Sentences with phrase «someone a better writer»

You may also find plenty of good writers on job boards.
Here are best writers for blogging and helping you for writing good quality contents.
«People who read make better writers, and writers are the best readers,» she says.
The truth is that some people are just not good writers, and these individuals will always be at an unfair disadvantage.
Lots of very good writers never get published, and that could easily have happened to me.
But it has kept a lot of potentially good writers from succeeding.
Members of your organization will become better writers by the end of the session.
Resume samples demonstrate how well the writer knows your industry and career path.
Most former law clerks start their careers as better writers compared to their peers who didn't clerk.
As an added thought, I feel that they will work more to get good writers.
I'm a much better writer because of them.
That's one of the best ways to learn the craft: by studying how really good writers use description and dialogue and build character and plot.
There are a lot of good writers out there who might be able to help you.
All the more reason why good writers need to find ways to connect to readers outside of a purely business setting, or the traditional seller / customer relationship.
Good writers write to express... not to impress.
I'm a much better writer now, the ideas flow and it's easier to pull together a full - length novel in a short period of time.
I'm a far better writer today because of both of them.
Teachers are eager for new tools to help students develop into better writers, but critics question the ability of the software to critique writing.
I'm in search of good writer too and these geek point definitely help me to choose a qualitative resource.
Good writers use as few words as possible to get their point across.
It's tragic how many good writers have given up.
He would be a much better writer if he would write the first 400 pages and let almost anyone else finish it.
I'm a pretty good writer now, but I'm still not awesome at it.
Just as deeper reading creates better writers, this skill helps students to break down narrative as media consumers so that they may become more skillful creators.
Best writers ensure that every essay is tailored according to the client's explicit instructions.
I've been doing this work for over thirty years, and it creates far better writers and far better writings.
Effective writing has a rhythm and pulse, and with practice, good writers learn to develop an ear for these qualities.
The primary way we can do this is by sales figures; if authors make their living from publishing, they are often considered good writers.
I respect good writers and intend to be one to make this society a better place for everyone.
Many good writers start out as good readers; others I know have had to work hard to become better readers.
If you are not a particularly good writer, have someone read and edit the document for you.
That is where your energies should be aimed: at getting traditional publishing to stop concentrating on the advice of their bean - counters and to look instead at discovering good writers.
Here, at Excellent Excellent Academic Help, you will find such individuals who are experts and specialists in research paper writing and are also exceptionally good writers.
Let me point out that difficult writers are often good writers.
It is why good writers and good writing are in high demand.
My former years as an actor were with tremendously good writers, one in particular.
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