Sentences with phrase «sodium count»

I am curious, however at the high sodium counts.
Also, look for noodles with a low sodium count.
If looking in the store for a vegetable juice, be sure to check the label and avoid any that have a high sodium count.
Bettina Siegel said: Crazy high sodium counts in #schoolfood!
«The industry's big push this year is with sodium count.
The calorie and sodium counts makes this a non-starter.
«Getting the recommended 2 - 3 cups of vegetables a day has never been easier or more delicious and we are so excited for consumers to try our brand new flavors and newly updated sodium count flavors.»
The main difference between this type of salt and the others mentioned in its unusual color, but it has also been found to contain trace elements of calcium, magnesium and potassium, and it also has a slightly lower sodium count that other varieties.
It comes from the high sodium count in many restaurant dishes, which can be harder to sleuth out just from a menu description.
Replacing the canned tomatoes with 3 - 4 fresh tomatoes (chopped), using less of the sun - dried tomatoes, and cutting back on the amount of feta cheese will decrease the sodium count.
In addition, the sodium count is only 25 mg, which is relatively low compared to the 41 and 20 mg found in sports drinks and energy drinks respectively.
I cut the soy sauce with pineapple juice to bring the sodium count down do you think this would make it to wet?
Just make sure you limit yourself to one serving — the sodium count is kind of steep.
What are the calories and sodium counts?
Plus, because they are simply dusted with wasabi and soy sauce, the sodium count remains under 5 % of your daily recommended intake.
Danger zone: Sodium counts.
DiNicolantonio's recommendation: «Don't worry about the sodium count, focus on the added sugars, which are everywhere.
The sodium count will vary a bit based on whether or not the almond butter was made with added salt.
Add salt - free beans, veggies, or grains (such as brown rice) to take - out, packaged, or frozen foods to dilute the sodium count.
I am just wondering about the sodium count, which seems high.
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