Sentences with phrase «socialist regime»

The phrase "socialist regime" refers to a governmental system where the government plays a big role in managing resources and providing social programs, aiming to create social equality. This type of regime often has control over industries, redistributes wealth, and aims to ensure basic needs are met for all citizens. Full definition
The general feeling at present is that with the breakdown of socialist regimes of Eastern Europe the industrial working class has lost their nerve.
After the disintegration of socialist regimes in 1989, this ideology dominates the world and the Third World countries have fallen in line.
«Second, Oxford faced the new problems created by the National Socialist regime in Germany: problems of church and state; church and race; and, by anticipation, church and war.
The totalitarian state of Nazi Germany did this as did the totalitarian socialist regimes in Eastern Europe.
GREEN central planning like economic planning of failed socialist regimes gone by is doomed for failure.
Green central planning like economic planning of failed socialist regimes gone by is doomed for failure.
Four years of recession and the world's highest inflation have plunged millions of Venezuelans into poverty, and President Nicolas Maduro's authoritarian socialist regime faces mounting unrest.
Democratic socialist regimes have tended, however, either to be coalition governments or to be short - lived, and they have had considerable difficulty with the problem of reconciling parliamentary, bureaucratic and managerial authority.
Speaking to the European Parliament in November 1989 at a time when socialist regimes were falling all over Central and Eastern Europe, the Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Runcie said, «The apparent defeat of communism in Europe should not be seen as a triumph of capitalism.
Works by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Paul Klee, George Grosz and Max Beckmann, among other talented avant - garde artists, were seized from museums and private collections in Europe and put on display in Munich in 1937 to demonstrate to the German public what was the kind of art that the National Socialist regime did not approve of.
Unlike someone with your direct experience of a tyrannical socialist regime, it is possible for an American, or for that matter an Australian or Brit, to favour parties of the left without actually being insane, particularly if it doesn't become a lifelong habit.
Nevertheless, Porsche soon obtained contracts from important German automotive firms, such as Wanderer, Auto Union, Zwickau, Zündapp and, starting in 1933, the new German National Socialist regime.
Analysts have speculated that petro proceeds are a way for the Maduro government to sidestep U.S. sanctions against the socialist regime.
Gerhard Linn was a pastor who lived through both the Fascist and the socialist regimes in Germany.
As Sanchez's study indicates, Eugenio Pacelli publicly and privately warned of the dangers of Nazism both before and after he became pope; he denounced the deportations and persecution of Europe's Jews and was almost universally recognized, including by the Nazis themselves, as an unrelenting opponent of the National Socialist regime.
Lest someone object that profits ought not always be blamed for social decay, then what of the downfall of the socialist regimes of Eastern Europe in 1989 and 1990?
America could still be the greatest country in the world but it will not happen by men or any socialist regime, it will be a act of God.
Just a matter of time until Obama and this socialist regime of his are long gone, Thank god.
They were «marginalized, assimilated and threatened» by the socialist regime of Josip Broz Tito.
Bakir Izetbegovic cited from his father's well - known Islamic Declaration (for which he was imprisoned during Tito's socialist regime, accused of Islamic radicalism and public support for nationalist ideology), which was banned in socialist Yugoslavia.
The first of these three exhibitions, Degenerate Art: The Attack on Modern Art in Nazi Germany 1937, organized in 2014, examined the infamous traveling exhibition Entartete Kunst mounted by the National Socialist regime.
In the «Stadtbilder» series, Wüst photographed East German cities that were slow to recover from wartime destruction, bringing emphasis to the massive, soulless housing structures that emerged in the rise of the Socialist regime and that failed to address the rehabilitation of the cities» historic city centers.
Born and raised in Leipzig, East Germany, Bisky grew up under the Socialist regime of the German Democratic Republic.
Merriam - Webster dictionary defines «regime» as: «mode of rule or management,» «a form of government (a socialist regime),» or «a government in power.»
This is all thanks to President Nicolas Maduro of the socialist regime.
against the socialist regime.
The cryptocurrency is designed to bypass U.S. government sanctions against the socialist regime.
The findings suggest that the socialist regime significantly damaged this mechanism of an intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurial attitudes among East Germans with a tertiary degree that have experienced a particularly strong ideological indoctrination.
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