Sentences with word «sodomy»

It would take nearly a century for these activists to achieve one of their central goals - the repeal of sodomy laws.
It will present work from the abolition of the death penalty for sodomy in 1861 to the passing of the Sexual Offences Act in 1967 — a time of seismic shifts in gender and sexuality that found expression in the arts as artists and viewers explored their desires, experiences and sense of self.
Even many «heteralists» commit the actions of sodomy as well do the LGBT crowds.
We get the word sodomy from anal $ ex and that is why the town was named that in the old text.
Thus says Andrew Sullivan in a long article in the New Republic occasioned by the Texas law against sodomy now before the Supreme Court.
(a) A person commits the offense of sodomy when he performs or submits to any sexual act involving the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another...
Wow, you're really obsessed with sodomy.
Not all «heteralists» commit sodomy yet some do!
Naw, it's just a bit of friendly sodomy from your conservatives friends.
The wound was not grave, but, probably in part because a medical examination showed evidence of recent sodomy by Verlaine, the court gave him the maximum sentence of two years of hard labor.
The guilty plea was for forcible sodomy, a first - degree felony that carried the five years to life sentence.
But the logic of the matter Nino saw at work as early as Romer v. Evans (1996), and yet even more sharply in Lawrence v. Texas (2003), when the Court struck down the (notably unenforced) law on sodomy in Texas.
If sodomy is a civil right so is bestiality.
Logically, it is difficult to see why the gay rights agenda should stop at the door of the church; churches have already been sued for violating the civil rights of members censured for practicing homosexual sodomy.
They are the ones who are dividing America.They are all hypocrites.There are evangelicals who are practicing Sodomy like Ted Haggar who has been caught years ago.
A spokesman for the Church of Scotland, which is Presbyterian, commented, «In general, if the church did have a view about sodomy and sadomasochism, it would be more negative than positive.»
«The terrorists used sodomy as a humiliating insult because in Judaism, Islam and Christianity the act of gay coitus is seen as a filthy, sinful perversion, which it is.»
Significantly, his majority opinion two years ago in Lawrence v. Texas, the Texas sodomy case, showed strong support for a constitutional right to privacy, the bedrock upon which the Roe decision rests.
The law prohibited sodomy only when committed by a same - sex couple.
If she knew her bible better, she would know what happened to Sodom, what sodomy means and what it points to, and she would realise that the «spirit man and woman» was created, then put into the body called Adam, and the female (byproduct) was taken out of Adam body, together with her feminine spirit, and both, are actually one, because they came from one unity, and so, WE are a spirit, that was in Christ, and when He was put to sleep, WE.
For the curious lay reader who can overlook Isaacson's editorializing (and his repeated insistence that Leonardo's penchant for sodomy went hand in hand with his creativity), this work is a serviceable introduction to the major events and artistic developments in the life of the genius behind the Last Supper.
Scalia said he is not equating sodomy with murder but drawing a parallel between the bans on both.
Acts of sodomy do not reflect the equal dignity of the participants.
Missouri: legislator wants impeachment investigation of judge in child sodomy case; judge dismissed charges due to speedy trial violation
«In 2008, Oliver Manuel, a nuclear chemist whose crank theories about the sun alienated even ardent climate change deniers, was convicted of attempted sodomy of his 11 - year - old daughter.
Instead of putting some anti-Christian garbage on the front page which promotes a liberal agenda why not show how «fair» you are when it come to the news and carry a Christian view on say sodomy which is what we're talking about?
That does not amount to a long tradition of treating sodomy as a right, but it does suggest a widespread (although not unanimous) consensus that the state should not criminalize such private conduct in the home.
And although I have argued that moral reasoning under general concepts like «liberty» is a very uncertain business, we can still note that Texas and elsewhere sodomy laws in general were seldom enforced.
At one point, he and others considered court action against the ordinance, having been told by attorneys that their chances of winning were good because of state sodomy statutes.
«Homosexuality appears as one of the forms of sexuality,» Foucault writes, «when it was transposed from the practice of sodomy onto a kind of interior androgyny, a hermaphroditism of the soul.»
Ten years earlier, in Bowers v. Hardwick, the Court had upheld the power of a state to make sodomy a crime; but now, as Justice Scalia pointed out, the Court was willing to strike down a law merely for «disfavoring homosexual conduct.»
Moreover, the radical separation of the procreative and unitive aspects of intercourse, and its widespread acceptance in the community has provided, in turn, the moral justification for masturbation and for homosexual acts, including sodomy.
Because sodomy confirms society in its error that conception and sexuality are not intrinsically related.
Sodomy means — an al or ora l copu lation with a member of the opposite sex.
He's been in prison for sodomy since 2015.
I can not speak for or against «Christian» adulturers for I have it in me to speak against the fruits of sodomy who have once defiled me in ages past!
I do though beseech you to reconsider your own actions and how God views sodomy as being vile and wicked actions!
0 And homo jokes ARE still funny - sorry guys - but for most people sodomy just ain't natural; nor will it ever be!
Gyan was last week cleared of all charges of rape and sodomy leveled against him by Kwablah by the Attorney General.
Malaysia's top court upheld Anwar's sodomy conviction in a case widely seen as politically motivated.
Here's the puke about such idolizers of sodomies vile and wicked usurptions!
Sodmoizers are not truthful with their recruits and they lie about many things regarding sodomy!

Phrases with «sodomy»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z