponsored the county's first smoking ban, has died.
His offence was to post messages on the widely read mailing list Tobacco Policy Talk, in which he questioned one of the medical claims about passive smoking, as well as the wisdom of extreme measures such as outdoor smoking bans.
Assembly Members decided to support a ban along the lines of that in Ireland but had to wait while the debate over an English smoking ban took place and a decision was made in Westminster before the ban could be implemented.
MANHATTAN — Cigarette breaks at public parks, beaches and pedestrian plazas, including Times Square and Union Square, will be snuffed out under an expanded smoking ban proposed Wednesday.
A new study on the impact of Michigan's statewide smoking ban adds to mounting evidence that policies prohibiting tobacco smoking in workplaces and other public spaces may substantially improve public health by reducing heart disease and death, according to research to be presented at the American College of Cardiology's 63rd Annual Scientific Session.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development has been encouraging local public agencies to enact smoking bans, and some 228,000 public housing units were already smoke - free.
The citywide smoking ban, which took effect last year, covers offices, indoor sports arenas and restaurants.
Introducing May It Please The Court's newest blogger, Michel J. Ayer, as he takes on Italy's new smoking ban in public places.
As Health Secretary, Reid had been in favour of limiting the government's proposed smoking ban as much as possible.
Thus, citizen smokers» rights groups and organizations of bartenders or restaurant workers working against smoking bans are sometimes characterized as front groups for the tobacco industry, but it is possible that some of these groups are self - initiated (although the tobacco industry has been known to use restaurant groups as fronts for its own interests).
The source stressed that this is how smoking bans started — with people finally acknowledging that cigarettes are not good for the smoker and then coming around to the idea that secondhand smoke is not healthy.
The government should not institute smoking bans for non-governmental buildings (because that infringes on the rights of the property owner).
The authors point out that it was pressure from the public that saw smoking banned in public indoor places in the UK, and access to health care granted to all people living with HIV / AIDs in South Africa.
Foot traffic to the island from the mainland has been capped, there's a proposed casino floor smoking ban in the works, and a nephew of one of Macau's scions was recently arrested with 99 prostitutes in one of his family's casinos.
In 2007, thousands of U.K. citizens joined forces to defy a pub smoking ban.
Park District officials say they based their fine not on smoking bans elsewhere, but on existing penalties for smoking in park fieldhouses and not picking up after dogs in the parks.
Since Illinois» indoor smoking ban went into effect Jan. 1, communities from Lake Bluff on the North Shore to southwest suburban Orland Park have used home - rule powers to adopt their own anti-smoking ordinances to include the outdoors.
Advocates of these outdoor smoking bans cite the health risks from exposure to secondhand smoke and litter from cigarette butts.
Most hospital trusts already operate smoking bans for staff on site, but Guy's are one of the first to enforce a ban off - site.
The government has been accused of trying to buy support for its plans to introduce a partial smoking ban in England and Wales.
A bid to give the Welsh Assembly the power to introduce its own smoking ban in public places was launched yesterday.
During the recent smoking ban debate the folly of the current system was highlighted.
Even the more reasonable smoking ban could have been less hard - hearted and draconian.
As smoking bans become more widespread, some cigarette smokers have turned to so - called «electronic cigarettes.»
He voted strongly for the introduction of the nationwide smoking ban, and is fervently opposed to Labour's anti-terrorism laws and ID cards.
His predecessor, Mike Bloomberg, was a staunch antismoking advocate and helped spark the nearly universal smoking ban in restaurants, bars and other public places.
UWSP smoking ban on hold STEVENS POINT, Wis. (AP)-- A proposal to make the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point campus entirely smoke free is on hold because of enforcement questions.
The survey also investigated the role of parental and / or peer smoking, knowledge about the effects of secondhand smoke, attitudes toward smoking bans, age, sex and World Health Organization region.
The data show that 90 percent of teens who have never smoked know about the harmful effects of secondhand smoke exposure and 79 percent support smoking bans in public places.
«Smoking bans finds decrease in smoke exposure in public and private places.»

Phrases with «smoking ban»

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