Sentences with phrase «socioeconomic position»

These findings raise a number of questions including: Do risk and resilience factors vary depending on socioeconomic position?
Contrary to prior literature, we found no positive direct influence of parental education on later life psychological well - being, but established its influence through socioeconomic positioning over the life course.
Interestingly, differential methylation of the protocadherin cluster was also found to be associated with childhood socioeconomic position in whole blood [85] and with differential maternal care early in life in hippocampi of rats [33].
Childhood socioeconomic position, gender, adult body mass index, and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus over 34 years in the Alameda County Study
Studies have also found that first - time mothers who had previously undergone abortions were more often single smokers from a lower socioeconomic position, who had had miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies before their first birth.
African Americans at lower socioeconomic levels, particularly women and younger adults, are at greater risk of heart disease and stroke than those in higher socioeconomic positions, according to research in the Journal of the American Heart Association.
Conclusion The results of our multilevel analysis suggest that there are gender inequalities in the association of municipal - level deprivation with the prevalence of low perceived social support in Germany independent of individual socioeconomic position.
Adjustment for potential confounders including socioeconomic position, body mass index, and smoking status in adult life had minimal effect on these estimates.
While socioeconomic position and access to care play a significant role in cardiovascular health; Siscovick points to a need to learn about the interplay of complex issues such as social support and social networks; race, ethnicity and culture; residential environment; patient abilities and beliefs, education, housing, health literacy, and other factors.
Borghol et al., have recently described association between early life socioeconomic position and DNA methylation signatures in adult WBC DNA [43].
Subjective socioeconomic position, gender and cortisol responses to waking in an elderly population
Of particular interest to clinicians, the statement emphasizes the benefits of including information on socioeconomic position in cardiovascular risk prediction models.»
«Women who are at a lower socioeconomic position may be less likely to be assertive and to be strong advocates for their health care management,» said Dr. Guilcher.
However, larger socioeconomic inequalities — the higher socioeconomic position, the larger — emerged in the intervention group, both for early discontinuation of exclusive breastfeeding and for weaning before 12 months.
Therefore, this cross-sectional study aimed to determine whether relative deprivation at municipality level in Germany is associated with perceived social support, independent of individual socioeconomic position and demographic characteristics.
Intelligence and socioeconomic position in childhood in relation to frailty and cumulative allostatic load in later life: the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936
Authoritarian parenting attitudes and social origin: The multigenerational relationship of socioeconomic position to childrearing values.
Effects of adjustment (for age at outcome, socioeconomic position, body mass index, and smoking status) and exclusion (of nonexclusive breast feeders) were examined.
The aim of the scheme, therefore, seems to be to help those who are struggling financially to rise, regardless of their socioeconomic position, to the upper echelons of the party.
Cardiovascular advantages associated with the Mediterranean diet are well - known but now the Italian study, conducted by a team of researchers at the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention led by Giovanni de Gaetano, reveals that such benefits are strongly influenced by the socioeconomic position of people.
Dr Cutler concludes that «perceptions of extreme weather emerge out of the interplay of individuals» social characteristics and the objective material circumstances tied to their geographic locations and socioeconomic positions
Walter Salles reinforces the impression of Jia's own art as emerging fluidly from the vagaries of his own life and socioeconomic position.
The study, led by Giovanni de Gaetano, concluded that the benefits go hand in hand with the socioeconomic position of the diet's followers.
«Yet for the first time our study has revealed that the socioeconomic position is able to modulate the health advantages linked to Mediterranean diet.
However, a new study reveals that while deaths overall may be falling, it depends on your socioeconomic position as to whether you face a decreased risk of an auto fatality or whether you may actually face an increased risk of harm.
Nevertheless, as these new law students can apparently ably afford these gadgets and plans does comment on their socioeconomic position.
Authoritarian parenting attitudes and social origin: The multigenerational relationship of socioeconomic position to childrearing values.
KEYWORDS: Aggression, Disruptive Behaviour, Gender, Hyperactivity, Prospective Study, School Performance, Social Adjustment, Socioeconomic Position (SEP)
Socioeconomic position was measured as a composite of parental education, occupation and household income.
Relations between individual and neighborhood - based measures of socioeconomic position and bone lead concentrations among community - exposed men
Respondents» highest educational attainment was used as a control for the socioeconomic position.
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