Sentences with phrase «speech difficulties»

"Speech difficulties" refers to issues or problems a person may have when speaking. They may struggle to pronounce certain sounds, have trouble finding the right words, speak too fast or too slowly, or have unclear speech. It can make it harder for them to communicate and be understood by others. Full definition
This story began with a British family that had 16 members over three generations with severe speech difficulties.
The «before» and «after» scenes of the then -12-yearold with speech difficulties were dramatic: His reading level had risen, and his voice had even lowered and deepened by the later video.
AbleNet is a great resource for information on the most recent AT developments, such as SoundingBoard, an application that allows students with speech difficulties to communicate by touch screen.
Sensitivity to sensory input, learning or speech difficulties, or other differences may mean your child isn't quite ready for kindergarten.
In some cases, there may be a physical component to your child's speech difficulties.
This can possibly cause problems later, and this could be the reason for some speech difficulties some children face.
School boards are sometimes hesitant to give speech services to children with selective mutism since the origin of the speech difficulty is related to anxiety; however, many of our patients can and do receive speech services.
Affected children are also at increased risk of delayed development, clouding of the lens of the eye (cataract), speech difficulties, and intellectual disability.
Hopefully this will enable us to have a long and healthy breastfeeding relationship and will prevent any speech difficulties as she gets older.
For patients with three or more episodes of OME within a year — especially if there is hearing loss and speech difficulties, some with craniofacial predispositions, or those who are concerned about building resistance to long term use of antibiotics, grommet tube placement surgery is currently the gold standard of care.
In other findings that confirm previous research, the researchers found that patients with well - recognized stroke symptoms, such as weakness, speech difficulty, or altered consciousness, were much more likely to use EMS than people with less well - known symptoms.
These symptoms and the recommended action are easily remembered by the acronym F.A.S.T for: face drooping; arm weakness; speech difficulty; time to call 9 -1-1.
It can also present with bleeding and with different neurological deficits including weakness, speech difficulties, confusion and difficulty walking — depending on exactly where it originates in the brain.
Signs: Blurred or double vision, slurring of words or speech difficulty, fatigue, weakness in arms or legs, loss of mobility, co-ordination, muscle spasms, trouble with memory and concentration,
«As I began to struggle with headaches, lethargy, memory loss and speech difficulties, I became more and more anxious, and more and more accepting of the thought that maybe I just wasn't very smart This thought process was compounded by the fact that the doctors I went to couldn't find anything seriously wrong with me.
These cranial subluxations can be the cause of a number of symptoms including, headaches, TMJ dysfunction, blurred vision, ringing in the ear, altered coordination, speech difficulties and more.
The ads Jim heard taught the acronym F.A.S.T., which advises if you see a person's face drooping, experiencing arm weakness on one side or speech difficulty, it's time to call 911.
Sure, the user can use Siri to control the device with voice recognition, but Siri may not work accurately in environments with a lot of ambient noise, or for people who have speech difficulties.
Yes, you can do quite a bit with Siri on the new Apple TV using only your voice, but Siri doesn't work for everyone (it does not always recognize the voice commands if the person using the remote has a speech difficulty or strong accent, and it can't be used to enter passwords).
It also noted «surprising» cases where exceptional funding was not granted, for example, «an illiterate woman with learning, hearing and speech difficulties» facing a child contact application.
A Pediatric Audiologist is a specialized medical profession for pediatricians trained to diagnose and treat children with hearing and speech difficulties.
I read your sweet blog entry, and thought of my son, Ryan, who has speech difficulty, and it's always scary to realize something may be wrong with your child.
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