Sentences with phrase «social demands»

Furthermore, many students either do not make it to the ninth grade, or they arrive lacking the preparation to successfully navigate the new academic and social demands of high school.
In addition to the change from elementary to secondary school, the increased social demands faced by adolescents in both same - gender and mixed - gender social activities may also be stressful.
The appearance of the self is embellished with fiction, and one's biography is tweaked to meet social demands.
In my view, she tends to favor social demands above individual needs, but that's only my personal opinion.
Additionally, our advisory program and school culture team help our students adjust to the changing academic, emotional and social demands of middle school.
In addition to meeting the international and social demands for forest certification, the development of a national system is vital for realizing the government's policy for domestic sustainable forest management.
Despite the intense social demands, Warkentin figures he's well - suited to the role.
The freedom of liberal studies from subservience to current social demands does not entail that they be irrelevant and impractical.
Poor self - regulation or an inability to alter thinking, emotions, and behaviors to meet varying social demands is thought to be a key link between inadequate sleep in teens and poor health and school - related outcomes.
As our personal, professional, and social demands skyrocket, we need a wellness system that works and doesn't take a lot of time.
This is probably why he resents his patients social demands.
Taking time out from social demands is an essential part of everyday life for a cat so secret hideaways are an important facility.
Use / User / Used / takes a varied, 360 degree look at exhaustion — at social demands to keep performing, at our rapid devouring of every earthly reserve, at the ideals of productivity and efficiency.
Here, normally diffuse social demands are condensed by the form of the numbered list into a contained manuscript that is mass - reproduced for aesthetic consumption.
They must cope with changes at school, new social demands such as dating, and new roles in their families as they assert their independence and increased decision - making skills.
Below I have reworked Diana Baumrind's results into two columns that will show you how she tries to strike a relatively even course between social demands and individual needs.
Even a despotic regime can not arise without the existence of a social demand for its appearance.
He no longer distinguishes «as he had before... between the religious and the social demands of parishioners....
It is not sufficient merely to appraise personal abilities and social demands and to find the best balance between the two.
They signalize conformity to social demands — not, however, for the sake of common values, but in order that one may be left free to pursue his own ways.
Below are just a few tips to help you lessen anxiety and better prepare your child for the social demands of her environment.
Our facilitator - led support sessions provide opportunities for students to collaborate with peers while learning necessary skills for managing stigma, strengthening campus support and relationships, and assessing readiness to increase academic and social demands.
The LOFC may be involved in assessing whether such behaviors conform to social demands, exerting inhibitory control over inappropriate or maladaptive performance [31].
«One is the fact that the social demands on schools have become more and more and more and every time there's a social problem, it gets given to schools to solve,» he said.
To sharpen these needs, it is essential to analyze the social demands, the health system demands, keep abreast of what the scientific societies reveal, professional schools, etc..
That's because technology and social demands will make tomorrow's learning content obsolete faster than today's development tools can develop and implement them!
Stress can be a major component in your life because of work, family and social demands.
Both use of nude and seminude figures, pay attention to the social demands of appearance (especially shoes) and have an ease with the use of eroticism and fantasy to create imaginative dialogs.
Student related circumstances are frequently referred to in student well - being research, including fear of failing and long hours of study (Jones & Johnston, 1997), social demands (Bayram & Bilgel, 2008; Dahlin, et al., 2005; Tully, 2004) and lack of social support (Swickert, Rosentreter, Hittner, & Mushrush, 2002).
Social competence can be viewed as the ability to cope with the natural and social demands of one's environment.
The child's interests and needs are met as long as they don't clash too much with the social demands.
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