Sentences with phrase «soft chunks»

Bake, boil, or microwave until the flesh is soft, and then puree or offer as a finger food in soft chunks.
By stage three, babies are able to eat soft chunks and items that require better swallowing skills.
I basically served them large, soft chunks of food they could safely manipulate such as avocado slices, baked salmon, and cooked sweet potato.
Crisp red peppers satisfyingly contrast with soft chunks of sweet potato.
Peel your sweet potato and boil until soft or bake it in its skin and carve out soft chunks for your baby to enjoy.
It's a fluffy loaf cake with soft chunks of kruidnoten and a strong almond flavor.
The textures also complement each other so well, with the soft chunks of mango and avocado contrasting against the crunchy bites of -LSB-...]
The textures also complement each other so well, with the soft chunks of mango and avocado contrasting against the crunchy bites of pumpkin seeds and pomegranates.
I chopped my potatoes roughly into 1 inch pieces and I still had soft chunks of potato in the soup (the other veggies stayed in tact, also.)
Alternatively, you can offer large, soft chunks of food and let your baby feed herself.
Or forget the purees altogether and try baby - led weaning: Place large, soft chunks of food on the table or highchair tray and let your baby feed herself.
Though I've only tested this recipe with blackberries and apples, I think fresh diced peaches would be heavenly, as would soft chunks of ripe pear.
Softened food can also describe the food consistency level, such as mushy or soft chunks.
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